The government, as before remarked, consisted of three powers, a senate, an assembly of the people, and a military commander.
It is a picture of communities democratically organized, needing a military commander as a necessity of their condition, but not invested with civil functions which their gentile system excluded.
When Montezuma allowed himself, through intimidation, to be conducted from his place of residence to the quarters of Cortes where he was placed under confinement, the Aztecs were paralyzed for a time for the want of a military commander.
The instrument of government was a council of chiefs, with the co-operation of an agora or assembly of the people, and of a basileus or military commander.
He said: "It is apparent that the character and dignity of the Court can not be maintained, and that its powers must be held and exercised in subordination to the behests of a military commander.
He recommended a regency to govern the Philippines, consisting of the governor as president, a military commander and an intendant of finance.
Considering the final ends of justice, it made little difference whether sentence was pronounced upon this individual by the governor as military commander, or as president of the audiencia.
Now that Anda's presence in the field as military commander was no longer absolutely required, a three-cornered fight arose among the supporters of Villacorta, Ustariz and Anda.
What right has a military commander to grant such passports?
The President sent it back with the following biting indorsement: "When deserters are arrested they should be tried, and if the sentences are reviewed and remitted, that is not a proper subject for the criticism of a military commander.
Then, sir, what reason will any Senator rise and give on this floor for the refusal to give to the civil authorities the body of a man taken by a military commander in the State of New York?
I am not willing, except as a case of sheerest necessity, ever to permit a military commander to exercise authority over life, liberty, and property.
General Jules Trochu, who was confirmed as military commanderof Paris, had written a book, previous to the war, regarding the inefficiency of the French army; he had been therefore no favorite with the emperor.
And General Changarnier, for disapproving of these demonstrations, had been dismissed from his post as military commander at the capital.
On March 18 General Vinoy, who had succeeded Trochu as military commanderof Paris, demanded that these cannon should be given back to the city.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "military commander" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.