But she and her papa (I should have put papa first) have a careful list, and this summer they hope to collect curiosities enough to begin new exchanges, as well as to pay all the old debts.
If papa was doing well when I went away, what became of his fortune?
I had a pleasant chat with the Papa in the cars, and was very glad to hear that W.
You fancy, in fact, that you are quite a horsewoman, and have already rolled up your hair into a neat knot, and hinted to papa that you should greatly like a habit.
Your outfit will be the first thing to consider; and do not be alarmed when I tell you that it will require a little more generosity on the part of papa than you have hitherto called upon him to exercise.
She was not much hurt, and they carried her gently back to the apple-tree, and gave her to her papa and mamma.
I will put them in a tin case, and papa will send them in the Post-office.
Papa Cretu was an excellent workman, and, when he chose to work, he could earn what he pleased, and so could his wife, too.
Papa Cretu, so I always called him, was a house-painter, and his wife worked at her needle.
We had such fun the other afternoon; we played at brigands--papa and all of us.
Give papathe Stone by all means," sneered Paradine.
Papa and Buzzy Dicky back again as--as they were before,' repeated Roly at last.
Miss Mangnall has been given a month's holiday, because papa didn't like to see us always at lessons.
I wanted so much to have you home for it, but papa says it would only unsettle you and take you away from your work.
Minnie and Roly send love and kisses, and papa sends his kind regards, and I am to say he hopes you are settling down steadily to work.
Say, 'I wishPapa and Brother Dick back as they were before,' Roly.
Miss McFadden called in the middle of it, but she said she wouldn't come in, as papa seemed to be enjoying himself so.
And we'll pack Papa off to some place abroad where he'll have no holidays and give no trouble!
Papa chose the furniture for the drawing-room yesterday.
Now say, 'I wish Papa and Brother Dick back again as they were before.
When I allude thus flippantly to "man," I refer to Papa Moore.
He has persuaded Papa Goodrich to consent to her driving in easy places.
Aunt Lucy proposed having tableaux and pieces for the evening entertainment, as a welcome home to Papa Allen, who was expected soon to return from his Western trip.
Oh, yes; I often take long rambles with Papa when he is at home; he is so fond of wild flowers.
My Papa knows the name of every flower and shrub and tree that grows in the United States, and never tires telling me about them.
Hetty has made me a splendid cake, but I'm not to have a party because Papa is not well.
Papa has felt less pain in his arm for the last few days, so your prayers are being heard already.
Papa is improving in health and spirits in this delightful climate.
Papa heard the noise and called out to know the cause of the disturbance.
Papa says it is wonderful that the President of a college would bother writing to a little boy.
I know darling, but Papa is just as pained as you.
Papa go upstairs and look for him, I had such trouble catching him in the woods.
Pardon the brevity of this letter, Papa is waiting for me to go and watch the alligators sporting in the water, but we won't let them get a bite at us.
The rebels had fixed them up to shoot her papa with them.
You must remember about the poor soldiers, and pray God that He will be very kind to them and make the time soon come when they and your papa can all of them go home to their dear little daughters and good mammas.
Kiss mamma and little Sister Edith for me, and tell your little cousins Gwyn and Foster and Johnny that your papa hopes to come home soon and that he will then come around with you and see them all.
Kiss little Edith for me and tell Alice her papa thinks of her very often and loves her very much.
He would hide in the evening when his papa came home, until he would hear what he would say upon missing him, then come out from behind the stove, behind the door, or under the table, laughing heartily.
Our family consists of a dear kind papa and mama, sister Bessie and myself.
In the morning Bessie's papa was sitting by her bedside, looking sadly on the little form of his only child.
I guess papa feels a little timid about leading in prayer," said his mamma.
Little by little her papa told her then, all about it, and she bathed her fevered pillow with her tears.
His papa said, "Before you could walk we always took you with us to preaching.
We all read verse about, and then papa and mamma take turn about in leading in prayer, and I always close with the Lord's prayer.
While his papa was out at the barn, putting away the horse and carriage, Charlie was talking to his mamma in the house.
Papa and mamma said they'd help me, but I want to earn the money myself, and then go a long time.
Well I'll talk to papa about it, and we'll see what he says.
Their papa was in the front room reviewing his Sunday school lesson, and their mamma was re-arranging some things in the kitchen.
Papa and mamma and myself are members of the Brethren church.
A little farmer boy raised potatoes on a little corner of land his papa said he could have, and then sold them for missionary money, and there are many other ways.
I'm glad you did," answered Charlie, as he ran to untie the horse before his papa was quite there.
Georgie and I went withpapa to grandpa's when he was sixty years old.
Papa and mamma and my two big brothers all laughed very much.
It is so very sad that poor papa is unable to attend to his magistrate's business, and he has been worse than usual, quite laid up in fact, since our return.
Papa and mamma are very good-natured, and go whenever we are asked to a ball, as I am fond of dancing.
Papa sent out word that he was very unwell, and that it was not the proper time to come on business; he would see them the next day at twelve o'clock.
