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Example sentences for "sent orders"

  • I sent orders to Osterhaus to pursue the enemy, and to Carr, whom I saw personally, I explained the situation and directed him to pursue vigorously as far as the Big Black, and to cross it if he could; Osterhaus to follow him.

  • Sheridan of course knew of his coming, and being impatient to get the troops up as soon as possible, sent orders to him to hasten.

  • On the 13th I sent orders to have these sunk as high up the river as we could guard them, and prevent their removal by the enemy.

  • Instead of this he sent orders to Hovey, who belonged to his corps, to join on to his right flank.

  • Gonzalo was by no means negligent in endeavouring to counteract the proceedings of the viceroy; for which purpose he sent orders to Ferdinand de Alvarado, his lieutenant at Truxillo, and the captains.

  • He sent orders to London, to drive out Poussin, acting as French ambassador, immediately; and Poussin directly crossed the sea and arrived at Calais.

  • He sent orders to Biron to attack the enemy, promising to support him immediately.

  • Owing to the representations of Velasquez against Cortes, he sent orders to him to seize and make us all prisoners at every hazard, as rebellious subjects.

  • On the day Theodore’s army arrived at Arogee, he sent orders up to Magdala that the irons were to be removed from Mr. Rassam.

  • There was no time to be lost, and I sent orders to the cavalry to force the right of the enemy’s line.

  • He sent orders to his frontier garrisons to commit no hostilities upon France.

  • The queen, some days after the motion was made, sent orders, by the mouth of the speaker, commanding the house to spend little time in motions, and to avoid long speeches.

  • He sent orders to Fenelon, his ambassador in England, to ask an audience, and to give Elizabeth this account of the late transaction.

  • Both these points were equally unacceptable to the king; and he sent orders to the house to proceed no further in that matter.

  • As the sounds failed to reach him, he became anxious, sent orders of inquiry for the cause of delay, and repeated his orders for attack, and finally rode to his right wing and gave peremptory orders.

  • Under the delay to relieve that brigade by one of Huger's divisions, I sent orders to General Wilcox to pull off from column on that road and march for the position assigned him near the head of White Oak Swamp.

  • He sent orders to Jackson to advance and drive off or capture the batteries standing in his front and firing across our line, but it was not in season to relieve us.

  • The king of France was no sooner apprized of the condition to which the generals Broglio and Belleisle were reduced, than he sent orders to mareshal Maillebois, who commanded his army on the Bhine, to march to their relief.

  • Nevertheless, he sent orders to the count de Montijo, his ambassador at London, to communicate to his Britannic majesty the motives which had induced him to take these resolutions.

  • I sent orders to Commandants Mentz, Van der Merwe, and Van Coller, to take a portion of Commandant Bester's burghers, telling them to go to Slangfontein.

  • I sent orders to General Philip Botha to come with the Harrismith and Kroonstad burghers, which he had with him.

  • Accordingly, when the sun had gone down, I sent orders to him that he was to storm this schanze before daybreak on the following morning.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sent orders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brass band; great comfort; great marvel; little man; neutral gray; quick motion; sent against; sent ambassadors; sent away; sent for; sent forth; sent forward; sent from; sent home; sent out; sent postpaid; sent some; sent thither; sent unto; sent word; sentry duty; sodium phosphate; soon became; turn about; vingt ans; wonder whether