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Example sentences for "gorgeousness"

Lexicographically close words:
gores; gorge; gorged; gorgeous; gorgeously; gorges; gorget; gorgets; gorging; gorgios
  1. So befittingly are the trees arrayed in graceful tracery of spray and beads of purpling buds, that their seemly nakedness is as beautiful as attire of summer's greenness or autumn's gorgeousness could make them.

  2. He had seen all the best of the year, the blooming of the first flowers, the springing of the grass and its growth, the gathering of the harvests and the ripening of fruits, and possibly the gorgeousness of autumn melting into sombre gray.

  3. The first snow that whitens the fading gorgeousness of the forest carpet falls scarcely more silently.

  4. Heade has devoted his attention successfully to the rendering of the wonderful gorgeousness of tropical vegetation.

  5. Although in England we cannot match the gorgeousness of detail exhibited by the flamboyant architecture of some of the examples above noticed, yet we too have instances of which we may well be proud.

  6. This artist loved grandeur and gorgeousness in decoration, and in accord with the personal ideas of Louis XIV.

  7. His pictures, suffused with a golden glow, are the reflection of his sunny life; the vividness and intensity of his passion are expressed in the gorgeousness of his colours.

  8. None again can exceed it in richness and glory, in the gorgeousness of a thousand decorative elements subservient to one controlling thought.

  9. Agnes, contrasts with the dusky gorgeousness of the Hebrew women despoiling themselves of jewels for the golden calf!

  10. On festival occasions and tournaments, however, all the gorgeousness of heraldic splendour was exhibited upon the cyclas or tabard.

  11. Like the knights of romance, he revelled in gorgeousness and splendour, and his court resounded with the minstrel's lay.

  12. Gorgeousness was aimed at, and gorgeousness obtained.

  13. Back of all the gorgeousness and the glitter and the music and the sacrament waited the hideous profanation, the grossness, the violation of all that was precious and secret and holy.

  14. There is something vast, something almost Titanic, about the grandeur and gorgeousness of his fancy.

  15. In the latter part of the century we remember the gorgeousness of the Tuileries, the four years' strife of our own Civil War, and then the golden drift of peace with which the century ended.

  16. The Emperor Charles was also amazed at this time by the gorgeousness and extravagance in dress displayed by the bourgeoisie.

  17. Upon Aurelian’s return to Rome, his triumph was celebrated with extraordinary gorgeousness and pomp.

  18. I found myself richly repaid for all the toils of my journey, and rejoiced in the sight of these wonderful Eastern pictures; I could only wish I were a poet, that I might fitly portray the magnificent gorgeousness of the sight.

  19. All the gorgeousness and glitter of his capital gathered then with no shadows on their sky of what was to come.

  20. We have the scene of those horrors and of former gorgeousness to ourselves to-day and we wander in and out at pleasure.

  21. Except for the faded gorgeousness of the bedroom, the house looked like an ordinary country house, belonging to old people who did not care to move with the times.

  22. The gorgeousness of his apparel is such that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed in the like; yet so admirable is the contrivance for its management that no suspicion of mud or moisture stains its brilliancy.

  23. But there is neither grandeur nor gorgeousness in drowning in a tub.

  24. The drive at Calcutta has long been noted as excelling any other scene in the gorgeousness of its oriental coloring, but this of the pier at Bombay surpasses by far what we saw there.

  25. It is not so much the gorgeousness of the colors as their variety which gives these sunsets a character of their own; one can find anything he chooses in their infinite depths.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gorgeousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    brightness; brilliance; color; dash; dazzle; elaborateness; elegance; extravagance; extravaganza; gaiety; gaudiness; glamour; glare; glitter; glory; grandeur; intensity; lavishness; loudness; luster; luxury; magnificence; majesty; nobility; panache; radiance; resplendence; saturation; sensationalism; splendor; state