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Example sentences for "prison"

Lexicographically close words:
prisint; prisintly; prism; prismatic; prisms; prisoned; prisoner; prisoners; prisoning; prisonnier
  1. Played he so well with the wicked knight that it was but a few days thereafter Sir Dolphus invited him to visit with him the young damsel who was kept within prison walls.

  2. And he holds my own brother within his prison walls for small cause.

  3. And my daughter is lodged within prison walls waiting the whim of Sir Dolphus who holds her in his power.

  4. As they walked away from the prison door, he turned to the other.

  5. And then did Sir Brian cast him into a prison where Breunor found as many as thirty knights who were prisoners of Sir Brian, some of these were knights of the Round Table.

  6. Do you know anything on him you could have him sent to prison for?

  7. What prison had I better say I've been in?

  8. Dickens is incorporating almost without alteration a passage from a diary in the middle of a story; as he did when he included the admirable account of the prison petition of John Dickens as the prison petition of Wilkins Micawber.

  9. Five months in prison on her son's account.

  10. Passing through a corridor, she spied a little dark man shouting and gesticulating to the attendants: "Tell Moussiou Jansoulet zat I am ze deputy-mayor of Sarlazaccio, zat I have been sentenced to five month in prison for him.

  11. The prison is in charge of a board of three inspectors and a warden, and each of the other two institutions is in charge of a board of trustees; the inspectors, warden, and trustees are all appointed by the governor and council.

  12. Convicts in the prison are usually employed in the manufacture of articles that are not extensively made elsewhere in the state, such as carriages, harness, furniture and brooms.

  13. In the centre of the peninsula and occupying its highest point is a citadel (16th century); another castle farther west is now used as a prison and is in the centre of the native town.

  14. But I'll see father taken back to prison before I'll see you two boys lynched!

  15. They jobbed me to prison in the first instance and they are bound to keep me there!

  16. The chaplain of the Massachusetts state prison recently communicated to the public the following interesting narrative of the progress of crime.

  17. The bars of the sinner's prison will never be broken.

  18. You will see in the prison many who are young--almost children.

  19. A row of cells in the prison on Blackwells Island.

  20. It is perpetually pulling down and building up, as it pulled down the prison and put up the column in the Place de La Bastille.

  21. As a matter of mere material fact, the Bastille when it was taken was not a horrible prison; it was hardly a prison at all.

  22. In February of the next year[1] he was again in London, and was committed to the Fleet Prison for a 'fray' with another courtier.

  23. His courage failed him in prison and, to regain his freedom, he renounced the doctrines of Wycliffe and Hus.

  24. Loving and beloved, the disciples shared their burdens, and those in the prison and those out of it together went to fruitful martyrdom.

  25. When the flames of persecution had swept by and, for a time, good men had respite, Apollos recalled with joy the heroism of those without the prison who remembered the bonds of those within.

  26. The costermongers lifted a large banner on which were inscribed these words: "I was sick and in prison and ye visited me.

  27. At the door and grated window of the prison behind them appear the faces of others.

  28. A massive door of bronze gave entrance to this huge strong-box, which was formerly used as a prison for refractory priests.

  29. The dreariness of this little prison can scarcely be described.

  30. In the prison were found the iron stocks, with at least one skeleton in them; others chained in divers ways.

  31. The rays of the colored suns were now shut out from them forever, for the last chinks had been filled up in the wall that separated their prison from the Land of the Mangaboos.

  32. But when the adventurers looked more carefully around them they discovered that there were in a strong prison from which there was no hope of escape.

  33. Let us examine our prison and see what it is like.

  34. So the prisoners resolved to leave their prison at once.

  35. The reference to the piglets reminded the Wizard that his pets had not enjoyed much exercise lately, and must be tired of their prison in his pocket.

  36. Drunkenness should be made a prison offence.

  37. Why, in New York, if he'd done that, he'd have been in prison inside of five minutes!

  38. Pleasant predictions of a long prison term with capital punishment as the happy alternative failed to disturb The Hopper.

