Only a little before this date, in 1568, Lord Buckhurst, who had been ordered to entertain the Cardinal de Chatillon in Queen Elizabeth's palace at Sheen, complains of the meanness of the furniture of his rooms.
Or an international copyright law is proposed, a measure that will relieve the people of the United States from the world-wide reputation of sneaking meanness towards foreign authors.
His wants and weakness might have touch’d her heart, But from his meanness she resolved to part.
Ianthe merited this boon because she vanquished earth's pride and meanness and burst "the icy chains of custom.
He falls in with a band of outlaws whose rude natural virtues are contrasted with the meanness and corruption of the officers of the law.
He was a victim to Spanish resentment and to James’s meanness in offering him as a sacrifice to curry favour with Spain.
He was great-nephew to “Lusty” Stucley, and partook of that vein of meanness and treachery that characterized Thomas.
The Christian abhors lying and stealing, scolding and slandering, slavery and prostitution, meanness and murder, not less but far more than the Stoic.
The painters of this school are excellent in their own way; they are only ridiculous when they attempt general history on their own narrow principles, and debase great events by the meanness of their characters.
He leaves out all the minute breaks and peculiarities in the face, and changes the dress from a temporary fashion to one more permanent, which has annexed to it no ideas of meanness from its being familiar to us.
Perfectly acquainted with Mr. Venables' meanness of soul, this step did not excite my surprise, and scarcely my contempt.
Nothing like meanness tarnished the lustre of his youth, nor had the worm of selfishness lurked in the unfolding bud, even while he had been the dupe of others.
These souls trust themselves in the hands of God, for the truth, which they learn by faith, helps them to do it; and shall not we also trust them to Him, without seeking to measure them by our measure which is that of our meanness of spirit?
God I am come to speak of the meanness of the world!
It did not distress me much, because the sight of my own meanness gave me some satisfaction.
Oft on the vilest, riches are bestow'd, To shew their meanness in the sight of God.
To be flattered is grateful, even when we know that our praises are not believed by those who pronounce them: for they prove at least our power, and shew that our favour is valued, since it is purchased by the meanness of falsehood.
I were capable of such meanness toward you, I'd whip myself worse than I did that fellow Bissel.
The pitiful meanness of these pilferings revolted the major, and, moreover, he was enraged at having been duped a second time, deceived by the simple, stupid dodge of falsified additions.
The Friday the book tells about stuck to Crusoe like a brother, an' Atkins done nothin' but study up meanness an' mischief.
No, you must manage without rights; don't aggravate the meannessof your supposition by stupidity.
With this view, they agreed upon a course of meanness and dissimulation, which involved the most tragical consequences.
Faith comprehends what he is, contemplates him in all his glorious offices, and from the manger of meanness traces him to the throne of power, relying upon what he has suffered and said as the infallible pledge of what he will accomplish.
EVE was placed in the most glorious and conspicuous situation, and fell into a state of meanness and degradation.
The stair, the scale-stair, was not well cleaned; and on entering the house Mannering was struck with the narrowness and meanness of the wainscotted passage.
We are fighting the meanness that comes of competition and the greater meanness that is based upon the dread of poverty in the future.
Incapable of any meanness of the sort, he could not suspect it in another.
He had given orders for one plain and quiet in every way; but she would have her wish carried out, and raved about the house, abusing him for his meanness and want of respect to his dead wife.
How vexed he was at his step-mother's selfishness in keeping Dainty by her side the whole evening, and leaving him to be entertained by the other two girls, whom he secretly despised for their meanness to Dainty.