Thus the politico-religious system of the Saracens is accurately set forth.
This describes the character of the Turks as a religious system.
By this combination of symbols is set forth the politico-religious system of the empire--a religion that denied the doctrine of the one exclusive God and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
For the magic uses of peach-wood see De Groot's Religious System of China, vol.
For remarks on the ancient custom of drinking this wine, see De Groot, Religious System of China, vol.
For remarks on the supposed remarkable properties of this shrub, see De Groot's Religious System of China, vol.
De Groot, Religious System of China and Development of Religion in China; and his article "Die Chinesen" in Saussaye, Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte.
For some centuries it was a religious power in the world; as a religious system it gave way gradually to more definite constructions, but it survived as a science long after it had ceased to be believed in as a life-giving faith.
But that he founded a religious system of worship of himself, is wholly unbelievable in the light of a study of comparative religions and the wisdom which illumination confers.
Modern Buddhism, as a religious system of worship bears the same relation to Prince Siddhartha, as does modern Christianity to Jesus of Nazareth.
Callaway, Religious System of the Amazulu, Part iii.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "religious system" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.