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Example sentences for "military commission"

  • A military commission is hereby appointed to meet at Washington, D.

  • He has no hope of release from custody, except the hope, such as it is, of release by acquittal before a military commission.

  • I take it to be clear, under this bill, that the military commander may condemn to death without even the form of a trial by a military commission, so that the life of the condemned may depend upon the will of two men instead of one.

  • Chevalier and Veycer, Jacobins, said to have constructed the original model of the infernal machine, were tried before a military commission, condemned to be shot, and suffered death accordingly.

  • He and eight or nine of his officers were tried by a military commission, and condemned to be shot.

  • On both occasions, the leaders of the armed inhabitants were tried by a military commission, condemned, and shot.

  • Minnick of Wynkoop's cavalry under sentence of death, by a court-martial or military commission, in Nashville?

  • Please send me if you can a transcript of the record in the case of McQuin and Bell, convicted of murder by a military commission.

  • SIR:--Three hundred Indians have been sentenced to death in Minnesota by a military commission, and execution only awaits my action.

  • In compliance with instructions from General Thomas, I have issued orders to arrest, and try by military commission, all citizens who are charged with stealing government horses, mules, or other property.

  • The inquisitors before whom he was hurried, formed a military commission of eight officers, having General Hulin as their president.

  • The greater number of those gentlemen wished me to bring the prisoners before a military commission, that summary judgment might be obtained; but I refused my consent to this measure.

  • Many persons were arrested, and a military commission, ad hoc; was appointed to try them.

  • Her agents were betrayed, tried by a military commission, and shot--the Princess herself was condemned to close confinement in a Roman convent.

  • Herron and some of his staff- officers were subpoenaed, through department headquarters, as material witnesses for the defense in the case of an officer on trial before a military commission.

  • General Grant would not resign his military commission in season for President Johnson to control the Army changes which would follow.

  • All these civil duties had been performed before he received a military commission.

  • Peckham to a grand jury in New York City, delivered during the progress of this very trial, wherein the right of a military commission to try was denied: "A great crime has lately been committed that has shocked the civilized world.

  • Burnett; brought from Indiana where he had won recent laurels in conducting the trial of Milligan for treason before a Military Commission--laurels, alas!

  • When I saw him just now, Judge Holt was busy selecting officers to serve on a military commission.

  • She will have an opportunity to prove her innocence of the charges against her before a military commission.

  • Miss Newton will be given an opportunity to clear herself of the charges against her before a military commission.

  • They were condemned to death by a military commission, and were brought out for that purpose to the plain of Gresnelle.

  • The result of this inquiry was the apprehension of several men who were still in the Sioux camp, and the organization of a military commission, composed of officers, to try such cases.

  • In the early days of that year, two of the leaders in the outbreak of 1862 were captured from beyond the British line, and, after a trial by a military commission, were condemned to be hanged.

  • As to Placide d'Aché and Bonnoeil, it was decided not to bring them to trial but to take them later before a military commission.

  • Quickly satisfied on all these points he ordered that before daylight four of the most deeply implicated of the prisoners should be taken before a military commission; if they revealed nothing they were to be shot in twenty-four hours.

  • He knew the terrible laws that govern a military commission.

  • He must find more culprits to drag before the provost-marshal or before a military commission.

  • This letter was given to one of the guards, with a request to take it to the Duke de Sairmeuse, who was then presiding over the military commission.

  • Military commission, trial of civilians by, divided opinion of Supreme Court on, in Milligan case, 289.

  • He was taken out of his bed at Dayton in the night and carried to Cincinnati, put in a military prison, tried by a military commission, found guilty, and sentenced to close confinement in Fort Warren during the continuance of the war.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "military commission" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    guns each; many languages; military affairs; military coup; military efficiency; military escort; military force; military glory; military necessity; military observer; military officer; military order; military organization; military personnel; military point; military police; military policy; military power; military rule; military salute; military service; military tenure; military training; personal communication; using them; volcanic origin