And if you cannot, let your sons wreak vengeance upon the Romans therefore.
Your daughter is in Trymalcion's hands, and it is upon her he will wreak his revenge on you.
Paul was sure, as most likely were the rest of the party, that they would wreak their vengeance on their heads if they discovered them.
It appeared that they had only to climb up the rocks to wreak it on the heads of the small band.
At the end of April a number of dynamite outrages took place at Salonica; public opinion in Europe turned against the revolutionaries and the Turks seized the opportunity to wreak a terrible vengeance on the Bulgarian population.
Somewhat similar is the belief of the Khonds; for them the tiger is friendly; he reserves his wrath for their enemies, and a man is said to take the form of a tiger in order to wreak a just vengeance.
Should the little changeling, however, prove any annoyance even to yourself, I am sure you would willingly submit thereto in consideration of the glorious revenge which you will wreak upon the wretched mother.
At present I can revel in those feelings:—I can wreak upon you—and I will—that revenge which my own miseries and the death of those whom I held dear have excited in my heart!
She had got a note-of-hand for twenty pounds from each of us; and if any one even so much as hinted at leaving her, she immediately threatened to wreak her vengeance by means of the sheriffs' officer.
Spain could not rely on their co-operation, and though in many parts of the country Catholics volunteered for service to fight the invader, the government determined to wreak its vengeance on the helpless victims in prison.
We must not wreak the wrath of God upon these law- 2530 breakers and destroy the sinful race, before thou hast led thy children and wife likewise into Sægor.
The Imagination is recognized to have its right, and unless it be taken care of in the right way, it will turn a Fury, and wreak treble vengeance upon the age which makes it an outcast.
The result is, a band under Eupeithes, father of Antinous, marches forth towreak vengeance upon Ulysses.
Already he has declared that he would wreak vengeance upon them, the day of reckoning seems to have dawned.
To my hand it may be given to relieve your woe, andwreak vengeance on your enemy.
The other day," Artegal replied, "a stranger knight did me shame, and I wait to wreak revenge upon him when he shall pass this way.
He felt with a species of mad joy that his enemy was unarmed--that he could throttle him with his hands, and wreak upon him that personal and physical vengeance which is dearer to outraged humanity than any wounds inflicted by other means.
Then Talbot proceeded to wreak his vengeance on him.
What mercy had I to expect from his cruel heart when I, his deadliest foe, lay in his power to wreak his vengeance on?
This was the end of the vengeance which I had sworn to wreak on de Garcia, that I myself must have my heart torn from my breast and offered to a devil.
Indeed none could have seen that young and lovely lady die thus terribly and not desire to wreak her death on him who had betrayed and deserted her.
At the least, if the god is not angered, Montezuma will certainly be wroth, and wreak a vengeance on you and on the priests.
On the day after its publication, mobs of persons assembled in the neighbourhood of the house, and threatened, by their violent demeanour, to wreak their vengeance by destroying the building.
As the inaction of Lancaster kept the northern barons quiet, Edward's sole task was to wreak his revenge on the marcher lords.
Edward was convinced that the real cause of his failure was the remissness of the home government, and resolved to wreak his vengeance on his ministers.
He gladly welcomed the deserters, and prepared to wreak vengeance on the ordainers.
When Arthur felt the dolour of his hurt, and looked upon his blood, he desired nothing, save to wreak evil on the man who had wrought this mischief.
To avenge their comrades, to wreak damage upon their adversaries, they entered amongst them as lions in the field.
So the messenger betook himself with the address to King Hardub, whilst the Infidels called to one another saying, "Take we vengeance-wreak for Luka!
Then all signed with significant eyes to Nur al-Din as much as to say, "Take thy wreak of him; not one of us will come between thee and him.
So she turned to the Knights and said, "Take wreak for your chief!
But King Afridun sighed when he saw the evil wreak that had fallen on the Greek, and they turned their backs from fight and addressed themselves to flight, making for the ships, when lo!
At the bottom of her heart, a realm never visited by her unspotted thoughts, was a yearning, strangely mingled, to be adored, and to wreak vengeance for the faltering in adoration that she had felt.
She had been glad that his presumption should wreak punishment upon her mother, but glad, too, that when the weapon had served its purpose, it should be removed.
I thought but towreak my vengeance upon Mynheer Poots.
This Philip also imagined; and as soon as he had recovered his breath, he began to devise some scheme by which he would be enabled not only to recover the stolen property, but also to wreak a dire revenge.
But gather all thy powers, And wreak them on the verse that thou dost weave, And in thy lonely hours, At silent morning or at wakeful eve, While the warm current tingles through thy veins, Set forth the burning words in fluent strains.
For of this would they deprive him, and make him to die a shameful death; burn him they would, or break him upon the wheel, that they might wreaktheir vengeance upon him.
But of what avail to us will be the direst vengeance your arms can wreak on the strangers, after the violence is done, and the honored head of my father--oh!
He then threw himself upon the stone bed, and lay with clenched hands, occasionally starting, as if the desire to wreak vengeance upon his betrayer had flashed through his mind, and nerved his arms to his customary assaults.
Then boldly will I strike the blow And wreak my vengeance on the foe.
The fury which my soul at first Upon usurping Bharat nursed, On this Virádha will I wreak As Indra splits the mountain peak.
There is no help for the misfortune, and it is because you are the cause of it that I am going to wreak my vengeance upon you!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wreak" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.