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Example sentences for "mercy"

Lexicographically close words:
mercurial; mercurials; mercuric; mercurous; mercury; mercye; mercyfull; mere; merely; meres
  1. The work was condemned, the young couple were evicted without mercy and the nest pulled to pieces by the five censors with grave caws of disapprobation, while the evicted ones flew round and showed fight and used bad language.

  2. As I have listened to story after story of tyranny on the Leitrim estate, so here I listened to story after story of the strict justice and mercy of Lord Belmore.

  3. From remarks she made I gathered that she was an enthusiastic church member, but on the Land question she had no ideas of either justice or mercy that could possibly extend beyond the privileged classes.

  4. May God of His great mercy give wisdom and firmness to the rulers of this land.

  5. I liked to think how often it had called the primitive people to hear God's message of mercy to them from the lips of his laborious messenger.

  6. They fell behind in famine time--not so very far--and humbly grateful were they for the help that came from outside in that time, and a mercy that forgave a little of the rent.

  7. To leave no stone unturned, the children went in a body to Lord Leitrim to ask, as justice had been powerless, for mercy from him.

  8. In mercy to the readers, I will only say that Miss Gardner has intense courage and an intellect of masculine strength, and resembles Queen Elizabeth in more ways than one.

  9. Mercy every way Is infinite,--and who can say?

  10. XXI And I caught At the flying robe, and unrepelled Was lapped again in its folds full-fraught With warmth and wonder and delight, God's mercy being infinite.

  11. And he spoke of the poor and the lowly, Of God's mercy to such as he, Of his gratitude to his Creator, Gratitude, though he could not see.

  12. His instinct read between the lines what no one else could see, And these two boys on whom he gazed with comprehensive stare, Raised not their eyes to his stern face, for mercy was not there.

  13. For well they knew the Judge, whose heart was harder than a stone, Who only dealt in justice--to whom mercy was unknown.

  14. She was too impulsive, too much at the mercy of her emotions, too quick in forming and expressing opinions.

  15. It is a mercy she did not marry some greedy foreigner while she was under age.

  16. Dispose of me as you will; but in mercy give me some hope.

  17. For the second time in her life she was at the mercy of Love.

  18. His face did not give her any encouragement to hope for either honesty or mercy from him.

  19. He fell at her feet and implored her mercy in the name of their children.

  20. If you don't, I swear, after what you've done I'll show you no more mercy than I showed your dog.

  21. If you hope for mercy hereafter, do not add to your guilt.

  22. All these circumstances, therefore, reduced her to deep dejection, and made her feel as though she was indeed at the mercy of her jailer.

  23. I have seen thousands flee to the cross of Jesus for mercy and pardon, and I have heard the shouts of hundreds that have been sanctified wholly.

  24. Having loosed from their old moorings and not having reached a peaceful haven, they drift about, sometimes at the mercy of every wind that blows.

  25. Lawdy hab mercy but dere ez as much diff'ent fum ole times as day en nite en hit looks lak things hab gone astray.

  26. They were famished, they were fighting for their lives and liberty, and, dashing down the slopes to north and south, they fell without mercy or respite upon their shaken foes.

  27. I will have mercy on you; I will admit you to our confederacy; but you will have to prove yourself worthy.

  28. Nothing that I have but is mine by the mercy of Kuboko.

  29. By the mercy of God we are well nigh the end of our prison and dungeon!

  30. Those who were wounded before were again wounded with arrows; those who were unwounded did not escape--not one excepting myself, who am by God's mercy still whole.

  31. It was a mercy to me that I heard no murmur of reproach, no sign of rebuke.

  32. What mercy he shall get from us all will not count for much.

  33. And in mercy pity those to whom she is dear!

  34. It is a mercy that we have found out his strength and his danger in good time.

  35. Van Helsing, I have not forgotten your mercy in poor Lucy's case to him who loved.

  36. By this time the gypsies, seeing themselves covered by the Winchesters, and at the mercy of Lord Godalming and Dr.

  37. At least God's mercy is better than that of those monsters, and the precipice is steep and high.

  38. Thank God for that mercy at all events, though the proving it has been dreadful.

  39. But gentleness and mercy constituted also the best policy.

  40. The Macedonians had been provoked by their obstinate resistance, and enraged at the recent murder of some of their comrades, as before mentioned, and little mercy was shown.

  41. What an advantage to the Phœnician merchant, to be able, in the mutual intercourse with these distant regions, to make use of his native tongue, instead of being at the mercy of treacherous interpreters!