  39. Who said to Him, Lord, I am ready to go with Thee both into prison and to death.

  40. Peter, supposing that our Lord spoke of the actual moment, said to Him, "Lord, I am ready to go with Thee both into prison and to death.

  41. The martyr Felicitas underwent in prison the sufferings of premature childbirth.

  42. Septimius Acyndicus, proconsul of Syria, caused a Christian of Antioch who was unable to pay the treasury a pound of gold (the amount to which he was taxed), to be thrown into prison and threatened with death.

  43. The Eternal vouchsafed to deliver them from the prison of the Ondera, and place them in a state of probation during a great number of solar revolutions.

  44. I learned from the porter that the Due de Rovigo had been arrested and carried to the prison of La Force.

  45. In the course of 1811 a plan was laid for liberating Ferdinand from his prison in France and placing him at the head of affairs in Spain, but was detected by the emissaries of Bonaparte's police.

  46. As we reached the lower floor, I saw my friend standing in the street door, with two officers of the prison beside him.

  47. Even if we passed the prison walls, the chance of reaching our lines seemed almost hopeless.

  48. How suddenly that foul prison air grew sweet and pure as the fragrant breath of the mountains!

  49. It seemed more like life and less like the tomb than any prison we had inhabited before.

  50. There is a poetic justice in the fact that their prison was formerly a slave-pen, and that they are enabled to study State Rights from old negro quarters.

  51. In the prison yard they were ordered to remove several heavy stones a few yards and then carry them back.

  52. He finally reached it himself, tore it down, and bore it to the prison office.

  53. Hudson employed a negro to leave this document, unobserved, upon the desk of the prison Adjutant.

  54. The prison was gloomy and silent many hours earlier than usual.

  55. Again and again he sent written protests to Richmond, which brought several successive inspectors to examine the prison and hospitals, but no change of treatment.

  56. A few days later, the prison authorities gave similar passes to "Junius" and to Captain Thomas E.

  57. A prison sergeant went out every morning to purchase supplies.

  58. The boy led me through the passages and down the stairs, past four guards, who supposed that he had been sent by the prison authorities.

  59. He narrowly escaped a debtor's prison through this act of extravagance, and by a somewhat ludicrous mistake Hogg was arrested for the debt due to the coach-maker.

  60. It leaked out in their town that Mrs. Brackett’s brother was confined in State’s prison for burglary, and this was by no means agreeable.

  61. You’ll be a beggar inside of a week, and in State’s prison before the year’s out!

  62. Among the contributors might be Lydia, whose means may well have been comfortable; and the Keeper of the Prison would be by no means a beggar: what gratitude to St Paul glowed in both those hearts!

  63. He examined himself attentively, with interest, beginning with his large prison slippers, ending with his stomach where his coat protruded.

  64. And I feel so free, as though I were not in prison, but had just come out of some prison where I had spent all my life.

  65. And the life of the prison went on, deaf and sensitive, blind and sharp-sighted, like eternal alarm itself.

  66. When Tsiganok was free he had worn only a pair of dashing mustaches, but in the prison a short, black, bristly beard grew on his face and it made him look fearsome, insane.

  67. And all the way to the prison the soldiers felt that they were not walking but flying through the air--as if hypnotized by the prisoner, they felt neither the ground beneath their feet, nor the passage of time, nor themselves.

  68. And the farther she got from the prison the more bitterly she wept.

  69. Mishka Tsiganok, like Yanson, had had to spend seventeen days in prison before his execution.

  70. And if the prison garb looked upon the others like the ridiculous costume of a buffoon, upon him it was not noticeable, so foreign was it to his personality.

  71. Now he whirled about in the room like a top, touching the walls, tapping them nervously with his fingers from time to time, taking aim, boring the ceiling with his gaze, filing the prison bars.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prison" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    brig; bucket; can; cell; college; confine; constrain; cooler; coop; dungeon; gaol; guardhouse; hole; immure; imprison; intern; jail; jug; justice; keep; lockup; pen; penitentiary; prison; reformatory; stir; stockade; tower

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    prison camp; prison cell; prison discipline; prison life; prison reform; prison strong; prison walls; prisoners captured; prisoners taken; prisoners were