The Khandaits or Paiks are another subcaste formed from those who became soldiers; in Orissa they are now, as already stated, a separate caste of fairly high rank.
But Kewats, Rawats, Telis and other castes eat cooked food from Agharias, and the caste therefore is admitted to a fairly high rank in the Uriya country.
In Sambalpur the Jhankar or village priest is a universal and recognised village servant of fairly high status.
The caste has at present a fairly high position, and several important Madras chiefs are Velamas, as well as the zamindar of Sironcha in the Central Provinces.
They enjoy a fairly high position in Sarnbalpur, and Brahmans will take water from them.
But their sterling reserves were nevertheless fairly high.
When these bills are sold at a fairly high rate, the Government gain the premium over and above 1s.
Thus when exchange is fairly high, an Indian purchaser of gold finds it more profitable to buy drafts on London, purchase gold in the bullion market and ship it to India, than to purchase sovereigns from the Treasury at 1s.
STERN--Set on fairly high, strong at root, and tapering, but not too long.
The relay R is lightly built, and capable of working at a fairly high speed, but R' is a heavier pattern, and consequently works at a slightly lower rate.
This receiver is capable of working at a fairly high speed, as the inertia of the moving parts is practically negligible; the weight of the arm and mirror being less than 20 grains.
The efficiency of the Nernst lamp is fairly high, being only 1.
Cover the object with a cover glass and examine under a fairly high magnification.
Having fixed our frog in a satisfactory position let us examine his blood-vessels under a fairly high power.
We must examine one, under a fairly high magnification; it may be transferred, from the jar to a drop of water on our slide, by means of a paint brush.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fairly high" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.