At the Revolution he joined the Jacobins, and subsequently the Girondists, and in 1792 he was Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Dumba to Baron Burian, Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, wherein the former suggested a plan of crippling the munition factories in America by creating strikes.
In India the term is applied to the Prime Ministerof a native State.
Drago, an Argentinian jurist and Minister for Foreign Affairs, and asserting the principle that no power had a right to impose itself by force of arms upon any of the Spanish American nationalities.
Poor as well as rich may minister to others with earnestness, and condescend to those of low estate.
A man is warned of his sins by the preacher; and he says to himself: "If the minister thinks that he is going to frighten me away from church, he is very much mistaken.
Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: for he is the minister of God to thee for good.
But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
For these chapters are entirely made up of the history, how God, by His prophet Daniel, taught the heathen king Nebuchadnezzar that he was God's minister and steward.
I asked another minister if he had been to see the fellow and he said no.
Nevertheless he has not had the training of the average educated man, much less of a normal minister of the gospel.
The minister prayed and when he looked again, he saw hope and pardon and peace in the girl's face.
A minister was called to a house of shame to be with a dying girl in her last moments.
In dealing with the unreality of many preachers, Sunday pictures a minister as going to the store to buy groceries for his wife, but using his pulpit manner, his pulpit tone of voice and his pulpit phraseology.
I'll preach against any ministerwho is preaching false doctrines.
When the minister got home he opened it and it read like this: "I was at the meeting last night, and somehow or other, the words 'What shall the end be?
If any minister doesn't believe in a personal devil it's because he has never preached a sermon on repentance, or he'd have heard him roar.
Can anybody but a pastor conceive the thrill that must have come to the minister of a Wilkes-Barre church which added one thousand new members to its existing roll, as a result of the Billy Sunday campaign in that city?
A scourge for morality" is the way one minister described him; he is that, and far more.
Minister Returned from Trip Abroad Lectures on Big Future of Our City.
The maps of the Minister of the Interior and the Etat Major are wonders of the art, and no traveller in Normandy or Brittany, or indeed any other part of France, should be without them.
In 1500 Cardinal d'Amboise, the minister of Louis XII.
Another window shows Honoré Mercier, the firstminister of Canada, praying within this same church.
It was during the administration of Colbert, the minister of Louis XIV.
Every now and then the Minister turned to him, and Raeburn handed him a volume of Hansard or the copy of some Parliamentary Return whence the great man was to quote.
Wharton had Lady Selina on his right, and the young and distinguished wife of Marcella's minister on his left.
Here is a letter from Barton by the second post"--he named an old friend of his own, and a Cabinet Minister of the day.
The minister gave an "hear, hear," of a loud official sort; the men made no sign.
Indeed, it would be impossible to describe half of the fancies which minister to modern extravagance.
She should have herself presented at court by her Minister or by some distinguished friend, if She wishes to enter fashionable society.
A Florentine, but ministerof France to the Great Duke.
This is the text to the present sermon in politics, which I shall not divide under three heads, but tell you at once, that no minister was ever nearer the precipice than ours has been.
Count Richcourt, a Lorrainer, primeminister at Florence for the Great Duke.
I must now give you a new commission, and for no less a minister than the chancellor of the exchequer.
Charles de Bourbon, Count de Charolois, next brother to the Duke de Bourbon, who succeeded the Regent Duke of Orleans as prime minister of France.
Count de Haslang, many years ministerfrom Bavaria to the British court.
The Russian minister has asked me for some too, but I doubt their succeeding there; unless, according to the universality of my system, every thing is to be found out at last, and practised every where.
The crowd was so great, that a friend who attended him could not get away, but was forced to stay and behold the execution: but what will you say to the minister or priest who accompanied him?
Count Richcourt, brother of theminister at Florence, and envoy from the Emperor; his wife was a Piedmontese.
His father was an Irish Dean; his brother is a Calvinist minister in great esteem at the Hague.
In 1891, by a decree of the Minister of Public Instruction, the study of the history of the fine arts was introduced into a section of the studies pursued at the lycees.
Statistics for 1897 are at hand in the report of the Prussian Minister of Agriculture.
St Mark gives his words thus, "If any man would be first, he shall be last of all, and minister of all.
Does no minister of the parish live among you on this coast?
Indeed nothing was left undone that could minister to the pride and power of the new house of God.
The only effect upon the Minister was, that he often laughed heartily.
The ministerthat divides the word there, must give lumping pennyworths.
Puncshally as the sillybrated Manshun Ouse Clock struck harf-past seven the Prime Minister hentered the Hall, so there was no Hed Cook a cussing and a swearing in the hot regions below at his Chef-doovers being spylt with waiting.
