On avoit trouve parmi eux peu d'hommes capables des grands emplois: ceux a qui on les avoit confies, malheureux ou infideles, avoient inspire de l'eloignement pour les autres.
Malheureux celui qui est en avance de son siècle=--Unhappy is the man who is in advance of his time.
Les plus malheureux osent pleurer le moins=--Those who are most wretched dare least give vent to their grief.
Narbonne threw himself back on his seat, exclaiming against the hard fate which pursued all ses malheureux amis!
Livre des cas des malheureux nobles hommes et femmes, written in France at end of fifteenth century.
It forms half of the frontispiece to a fine manuscript of Boccacio's Livre des cas des malheureux nobles hommes et femmes[536].
Boccacio's Livre des cas des malheureux nobles hommes et femmes, written and illuminated in Flanders for King Henry the Seventh, and now in the British Museum[526].
Well, malheureux en jeu,' said her ladyship maliciously, 'you may take comfort from the rest of the proverb.
Malheureux en jeu,' said Lady Oxford, repeating the proverb Lady Mary had already quoted that evening.
But as the wind was light and baffling, and the current very strong, the effort was given up, and the vessels came to anchor off Malheureux Island passage at 1 A.
Jones was at anchor with his boats at the Malheureux Islands, when he discovered, on the 13th, the British flotilla advancing toward Port Christian.
My brother, Cardinal Fesch, did not leave me ignorant of the generous way in which you received the request of mom grand etmalheureux proscrit de St. Helene.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "malheureux" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.