He flung himself headlong into the republican anti-clerical ideas of that troubled time, but in later life his theories toned down so that he ended as a believer and a liberal conservative.
Those who advocate the extreme republican, anti-clerical theories in Spain have this intolerance to a marked degree.
It was late afternoon, and as all clerical work for the day was now finished, Peter suggested and Mr. Semple readily agreed to a walk in the gardens.
In the west of Ireland, on the 9th of December, in the town of Ballah, in the Imperial Hotel there was a single guest, clericaland youthful.
My clerical friend took the hint, and called me hastily, to observe the crew make ready for a squall.
Livings had to be sequestered through clerical insolvency or scandalous misconduct.
I had a good deal of talk with my kind hostess about clerical incomes, and the demands made on them; and so I became disabused of false notions common amongst outsiders.
In the evening of the same day, I came across Archdeacon Denison, at a clerical meeting, to which I was invited by an old Kensington neighbour, the Rev.
Amongst personages of rank present at Chiswick were certain bishops, who had not dropped the old episcopal costume of a big wig, a most decidedly broad-brimmed clerical hat, and a conspicuous apron.
He was as unremitting and efficient in his clerical position, as he had before been in his naval duties.
Constantine arose in genuine majesty, and denouncing all clerical usurpations, he declared that for the future he would be governed by his own judgment in whatever concerned the lives of his subjects and the welfare of his empire.
The latter wore a hat of clerical style, and a black gown dropping to his bare feet, its sleeves of immoderate length completely muffling his hands.
Such were only some of the expressions, blasphemously familiar, which thisclerical mountebank made use of during a full half hour, that he almost electrified the whole company by his half-mad gesticulations and discourses.
For it is from books that everything of good that befalls the clerical condition takes its origin.
But in vain; for behold how good and how pleasant it is to gather together the arms of the clerical warfare, that we may have the means to crush the attacks of heretics, if they arise.
What marvel, then, if when our authors are dead clerical apes use us to make broad their phylacteries, since even while they are alive they try to seize us as soon as we are published?
Baron von Hammer reads "le faubourg Adelieh" built by Al-Malik Al-Adil and founded a chronological argument on a clerical error.
Almost all other schools haveclerical Heads," said the Reverend John gently.
Number Five held the very strongest views on clerical head-masters, and were ever ready to meet their pastor in argument.
So far from being offended at the clerical interest in his affairs, the Frenchman was immensely flattered and encouraged to speak out.
But as regards the clerical members on one side and the other, they shall compose the clergy of the churches which shall fall to their share.
Conservative clerical forces established a theocratic system of government with ultimate political authority vested in a learned religious scholar.
A clerical provision in Father Roach's day, and church, was not by any means what we have seen it since.
In truth, of course, all this clerical story is pure invention.
Under this clerical gloss the well-known story of Alliot stopping Voltaire's supply of food and candles assumes a totally new shape.
The door was pushed open as he spoke, and a short, dark man in clerical costume walked in with a would-be imposing air of dignity.
I'd much rather Twitt dug a hole in the seashore and put my body into it himself, without any prayers at all, than have a prayer croaked over me by that clerical raven!
He doffs his clerical vestments and dons a coat of mail, as mindless of the Emperor as if no such person existed.
As a law officer it might be his duty to order the prosecution of some clerical offender; as a Roman Catholic compliance with his duty to the State must entail the awful consequences of excommunication.
But let not honourable members talk about over-clericalism in Austria until they have studied the clerical Statistics of Ireland.
The clerical and secular magnates were, at the death of a king, to select among his heirs the one who was to succeed him, the presumption being always in favor of the eldest son born in wedlock, unless he was declared unworthy.
He felt positive that his clerical friends would manage to have the ordeal result in accordance with his wishes.
He wore black broadcloth and snowy linen, too, and a broad-brimmed clerical hat.
An important event in the history of the Corps occurred in 1866, in the formation of a new Company, composed of members of the Clerical Establishment of the Bank of England.