Who'd ever have thort that a werry Prime Minister would have been troubled with a similar complaint to that as so offen trubbles a pore Hed Waiter.
Half an hour afterwardMinister Champagny was called into the emperor's cabinet.
Your excellency, will you not read the letter from Minister von Hardenberg?
I have ordered the ministers and generals to assemble at the rooms of Minister von Haugwitz, and told them that I should be present.
Then followed the suite of the marshals and generals, and the procession was closed by the carriage of old Romanzoff, Alexander's minister of state.
When the minister entered, Napoleon was pacing the room; his hands folded, as usual, behind him.
I was not appointed minister of foreign affairs, but the king has just granted my request to be dismissed from the service.
I bring you a courier whom the ministerof state, M.
Here, your excellency, is a communication from Minister von Hardenberg, which will confirm all I have said.
For the present the appetite of the Russian Emperor for new territories has been satisfied with the provinces of the Danube, and he will compel his minister to yield.
I only wish to ask a favor of his excellency, the minister of finance.
She offered her hand to the minister with a smile.
He adhered to his determination, and declined a second time, proposing to the king to appoint in his place, as minister of foreign affairs, Count von Hardenberg, that experienced and skillful statesman.
Disraeli, afterward Lord Beaconsfield, obtained the Queen's fullest confidence and won her friendship to an extent which no Minister since Melbourne had ever been able to do.
No British Cabinet minister has ever worked so hard during the session of Parliament, and that is saying a good deal, as the Prince Consort did for 21 years.
He did more than any other Minister to raise the Crown to the position it now occupies, and no monarch ever had a more devoted and faithful servant.
The Queen was exceedingly proud of these words of praise, coming as they did unasked from a minister of such long experience.
He was the best known figure in London, and though he never courted popularity or distinction, yet he served his Queen as Prime Minister when desired.
Certainly the disease must be widespread when one finds a Cabinet Minister down with the--golf!
A great stillness fell upon the people as the minister gave out his text, and began his discourse.
A velvet cushion upon one end of the long table constituted the pulpit, before which the minister stood, holding fast to the rack on either side, and bracing himself against the captain's chair in the rear.
Here came many whose names are well known; among them our minister to France, an elderly gentleman of unpretending dress and manner, with a kindly, care-worn face.
Sunday school; that my father was a minister of the gospel.
The Liberal party had enacted the New Poor Law; the Conservative party, with its Prime Minister Peel at the head, defends it, and only alters some petty-fogging trifles in the Poor Law Amendment Bill of 1844.
I can go to Paris and lay the whole thing before the Minister of Police or Monsieur le Comte Réal.
Then you won't object to giving the Minister of Police a little information about your uncle and the other Chouan gentlemen, his friends.
It was all highly complimentary, and it was supposed to be a confidential communication from the Prefect to Savary, Duc de Rovigo, the Minister of Police.
We have nothing to do now but to get them dispatched at once to the Minister of Police, who will pass them on to Monsieur le Duc de Frioul.
Therein the patient must minister to himself," said Edmund.
Compare the striking remark of the minister to Balfour of Burleigh in Scott's Old Mortality.
Gedaliah was the son of the prophet's old protector,[896] and his grandfather Shaphan had been a trusted minister of Josiah.
They sometimes talk as if they thought it a mere impertinence on the part of an inferior race to have a pride of its own, and they act as if the chief end of the Chinese were to minister to the demands of British trade.
The English minister concentrated the English fleet in the China seas; the Chinese government bought up large supplies of arms and ammunition.
Altogether the British minister has certainly won a triumph that well deserved a knighthood.
This mode of their formation was demonstrated to me in 1895, when I was in Great Britain under a commission from the French Minister of Instruction.
Have you forgotten that I was the favourite and first Minister of a great King of England?
A Minister who falls a victim to such an opposition rises by his fall.
When the French marched into Holland and found it in a condition so unable to resist them, my fame as a Minister irrecoverably sank; for, not to appear a traitor, I was obliged to confess myself a dupe.
A proud man thinks himself a lover of liberty when he is only impatient of a power in government above his own, and were he a king, or the first Minister of a king, would be a tyrant.
Who could have thought that De Witt, the most popular Minister that ever served a commonwealth, should fall a sacrifice to popular fury!
The French Minister at the Hague, who served his Court but too well, so confirmed me in these notions, that I had no apprehensions of the mine which was forming under my feet.
It was, indeed, far more dangerous for a minister at Athens to violate that absurd and extravagant law than any of those of Solon.
Pray let me ask you one question between you and me: If your great talents had raised you to the office of first minister under that prince, would you have tolerated the Protestant religion or not?