Clearly some awful crime had been committed at Bramhall, and there would be a public whacking and an expulsion.
Then you would have a whacking big fleet in the Channel, and several others in different parts of the world.
She carried a whacking big mainsail, with immense hoist in it, and the boom well over the taffrail.
Then he told a whacking big lie, at any rate as far as I am concerned.
Until a whacking big tarantula woke me up by promenading over my ear.
Over the line they soon found a good-sized canoe Birch, and were busy whacking away to get off a long roll, when a tall man and a small boy, apparently attracted by the chopping, came in sight and made toward them.
On one occasion Yan, who began to think he now had some skill, waswhacking away at a big, tough stick till he had tried, as he thought, every possible combination and still could make no sign of a crack.
With water," said Gibberne, whacking down a carafe.
I stood up clear on deck and shut the valve behind the helmet to let the air accumulate to carry me up again--I noticed a kind of whacking from above, as though they were hitting the water with an oar, but I didn't look up.
When they were still whacking him with Gloster bets he became somewhat nervous and sent his agent to Kelley again for reassurance.
For instance, he was whacking at a bank one night, stupefied with hooters of half rye and half absinthe, and he shut one eye so he wouldn't see double and fixed it on the nine spot.
After I had continued whacking all four of them pretty hard on their own deals (rarely dealing myself a hand worth anything) for a couple of hours, the luck took a peculiar switch, although it stayed with me.
It had long hair, and looked far more like one of thosewhacking chrysanthemums you see than a guinea-pig.
Just a visit to give these idle whacking great hands something to do"--and then was gone.
Who sat tight so as to let Susanne and his crowd get a whacking for you?
More drills, and a whacking as a matter of course.
Ah, that's the way with you youngsters; nothing but whack--whacking all the time.
Young Hopkins argues it is far less brutal than whacking him, especially after experience has proved that he evidently does not know why you are whacking him.