Papa has taken a house only eight miles from Englebourn, and Katie says you live within a day's drive of them.
Every penny will have to come out of what papa allows me for the parish.
But they would not go away, and then papa asked me to go out and see them.
Your papa will have to make up his mind whether he will ask him to the house.
Yes, and papa and mamma are very kind, I know, in helping whenever they can hear of a proper case.
Then the lawyer appealed to papa about the law, and said how absurd it was, and that if such a custom were to be upheld, the man who had the 'tally' might charge 100L.
They wanted papato make an order at once for the pound to be opened, and I think he would have done so, but I asked him in a whisper to send for the constable, and hear what he had to say.
Did you not discover as you sailed over the ocean the good ship Alaska drawing nearer and nearer, with Regie's papa and mamma on board?
Yes; and I think he might tell Papa and Mamma Fairfax, and Harry and Nan, Papa and Mamma Murray; but besides those five people I think it would be better not to tell anybody.
Regie, why do you always say Papa Fairfax and Mamma Fairfax, instead of just papa and mamma?
There is one thing, Regie," she said, "over which your Papa Fairfax will be very much disappointed when he comes home.
Papa says he could s'port half-a-dozen little girls like me for what it costs for one of those lawns a single summer.
I do love Papa and Mamma Fairfax dearly; nobody knows how much," and Regie's face glowed and his eyes kindled with loyal affection.
Delano tell Papa Fairfax that somebody did want you, but that you sent him away 'cause you thought you'd better care for sick children.
It's an awful pity fellows can't choose their own fathers and mothers; I'd have chosen Papa and Mamma Fairfax every time, and then I could have called them just papa and mamma the way other children do.
There was considerable whispering and hugging between the little fellow inside the bed and the big fellow outside, and then in another moment Papa Fairfax was gone.
In the thought that he was going to live in the same house with Nan and Harry, the little reprobate almost forgot he was to say good-bye to Papa and Mamma Fairfax for three whole months at least.
I wonder if I dare question papa or the old doctor?
Poor papa has been ill of a fever, and is just convalescing.
My allowance from papa is much too small to permit me the luxury of charity!
However, I shall be as sweet as sugar to her to-night, for I want her to help me tease papa to-morrow for that set of rubies I want!
But, mamma, there is Jesse, who will be sure to vote against me for spite, and I'm afraid that papa is the only one of the judges I can count upon.
Papa was engaged with matters of business when you knocked,--some letters of consequence.
You are Mr. Annesley Beecher, the gentleman my papa has been expecting," said she, with an easy smile.
Yet still do I come back to the thought that papacould scarcely have struck out this plan without some grave necessity.
And papa and myself, how should we come through this formidable inquiry?
Papa is so much vexed, that he says now, if he had known they had been at Corunna all this time, he would not have gone to Portsmouth after them as he did.
While papa was there, he found out some officers of the 10th dragoons: he went directly, and sent in his name by a waiter, and begged to know whether Major Palmer was there, or whether he was safe.
Mama and papa desire to be very kindly remembered to you.
Unluckily for her, Ivan Petrovitch's papa spent his whole time in the open air, and even slept on the verandah.
My late papa cruelly oppressed a certain little clerk--it was awful how he treated him!
I told you to tell papa that I'd let him know when Madeline and I were ready to go.
Miss Buckthorn, yourpapa is in command of the Nineteenth Army Corps.
Papa said I'd have to help him, but I don't see an opening.
I wish Papa would look after him, and let me know what he is doing and how he is looking.
Will you thank Papa for his hint about the Athenaeum--I am pretty sure he is mistaken about it, but I shall take measures about it--indeed I have.
Don't take on, dear Mammy, nor let Papa worry himself about it.
Continuation of letter to his mother:-- I am glad to hear Papa reported favourably of my work, and that you like the photographs of my pictures now in the Exhibition.
Papa thinks I'm merely a foolish female creature and his attitude blocks me at every turn.
You've had all the fun while I've had to pour tea for papa at his damned functions.
She said with a trace of impatience, "Oh, poor papa never sees the trees for the forest.
The empty basket on his arm, for Marie-Louise had taken the beacon and he had forgotten all about Papa Fregeau's fish, Jean paused as he reached the bridge.
Papa Fregeau's face was apoplectic, and his fat cheeks puffed in and out like toy balloons.
Papa Fregeau was still dancing up and down as he kept step with Jean, who had now started on again toward the Bas Rhone.
He had no wish to talk to Papa Fregeau--or any one else.
Jean's eyes lifted from a fruitless sweep of the beach to fix on the figure of Papa Fregeau emerging on the run from the Bas Rhone.
Ay, that is so," corroborated Papa Fregeau, removing his apron and stuffing it into the broken window pane.
Came the faces of Pierre Lachance, of Papa Fregeau, of little Ninon, of a score of toddling mites clapping their hands in childish ecstasy over the clay poupees he had made for them--and all these had been his friends.
Papa Fregeau, who had reached Jean's side, was staring into it too.