What, they dare to slander the emperor so infamouslyas that!
Pillerton, to whom he related how infamously the Hit-im and Hold-im shire chaps had used poor Green, breaking three of his ribs, and nearly knocking his eye out.
Colonel Finch said that Keats had reached Italy, 'nursing a deeply rooted disgust to life and to the world, owing to having been infamously treated by the very persons whom his generosity had rescued from want and woe.
Ingratitude' refers to a statement of Colonel Finch that Keats had 'been infamously treated by the very persons whom his generosity had rescued from want and woe.
They will not have much cause of triumph when they see how infamously I act.
But it would be too prolix to recapitulate all the instances of brutal injustice, or of cowardly subserviency, which degraded the English lawyers of the Stuart period, and never so infamously as in these last years of Charles II.
Scroggs, who had been infamously partial against the prisoners upon every former occasion, now treated Oates and Bedloe as they deserved, though to the aggravation of his own disgrace.
She met old Mrs. Noxon with her infamously costly stomacher on, and Kedzie cried that night because she could not have one for her own midriff.
Jim Dyckman, infamously rich (through no fault of his own), could not see far enough past Charity Coe Cheever that day to make out Kedzie Thropp, a few seats removed.
Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, sought an audience with these rulers of the Jews, and infamously offered to betray his Lord into their hands.
How dared she threaten her with the disclosure of her infamously acquired knowledge?
She was terribly afraid that this man who had treated her so infamously would refuse her request even now.
When she put up her big white muff to her lips, and gazed over it and under her eyebrows at you as she said this thing, you felt that she had been infamously misjudged, and that all the other women's instincts were all wrong; which was absurd.
Katherine, at this moment I declare most solemnly all that I feel is, how thoroughly, how infamously unworthy I am of you!
I have offended against you, my sweet and gentle cousin; grievously, bitterly, infamously offended.
He spent his gains as infamouslyand as speedily as did the rest.
He therefore opened a vigorous fire upon the approaching assailants, notwithstanding the rampart of living bodies they had so infamously placed before them.
He says that we ought to have pity on the horrible alternative in which he is placed--either to dishonor and ruin the woman he adores, or infamously to betray the confidence of his bosom friend.
What remains to console thee for the loss of this last love--this last friendship, so infamously crushed?
Thou hast confessed thyself the conscious pandar Of that pretended passion; A single witness infamously known, Against two persons of unquestioned fame.
Why, to work out infamously an action infamously commenced.
He has given readings from Shakespeare--infamously neglected.
I have been infamously treated by one woman; and my wounded self-esteem has meanly revenged itself by reviling the whole sex.
When it came to this, I told them that Duke and Prince of Florence would not suffer folk to be so infamouslymassacred in their cities.
The Pope was roused to such fury by the jealous fear he had lest I should go and tell the whole world how infamously I had been treated, that he kept revolving ways in which I might be put to death without injury to his own credit.
Have the courage to snap your fingers at this infamously deceitful moral code, and proud and distinguished as you are, elevate yourself above what these miserable earthworms call morality.
Thus goaded, Cortez infamously consented that the unhappy captive monarch should be put to the torture.
Thus infamously the Duchess of Cumberland repaid George and his Consort for their slights; and her shameless reward was when she witnessed their grief at the moral degradation of their eldest son.
Wine and women, gambling and duelling, were the breath of life to him, and in each indulgence he was infamously supreme.
The infamously renowned Duke of Marlborough became the real monarch, and with great skill and energy prosecuted the eleven years' war which ensued, which is known in history as the War of the Spanish Succession.
The sums thus infamouslysquandered were wrested from the laboring poor.
Infamously the King of Hungary accepted the bribe, and raising a powerful army, invaded Bohemia, to wrest the crown from his father-in-law.