The question of politics in the appointment and retention of the men engaged in merely ministerial work has been practically eliminated in almost the entire field of Government employment covered by the civil service law.
In the opinion of that tribunal the duty imposed on the Postmaster-General was not an official executive duty, but one of a merely ministerial nature.
The movement against the ministerial scheme had already become revolutionary.
Once when the Feeding of School Children Bill was in Committee he became dangerous: the Treasury Bench was deserted, and he lavished fine irony on the Ministerial passion for reform.
It was not till the early spring of 1914 that he took his seat, and his place by this time was on the Ministerial side.
ALBON (Marquis d'), court councillor and ministerialdeputy under the Restoration.
What are the ministerialduties of the secretary of state?
To theseministerial duties he adds some that are more characteristic of his title of secretary.
I was learning French, and making extracts fromministerial letters.
In the morning the Abbe Gama brought me a great book filled withministerial letters from which I was to compile for my amusement.
A not less trying scene ofministerial courage and ability was about to open, in the proposal of the Union; and no man could compete with him who had extinguished the rebellion.
This, of course, settled the royal opinion; and the ministerial confidence shortly after reposed in Lord Castlereagh, in the most conspicuous manner, fully clears his reputation from every stain.
When she was at the Bristol boarding-school, she came under the ministerial influence of the great Unitarian preacher, the Rev.
It ought to have broken out upon the 10th of March, which was the day destined to put an end to the ministerial party by a general massacre.
I have resisted military and ministerial despotism," said he, when opposing a proposed law against the emigrants; "can it be supposed I will yield to that of a club?
Roland, by himself, was but a tiresome pedant, and he could not bring his wife to the cabinet council, although it is said she attempted to make her way to the ministerial dinners.
So says Des Ferrieres, and pretends that Madame Roland's pretensions to be presented at the ministerial parties being rejected, was the first breach to the amicable understanding of the ministers.
The Convention served the Ministerial purpose, and there was an end of it.
Merit and ability have little weight, and the proteges of the outgoing minister must make room for those of the next lucky ministerial pension-seeker, and so on successively.
The intense excitement in Spain over the prisoners' doom called into existence meetings, liberation societies, frequent discussions in and out of Parliament, and continual protests against the apparent Ministerial lethargy.
But abroad, where theministerial denial, mentioned on p.
This letter has been printed in London in the True Briton, a ministerial paper.
He called King George's speech on a treaty "the most abandoned instance of ministerial effrontery ever attempted to be imposed on mankind".
He was removed from his position, deprived of his ministerial function, suspended and silenced during the King's pleasure.
But Tadakiyo caused an order to be issued forbidding all access to the Court ladies except byministerial permit, and thenceforth the shogun became practically deaf and dumb so far as events outside the castle were concerned.
He himself administered State affairs with little recourse to ministerial aid but always with military assistance in the background.
If we except the Prince de Hohenzollern, no Catholic ever had a seat in the ministerial council, and especially no Catholic was ever appointed minister of public instruction.
Then elections were comparatively few, and the contests in the courts over executive, judicial, and ministerial offices, and in the legislatures over the contested seats of members, were comparatively few.
Gladstone's consultations with, in ministerialcrisis (1855), i.
In the former case, they have a right to exercise a deliberative or Legislative power, but not in the latter case; they could there only exercise a ministerial or Executive power.
A simple exchange of money for the purposes of conveniency or economy, is properly one of those cases to which ministerial discretion may safely be extended; but the question before us is, the money has not been replaced.
John Egerton did not lack courage any more than his grandfather had done, but he felt it would be scarcely ministerial to have a fight on the public highway the first week of his pastorate.
All hisministerial dignity rose to meet the insult.
And there seems to have been hardly any security for Ministerial responsibility.
Ministerial office never so reverenced as by Puritans, 338.
But these were ministers, and never was the ministerialoffice so reverenced as by the Puritans, who professed to strip it of every outward attribute of priestliness.
Three officers are appointed by the president and senate, who constitute a board of commissioners for the navy, and discharge the ministerial duties of the office of the secretary, and furnish estimates of the expenditures of the department.
When the Natives' Land Bill was before Parliament, meetings were held in many villages and locations in protest against the Ministerial surrender to the Republicans, of which the Bill was the outcome.
James Henderson of Lovedale, and Mr. Tengo Jabavu of King Williamstown, editor of the Xosa Ministerial newspaper.
This became a regular Ministerial campaign against the Natives, so that it seemed clear that if any Native could still find a place in the land, it was not due to the action of the Government.
At these Backveld meetings the story about the Germans crossing the border was characterized as a bit of ministerial concoction.
General Botha's reply to General Hertzog on the Ministerial crisis of 1912.
However, we do not think that he does full justice to his ministerial employers.
Proceeding the General went on to refer to an article of the `Volkstem', the Ministerial organ of Pretoria.
Ministerial steam-roller as the proverbial water on a duck's back.
Amount of Ministerial Service by Townships, Villages, and Churches 114 Table IV.