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Example sentences for "military commander"

  • The government, as before remarked, consisted of three powers, a senate, an assembly of the people, and a military commander.

  • It is a picture of communities democratically organized, needing a military commander as a necessity of their condition, but not invested with civil functions which their gentile system excluded.

  • When Montezuma allowed himself, through intimidation, to be conducted from his place of residence to the quarters of Cortes where he was placed under confinement, the Aztecs were paralyzed for a time for the want of a military commander.

  • The instrument of government was a council of chiefs, with the co-operation of an agora or assembly of the people, and of a basileus or military commander.

  • He said: "It is apparent that the character and dignity of the Court can not be maintained, and that its powers must be held and exercised in subordination to the behests of a military commander.

  • He recommended a regency to govern the Philippines, consisting of the governor as president, a military commander and an intendant of finance.

  • Considering the final ends of justice, it made little difference whether sentence was pronounced upon this individual by the governor as military commander, or as president of the audiencia.

  • Now that Anda's presence in the field as military commander was no longer absolutely required, a three-cornered fight arose among the supporters of Villacorta, Ustariz and Anda.

  • What right has a military commander to grant such passports?

  • The President sent it back with the following biting indorsement: "When deserters are arrested they should be tried, and if the sentences are reviewed and remitted, that is not a proper subject for the criticism of a military commander.

  • Then, sir, what reason will any Senator rise and give on this floor for the refusal to give to the civil authorities the body of a man taken by a military commander in the State of New York?

  • I am not willing, except as a case of sheerest necessity, ever to permit a military commander to exercise authority over life, liberty, and property.

  • General Jules Trochu, who was confirmed as military commander of Paris, had written a book, previous to the war, regarding the inefficiency of the French army; he had been therefore no favorite with the emperor.

  • And General Changarnier, for disapproving of these demonstrations, had been dismissed from his post as military commander at the capital.

  • On March 18 General Vinoy, who had succeeded Trochu as military commander of Paris, demanded that these cannon should be given back to the city.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "military commander" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    church clerk; crossing over; erect attitude; like creatures; military authority; military career; military commission; military coup; military discipline; military education; military genius; military glory; military government; military hospital; military hospitals; military merit; military order; military police; military power; military preparations; military science; military service; military tactics; pain and; saith unto the churches; walk over