  42. Joab, foreboding evil, fled to the altar of Jehovah, but there was no mercy for him.

  43. And whensoever this poor foolish world needs three such men, may God of his great mercy send them.

  44. She has, doubtless for some wise reason, no mercy for the weak.

  45. When Jesus left the house where He had raised the child from the dead, two blind men followed Him crying, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.

  46. And the lawyer could not help answering, "He that had mercy on him.

  47. A te deum was sung in the church of Nôtre Dame; and preachers returned thanks to the Most High, for his mercy in bringing to an end the influence of such a wicked sorceress.

  48. Whenever a charge of witchcraft is made against any one, no mercy is shown him.

  49. A suspected person received neither justice nor mercy at the hands of judges and juries.

  50. Snorter and Pogson may almost as well order their own dinners, as be at the mercy of a "gastronomic agent" whose faith is not beyond all question.

  51. But she would have no more mercy on such a one as Miss O'Hara, than a farmer's labourer would have on a rat!

  52. Certainly no feeling of mercy would induce her to hold her hand in this task of saving her husband's nephew from an ill-assorted marriage.

  53. Belfort frowned as if he did not relish the allusion, but it was a jolly young company of officers, and his frowns did not prevent them from having but small mercy upon him.

  54. I saw no ray of mercy in those severe, blue eyes.

  55. He will soon bitterly rue his theatrical display," said Blake, "for I doubt not that Sir William will show little mercy to such a marauder as he.

  56. It seems a lingering principle of good in human nature, that the exercise of mercy and virtue opens the heart to the enjoyment of social happiness.

  57. His mercy and He will take good care of us.

  58. I never had any Victory which was without My sorrow, because it was on Mine own Subjects, who, like Absolom, died many of them in their sin: And yet I never suffered any Defeat which made Me despair of Gods mercy and defence.

  59. Turn thee (O Lord) unto me; have mercy upon me, for I am desolate and afflicted.

  60. Though they think my Kingdoms on earth too little to entertain at once both them and me; yet let the capacious Kingdom of thy infinite mercy at last receive both me and my enemies.

  61. They cannot deprive Me of more then I am content to lose, when God sees fit by their hands to take it from Me; whose mercy I beleive, will more then infinitely recompence what ever by mans injustice, he is pleased to deprive Me of.

  62. But there is mercy with thee, that thou mayest be feared; therefore shall sinners flie unto thee.

  63. But thou, O Lord, who art perfect Unity in a sacred Trinity, in mercy behold those whom thy Justice hath divided.

  64. Teach me Davids patience and Hezekiah's devotion, that I may look to thy mercy through mans malice and see thy justice in their sin.

  65. O thou Soveraign of our Souls, the onely Commander of our Consciences; though I know not what to do, yet mine eyes are toward thee: To the protection of thy mercy I still commend my self.

  66. There we were, like three young birds in a nest, floating about at the mercy of the winds and waves.

  67. A guard was kept over the prisoners, who were told that they would be shot down without mercy if they made any disturbance, and then in grim silence we stood ready for the fight.

  68. But just in human mercy to him she mustn't let him see she was wavering.

  69. And Rose never explained how it had happened that she was left at the mercy of the town of Centropolis by the failure of The Girl Up-stairs company.

  70. And Providence was yet more kind, and man yet more ungrateful; mercy abounding over the abundant sin.

  71. And will not thy great mercy bring her to me yet again?

  72. I don't advise you even to ask him for mercy by not acknowledging you to Severn's face.

  73. However, it was a mercy that she was not expected to lay down the law and take responsibility.

  74. Then come Mercy and Truth across the middle stage, and are met together, and Peace and Rightwisnesse, that kissed the one the other, prating sweetly of Christ risen from the dead.

  75. In his heart Mercy and Truth were met together, Rightwisness and Peace had kissed.

  76. Then the peddler took up the tale of how Christ Jesus was crucified, and two thieves with him, and after, he began to speak of the harrowing of hell, and of Mercy and Peace that kissed each other.

  77. T is a long while that Mercy and Truth are not met together in England, Jack," said the countryman to his fellow, sourly.

  78. Glendower had disappeared from the neighbourhood altogether, leaving a sort of proclamation to Lord Grey affixed to the door of his house; saying that, next time he heard of him, no mercy would be shown, and every man would be slain.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mercy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    mercy from; mercy shall; mercy upon