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Example sentences for "militaristic"

Lexicographically close words:
militari; militarily; militaris; militarism; militarist; militarists; militarization; militarized; military; militat
  1. It would destroy Japanese civilization, ensure the subjugation of China to Western culture, and launch America upon a career of world-wide militaristic imperialism.

  2. On these grounds, I am glad to see our Government making friends with America and abandoning the militaristic Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

  3. But for the fear of war and the imperialistic policies which kept this fear alive, the militaristic Junker class of Germany could not have maintained its domination.

  4. Democratic peoples have not been cured of nationalistic ambition, and education, in many countries at least, has aided in the creation of an imperialistic and militaristic spirit.

  5. Strong, growing, ambitious populations, envying our arrogant sea-power and forced by their insecurity to remain militaristic and become navalistic would prepare unceasingly for the day when they could try conclusions with us.

  6. There is much truth in this; and it is a good illustration of what I hold to be indisputable, that the militaristic view of international politics is much more deeply rooted in Germany than in Great Britain.

  7. Nor does he neglect the general militaristic tendencies of German opinion.

  8. The figment of a ruthlessly expansive Russia has today little reality behind it, but for militaristic ends it is still a most useful bugbear.

  9. They died to teach vandal nations that nevermore will humanity permit the exploitation of peoples for militaristic purposes.

  10. Because we are constantly solicitous for those interests, I doubt if anyone would suppose that those countries feel we harbor toward them any militaristic or imperialistic design.

  11. I wish to repeat again for the benefit of the timid and the suspicious that this country is neither militaristic nor imperialistic.

  12. A militaristic nation wishes a high birth-rate, an industrial nation gets a low rate.

  13. It means that every militaristic policy must be abandoned, but that the industrial, social, and even political future of all the nations, including Japan, will be better secured than can be possible in any other way.

  14. We must become a militaristic republic, a thing which seems against nature.

  15. Germany, on the other hand, was increasingly militaristic and the logic of events seemed to indicate that she would at some time in the future be willing to support her commercial and colonial ambition with a formidable appeal to arms.

  16. The militaristic claim for Germany's right to new territory was simply a claim to the right of life and food for the German babies--the same right that a chick claims to burst its shell.

  17. In Rome, an avowedly militaristic nation, living by conquest of weaker states, all sound children were saved.

  18. As represented by militaristic governments, militarism like Socialism has always encouraged the proletariat to increase and multiply.

  19. Imperial Germany has always been lacking in political ability, perhaps not only through a temperamental failing, but chiefly owing to her militaristic education.

  20. An ominous threat weighed on the Empire, namely the constitution of the State itself, essentially militaristic and bureaucratic.

  21. Within half a century, our country had been transformed from an anarchical country of interminable wars to a peaceful land, a land which was non-militaristic to the utmost, though under one of the most elaborate military regimes.

  22. Inversely as the warriors of Kamakura had been turned to pseudo-courtiers, the court-nobles of Kyoto had become tainted by the militaristic temperament of the Kamakura warriors.

  23. The militaristic oligarchy was absolutely in control.

  24. Colonel House was also convinced that this militaristic oligarchy was determined on war.

  25. The American came away from Berlin with the conviction that the most powerful force in Germany was the militaristic clique, and second, the Hohenzollern dynasty.

  26. He was confident, however, that the militaristic oligarchy was determined to have its will, and would dethrone the Kaiser the moment he showed indications of taking a course that would lead to peace.

  27. He ought to be the richest person in the Empire, but the militaristic system which he fostered gave that distinction to another.

  28. It is a book that a militaristic country would do well to suppress.

  29. But Melville’s anti-militaristic convictions in no sense perverted his astonishingly vital presentation of life on board the United States.

  30. At Amiens (1906) an anti-militaristic resolution introduced by Yvetot (Secretary of the Section of Bourses du Travail) had been passed.

  31. Regard for matters of administration has not diminished the zeal of the Bourses for anti-militaristic propaganda.

  32. And when one keeps in mind the indefatigable anti-militaristic and anti-patriotic propaganda carried on by the Bourses du Travail all over the country, the revolutionary character of the Confederation may be fully appreciated.

  33. An anti-militaristic propaganda is, therefore, one of the most important forms of struggle against the State, as well as against capitalism.

  34. The Confederal Committee, however, has not been very successful in this since the congress of Toulouse, for two principal reasons: the militaristic excitement of Europe and the general industrial depression.

  35. Members of the Confederal Committee were arrested here and there for incendiary speeches and for anti-militaristic propaganda.

  36. Now the militaristic policy of Japan is to swallow China alone.

  37. So long as China is left to the tender mercy of the militaristic powers she must either succumb to partition by several powers or be swallowed up by one power.

  38. The militaristic or Pei-Yang party was, however, divided into two factions, each called after a province.

  39. The revelation of the militaristic possibilities of America is another serious factor.

  40. The financial plight of the Chinese government, its continual foreign borrowings which threaten bankruptcy in the near future, depend upon militaristic domination and wild expenditure for unproductive purposes and squeeze.

  41. Thus said Weismann and his Neo-Darwinian followers; and thus quickly repeated the men who saw in this philosophy exactly the needed foundation and sustaining pillars for their own militaristic philosophy.

  42. His organization was militaristic and, outside the military sphere, a militaristic bureaucracy.

  43. The great majority of our citizens sympathized with the Entente, regarded with amazement and disgust the sudden disclosure of the true character of the German militaristic government.

  44. Much possible evil will be avoided if the immoral Prussian militaristic ideal is finally crushed.

  45. In discussing this and the other Wilson notes, Ludendorff says that they had dealt a vital blow at the heart of militaristic Germans and finally loosed the grip they held on the German people.

  46. With this much by way of preface we may note that the anti-militaristic tirades of these early years are mainly directed against the needless pomp and pageantry, expense and extravagance of the services.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "militaristic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggressive; antagonistic; bellicose; belligerent; bloodthirsty; bloody; combative; contentious; enemy; ferocious; fierce; fighting; hostile; inimical; martial; militant; military; offensive; pugnacious; quarrelsome; sanguinary; savage; scrappy; truculent; unfriendly; warlike; warring