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Example sentences for "religious system"

  • Thus the politico-religious system of the Saracens is accurately set forth.

  • This describes the character of the Turks as a religious system.

  • By this combination of symbols is set forth the politico-religious system of the empire--a religion that denied the doctrine of the one exclusive God and the divinity of Jesus Christ.

  • For the magic uses of peach-wood see De Groot's Religious System of China, vol.

  • For remarks on the ancient custom of drinking this wine, see De Groot, Religious System of China, vol.

  • For remarks on the supposed remarkable properties of this shrub, see De Groot's Religious System of China, vol.

  • De Groot, Religious System of China and Development of Religion in China; and his article "Die Chinesen" in Saussaye, Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte.

  • For some centuries it was a religious power in the world; as a religious system it gave way gradually to more definite constructions, but it survived as a science long after it had ceased to be believed in as a life-giving faith.

  • But that he founded a religious system of worship of himself, is wholly unbelievable in the light of a study of comparative religions and the wisdom which illumination confers.

  • Modern Buddhism, as a religious system of worship bears the same relation to Prince Siddhartha, as does modern Christianity to Jesus of Nazareth.

  • Callaway, Religious System of the Amazulu, Part iii.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "religious system" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    different sorts; lesser wing; ordered them; religious beliefs; religious body; religious ceremonies; religious ceremony; religious communities; religious doctrine; religious duties; religious education; religious equality; religious freedom; religious history; religious house; religious ideas; religious knowledge; religious philosophy; religious rite; religious sect; religious sentiment; religious subjects; religious visit; religious work; religious zeal; your soul