Hereupon the ecclesiastic may observe: Your doubt means that you disbelieve Jesus; therefore you are an "Infidel" instead of an "Agnostic.
They were anecclesiastic fraternity, and as such, their existence was beyond the reach of civil authority.
He had ordered that all ecclesiastic ordinances, before being printed, should receive the imperial exequatur.
The robbing of the church is an error condemned by ecclesiastic councils, and execrated by the fathers of the church.
The little church has a Saxon porch, with twisted pillars, and contains a remarkable carving of the same date, representing an ecclesiastic wearing the pall of a Primate.
This ecclesiastic was one of Edward the Third's chaplains.
It was not, therefore, uncommon to find a single ecclesiastic and one of the sisterhood of virgins dwelling in the same house and sharing the same bed!
The venerable ecclesiastic rose and took leave of every one, treating Rey with as much amiability and kindness as if they had been old and dear friends.
But if I am not mistaken, there is an ecclesiastic with her--a priest.
Even the grave and methodical habits of the worthy ecclesiastic were altered when they interfered with the affairs of his precocious pupil.
Of course we know that on serious and solemn occasions, as when our country and our faith are in danger, for instance, it is within the province of an ecclesiastic to incite men to the conflict and even to take a part in it.
A little, portly priest moved forward with a smile of good-humoured pride, and an ecclesiastic of a very different stamp walked at his side.
The ecclesiastic raised two fingers and spoke in Latin.
The head of it was an ecclesiastic of great power and dignity, called the Patriarch.
Then, instead of allowing the bench of bishops, as usual, to elect another in his place, he committed the administration of the Church to an ecclesiastic whom he appointed for this purpose from among his own tried friends.
Both ministers and choir leaders should be aware of the nature of the problems which ecclesiastic music presents.
They belong to the universities of learning, and today they have no more ecclesiastic meaning than do the gorgeous robes of the Oxford chancellor and vice-chancellor and the scarlet hood.
And in secular architecture we do not study what is adapted to our climate any more than in ecclesiastic architecture we adopt that which is suited to our religion.
Of course I need n't explain that it is the thirteenth century ecclesiastic Gothic that is epidemic in this country; and I think it has attacked the Congregational and the other non-ritual churches more violently than any others.
Odo, the day after his arrival at Donnaz, learned that the chaplain was to be his governor; and he was not long in discovering that the system of that ecclesiastic bore no resemblance to the desultory methods of his former pedagogue.
Don Gervaso was still chaplain of Donnaz; and Odo saw with surprise that the grave ecclesiastic who had formerly seemed an old man to him was in fact scarce past the middle age.
The sceptical or licentious ecclesiastic was common enough; but Odo had never before met a priest who united serious piety with this indulgent temper, or who had learning enough to do justice to the arguments of his opponents.
This ecclesiastic was engaged in conversation with the Prime Minister, Count Pievepelago, a small feeble mannikin covered with gold lace and orders.
A crowd gathering, some one called out that it was an ecclesiastic had fallen; whereat the great-aunts were hurrying forward when Odo whispered the eldest, Donna Livia, that the sick man was indeed an abate from Pianura.
Father Ignazio beckoned to an ecclesiastic who had entered the room in his train.
The Duke dislikes him, but he is popular with the middle class, who, since they have shaken off the yoke of the Jesuits, would not willingly see an ecclesiastic at the head of the state.
The illustrious ecclesiastic who has given his name to our French-Canadian university, respected as he was by his contemporaries, has been esteemed at his proper value only by posterity.
No ecclesiastic had the right of becoming an associate of the seminary without the permission of the bishop, within whose province it was to employ the former associates for the service of his diocese with the consent of the superiors.
Revolution--there's the misfortune," said the ecclesiastic with a sigh.
On the way the widow addressed very polite reproaches to her neighbour on his unsociableness, and the ecclesiasticexpressed his great surprise at not having up to the present known such a distinguished parishioner of his.
The ecclesiastic stopped them, considering the exhibition indecent.
And, in the name of charity, the ecclesiastic implored his brethren not to commit any disorder; to return home peaceably.
When the dull ecclesiastic began to say that this dome did not merit the admiration which it raised, the exasperated Tasso, who was loyal to his friends, could stand no more.
The ecclesiastic who remained issued a command that the tapestries should be made with a woof different from that which they habitually used.
It was the settled policy of Constantine to divert ambition from the state to the Church, and to make it not only safer, but more profitable to be a greatecclesiastic than a successful soldier.
The old countries of the East, with their worn-out civilization and worn-out soil, offered no inducements comparable with the barbarous but young and fertile West, where to the ecclesiastic the most lovely and inviting lands were open.
Recent additions to the White House in Washington are Theo-Doric, the ecclesiastic order of the Dorians.
A high ecclesiastic official of the Roman Catholic Church, whose important function is to brand the Pope's bulls with the words Datum Romae.
As an ecclesiastic he maintained the privileges of the hierarchy and the dominant system of belief conscientiously, but always with harshness and sometimes with cruelty.
The ecclesiastic was to be a wise and prudent person, and to be informed how little confidence Montigny inspired in the article of faith.
On that account he petitioned with double justice that a successor be sent to him, but no secular ecclesiastic could be found who knew the language of the country, nor would risk the mission which was now of but very small profit.
For since there was but one ecclesiastic in all three islands, and those islands occupy so great an extent, and the villages are so distant from one another, how could he attend to so many parishioners with the pastoral food?
Its real name is Cill Dalua, it was called after an ecclesiastic of the name of Dalua, sometimes written Malua, who lived in the sixth century.
But in the first place it must be remembered that ecclesiastic history of that time, as we have it, is very uncertain; in fact, it is greatly distorted and exaggerated.
The debility of her husband's constitution rendered the continence, which the ecclesiastic of that time so greatly admired, uncommonly easy.
This clever and ambitious ecclesiastic attempted to give to the movement a wider significance, and to establish a democracy, while he hoped to gain for himself the Archbishopric of Toledo, just vacant by the death of the nephew of Chievres.
It was enacted, that if any ecclesiastic should hereafter abandon the Catholic religion, he should relinquish his office, with the revenues and patronage appertaining thereto.
The signal was given at last; the door opened, and a pale, decrepit Roman ecclesiastic entered.
During the deliberation the oldecclesiastic returned to his senses.
I come by your own invitation," said the ecclesiastic mildly, producing at the same time a letter, which was handed round the circle.
For when the tyrannical lord became a prelate, it only added the weapons of ecclesiastic domination to the baronial armory of cruelty and extortion.
Yet even in the midst of this corruption and ignorance, there were not wanting some redeeming qualities, which soften our feelings towards the ecclesiastic power.
As to his theological tenets, or knowledge of history, either sacred or profane, the highest ecclesiastic was on the same level of utter ignorance and indifference with the lowest of his serfs.
His dress was principally scarlet, as that of a high ecclesiastic of the Romish Church; but above all he wore a light dressing-gown of dark purple trimmed with sable.