For as there hath been a very long time for this comparison, if any one will but compare its duration with the duration of the laws made by other legislators, he will find our legislator to have been the ancientest of them all.
Those accusers reproached our legislator as a vile fellow; whereas God in old time bare witness to his virtuous conduct; and since that testimony of God, time itself hath been discovered to have borne witness to the same thing.
And indeed our legislatorhath expressly forbidden us to laugh at and revile those that are esteemed gods by other people?
Nay, Plato principally imitated our legislator in this point, that he enjoined his citizens to have he main regard to this precept, "That every one of them should learn their laws accurately.
One has only to ask oneself whether or not it would help the legislator in remodelling the divorce or the bastardy laws if he had conjoined with him an unmarried militant suffragist as assessor.
The future legislator for the British Empire must understand the Constitution of its great rival, and thus be able to appreciate the social currents that have so much to do with political action.
The citizen must, indeed, be happy and good, and the legislator will seek to make him so; but very rich and very good at the same time he cannot be; not at least in the sense in which many speak of riches.
Fresh from Oxford and South Africa and Australia and British Columbia he had come to study the States with a view of perfecting himself for his duties as a legislator for the world when he should be called to the House of Peers.
I wonder somebody hasn't seen it before--the stupidity of the country legislator is colossal.
Such an omission or oversight cannot be charged upon any other legislator the world has ever seen.
Now suppose this were the case, is it not the business, is it not the duty, of the legislator to consider the passions, the prejudices, and the habits of those for whom he legislates?
Now it is evident, we think, that the legislator of the Hebrews was not inspired with the sentiments of an abolitionist.
We are told that the selection of the first panel was entrusted to the legislator himself;[626] for the future the Foreign Praetor was to draw up the annual list of four hundred and fifty who were qualified to hear cases of extortion.
The very ignorance of his auditors became a respectable attribute, when it was figured as ingenuous simplicity which needed protection against the tortuous wiles of the legislator and the official draughtsman.
On that point many of my friends differ from me; but we all agree in thinking that it is the duty of a British Legislator to consider the subject attentively, and with a serious sense of responsibility.
The only ground, surely, on which a Conservative legislator ought ever to propose a change in the law is this, that the law, as it stands, has produced some evil.
Now, Sir, when a legislator is called up to decide whether an institution shall be maintained or not, it seems to me that he ought in the first place to examine whether it be a good or a bad institution.
At the commencement of a new society, it is the legislator who makes or corrects the manners; later, it is the manners which make the law, or preserve it from age to age intact.
His voluminous correspondence shows the bent of his mind as a legislator and a student of fundamental law; and on that, rather than on his ability and success as the chief magistrate of the nation, rests his true fame.
It seemed to me that it would be very possible in a dishonestlegislator to vote twice on any subject of great interest; but it may perhaps be the case that there are no dishonest legislators in the house of Representatives.
I do not know why we should wish a legislator to be neat in his dress, and comely, in some degree, in his personal appearance.
Lord Cholmondeley, the legislator so well read up in the law.
Whatever alterations in their constitution, a discerning Legislator might suggest, it would be highly impolitic to attempt any changes, which should disturb public opinion or alarm apprehension.
While a Legislator himself, his family and his property, are all liable to the consequences of the laws which he makes for the State, the rights of the people are as safe from the invasion of power, as they can be on this side heaven.
The personal interest of the individual legislatorin passing a measure for chartering banks or spending the internal improvement fund may be greater than his interest as one of the community in preventing bad laws.
The legislator may be subjected by the advocates of women's suffrage or liquor prohibition to a pressure irresistible by ordinary mortals; but the citizens are too numerous to be all wheedled or threatened.
The legislator can be 'got at,' the people cannot.
Initiative is a rare faculty and an average legislator must be content to follow.
My general conclusion is that the average legislator is ready to support a measure that he feels is meritorious and has no other motive than the general good.
It was a solemn moment to the new legislator as he stood before the clerk, and, with lifted hand, listened to the oath of office read in the clerk's sounding voice.
Clancy was a type of legislator whose idea of legislation was to have a good time and look out for re-election.
Oh, you go too far; a legislator wouldn't steal a spittoon.
He was really here as a legislator for a great State.
Provincialisms were not deemed by the legislator of our language legitimate words; he did not recognise their primitive claims, nor their relative affinities, but ejected them as vagabonds.
Now is this a mere idle dream when we reflect that within the past few months a Texas legislatorintroduced a bill to confine Colored labor to the farm whenever it was found in city and town communities to be competing with white labor.
They have lost the privilege of influencing legislation, since the legislator feels under no obligation to them.
Then it is that the legislator affects to lay down eternal laws; that kings and nations will raise none but imperishable monuments; and that the present generation undertakes to spare generations to come the care of regulating their destinies.
The whole art of the legislator is correctly to discern beforehand these natural inclinations of communities of men, in order to know whether they should be assisted, or whether it may not be necessary to check them.
For the duties incumbent on the legislator differ at different times; the goal towards which the human race ought ever to be tending is alone stationary; the means of reaching it are perpetually to be varied.
I know of nothing in politics which deserves to fix the attention of the legislator more closely than these two new axioms of the science of manufactures.
Equality awakens in men several propensities extremely dangerous to freedom, to which the attention of the legislator ought constantly to be directed.
Giraud "As a legislator I think it most beneficial that "Louis should live.
A legislator ought to resist all "private passions which surround him, to brave "with firmness every danger, and to obey nothing "but his conscience and his reason.