Cromwell regarded him with a sinister and watchful amusement; he looked back at Privy Seal with a black malignancy that hardened his yellow features, his hooked nose and pursed lips into the likeness of a mask representing hatred.
A black malignancysettled upon the face of the princess.
The reckless malignancy of spirit evinced by so atrocious an act dwelt not, I was sure, within that beauteous temple.
An expression of fiendish malignancy gleamed over the haggard features of the felon as he asked leave to address a few words to the court.
The extent of itsmalignancy has only been known within the past century.
They held forth in true colors the nature of the prosecution, the malignancy of intention, and the apparent disposition to persecute their client, rather than to afford him justice.
The most robust constitutions in many instances became victims of its malignancy within thirty-six hours from its first attack.
I will invoke every true Christian in Woodstock to gird up his loins, and resist the restoration of prelacy, oppression, and malignancywithin our borders.
Let me therefore know, at a word, if the leaven of thy malignancyis altogether drubbed out of thee?
Such affinity increased by the impairment of the intra-ocular circulation, may well constitute a factor making for malignancy in glaucoma.
Since either belief or disbelief toward a given thought could be one day proven entirely wrong, I found nomalignancy in uncertainty.
After discovering the malignancy in my stomach, my mother effectively chastised herself by asserting that she "should have noticed that I was eating less and getting thinner.
Their malignancy had expired in my eyes, for my eyes had expanded their vision.
The degree of malignancy appears to vary in different cases, and is probably lowest when the disease originates in a patch of leucoplakia or other pre-cancerous lesion.
Their malignancy is evidenced by the rapidity of their growth, the manner in which they infiltrate adjacent parts, and the frequency with which they recur after removal.
Ay," Hooniah affirmed, the latent malignancy of her nature flashing into a moment's exultation.
He bristled his back and bared his teeth as she drew the straps tight, the while throwing all the malignancy of his nature into the glances shot at her sideways and backward.
The malignancy of this letter is only equalled by its stylistic ingenuity.
But this peculiarity, in an age and climate which gave larger licence to immoderate passions, exposed him to no seriousmalignancy of rumour.
His countenance seemed to utterly surpass any personal malignancy and to exhibit itself as a type of all the hatreds that ever poisoned human hearts.
She was more polite, but there lurked under her politeness a malignancy of disposition which her sister did not discover, amidst all her flippant invectives.
You may believe that you are a sinner, and yet you may not see the malignancy of sin, nor yet feel that deep, poignant sorrow which the Scriptures call repentance.
Besides this, he had more than passion or malignancy to recommend him; he had that qualification for the purpose which gave aim and certainty to all his vengeful desires.
He had shown this by his long and persistent watch, and by themalignancy of his tone when speaking of his enemy.
Its malignancy is shown by the proliferating epithelium invading the other coats of the stomach or intestine, and by the development of secondary growths.
Strong and malevolent, they triumph in their work of torture, with a gloomy malignancy very different from the trifling malice of the fiends he painted at Monte Oliveto.
Defn: Virulence; tendency to a fatal issue; as, the malignancy of an ulcer or of a fever.
The state or quality of being malignant; extreme malevolence; bitter enmity; malice; as, malignancy of heart.
The malignancy of my fate might perhaps distemner yours.
Of the malignancy of their wit, we must preserve one specimen.
That the conversation alluded to is a new tale, devised in the malignancy of party, has been asserted by you; and on this assertion is founded many of your strongest conclusions in favour of your own innocence.
If every individual is to indulge his private malignancy or his private ambition, to denounce at random and without any kind of proof, all confidence will be undermined and all authority be destroyed.
The one secure by the ocean, and the other by the immensity of its internal strength, could defy the malignancy of foreign despotism.
Hitherto Mr. Burke has been mistaken and disappointed in the opinions he had formed of the affairs of France; but such is the ingenuity of his hope, or the malignancy of his despair, that it furnishes him with new pretences to go on.