Her illness poisoned the child; it wasted quickly and died in cruel pain.
But there happened to be present at the council a man whom the trader had once successfully treated for a serious illness after the native doctors had pronounced his case to be hopeless.
Twice he had caught a look of doubt upon her face--once when he had spoken of his three months' illness as being an invention of Tom's, and again when he had declared to her that he was trying to live honestly.
I cannot help thinking more of your illness than of the pleasure in prospect--according to my foolish nature, which is always prone to live in past pain.
Ito told me that the well was badly contaminated, the odours were fearful; illness was to be feared as well as robbery!
The illness was a short one, and there had been no time either for prayers or pilgrimages on the sick man's behalf.
This leads me to mention, what my illness would not permit me to do before, that Mr. B.
My mother's illness increasing beyond hopes of recovery, and having settled all her greater affairs, she talked to me of her servants; I asked what she would have done for Pamela and Mrs. Jervis.
She is in a fine way to do well: for with her accustomed prudence, she had begun to prepare herself by a proper regimen, the moment she knew the child's illness was the small-pox.
The period of her aunt's illness could not be a proper time for marriage vows, or the amenities of love-making.
At the present moment she had a claim to the undivided interest of the family, and she believed that her sister's illness was feigned in order to defraud her of her rights.
As a consequence of this, she did not believe in the illness of other people,--especially not in the illness of women.
You know, you naughty Lothario, that you did give her some ground to hope that she might dispose of her unfortunate niece," said Camilla playfully to her own one, when this illness was discussed between them.
Premature birth, a delicate constitution, or prolonged illness and especially chronic or digestive disturbances.
As many of them contain very little fat, they may be used in cases of illness where fat cannot be borne.
The patient remains conscious of his agony to the end, but the period of illness is of short duration, lasting from one to three days.
Better withdraw the invitations in case of severe illness or death, and have a quiet home ceremony with few present.
Lombard himself, while I was attending him during his last illness and a few days before his death.
Often, too, the excitement, the fatigue, the unusual strain on mind and body, result in illness which sometimes proves fatal.
Some serious illness of the mother, pregnancy, but the main reasons usually are that the child is not thriving.
She refused to marry him because of their differences of religion; even refused to see him in her fatal illness unless he could say that he loved God better than he loved her.
Forced by boyish illness to live in the country, he early developed a great love for the Scotch ballads and the tales of the romantic past of his native land.
During a severe illness the government was usurped by his son, and on his recovery he was removed from Delhi to Agra, where he died, probably by poison.
HENRY VIII of England having grown so unwieldy and corpulent that he was raised up and let down the stairs by a machine, after an illness of some weeks, sank under his disease, and died in the 38th year of his reign, and the 56th of his age.
The priests will probably ask you for a declaration; you are ill enough to make illness an excuse for keeping out of the case altogether.
They believed firmly in a class of doctors among their people who professed that they could procure the illness of an individual at will, and that by certain incantations they could kill or cure the sick person.
Torbert having recovered from the illness which overtook him in the Wilderness, had now returned to duty.
He consented, and I laid down without receiving any notice of the lady's expected illness till morning, when I left my pallet at a very early hour.
I once had a patient to nurse, whose desperate illness had brought him very near the shadowy land.
It was the first time she had heard his name spoken since that Sunday on which her husband's illness had begun.
What should there be amiss with me, who never had a day's illness in my life?
Roland Lansdell if the surgeon's illnessshould terminate fatally?
I was sorry to hear of his serious illnessfrom his wife last night.
His death was very sudden, though his illness had been, considering the nature of his disease, a long and tedious one.
The experience of her husband's deathbed had impressed her with an idea that dangerousillness must be accompanied by terrible prostration, delirium, raging fever, dull stupor.
In 1754 was published his "Hymn to the Supreme Being," written on his recovery from a dangerous fit of illness brought on by intemperance.
I have contracted one or two serious debts, partly from my illness these many months, partly from too much thoughtlessness as to expense when I came to town, that will cut in too much on the little I leave them in your hands.
An illness which has long hung about me, in all probability will speedily send me beyond that bourne whence no traveller returns.
This appointment is only temporary, and during the illness of the present incumbent; but I look forward to an early period when I shall be appointed in full form: a consummation devoutly to be wished!
On the 8th of the next month Canning died of anillness caught at the funeral of the Duke of York, and rendered worse by the effects of the constant attacks to which he had been subjected acting upon his sensitive nature.
His illness assumed the form of insanity, and even if he should survive, as was thought doubtful, it seemed plain that a regency would be inevitable.
A Catholic petition was therefore prepared, which Sir Francis Burdett presented during the illness of Lord Liverpool, proposing at the same time a resolution that the affairs of Ireland required immediate and earnest attention.
He introduced a number of Tories and courtiers into the administration, and thus shocked the great Whig party; and when, as shortly happened, illness obscured for a time his intellect, the ministry lost all cohesion and fell to pieces.
The unexpected illness of the Queen, the rapidity and energy with which the Hanoverian Lords of the Council had carried out what was virtually a coup d'état, had destroyed these hopes.
Willis's treatment, his illness was speedily mastered, and in the beginning of March he was declared convalescent.
George was at this time so popular that even the Opposition treated him in his illness with every consideration.
She seemed in a half melancholy, half petulant mood; and traces of recent illness were visible in the languor of her movements and the pallor of her cheeks.
The letters I wrote for him, and those he received, told the little story very plainly; for he read them to me, and found much comfort in talking over his affairs, as most men do when illness makes them dependent on a woman.
The intelligence that the illness was mortal "was received with a calmness and fortitude which never deserted him" through all the scenes which followed.
During this fatal illness he had the consolation of the constant presence of his loving wife, whose courageous spirit enabled her to overcome the weakness of a delicate constitution.
The queen, who had no other child, and lived in a state of perpetual anxiety about this one, at once gave him up for lost, and indeed his sudden illness puzzled the greatest doctors, who tried the usual remedies in vain.
Our mother died before I can remember, and when we were fifteen our father was seized with a dangerous illness which no spells could cure.
But the outspoken admiration of the entire court soon undeceived her, and made her so angry that she pretended illness and retired to her own rooms, so as to avoid witnessing the princess's triumph.
Owing to the confusion attendant upon Miss Carroll's well-nigh fatal illness and her subsequent removal to Baltimore, a trunk and box marked A.
During Miss Carroll's long and apparently hopeless illness Mr. Clay's letters were sent for and returned to him.
The evidence presented, though remarkable, was by no means as complete as it should have been, owing to Miss Carroll's illness and to the difficulty of now procuring copies of her pamphlets.
Hand in hand with the giving of work to friendless men, and the curing of sick men, for example, we must undertake measures which will prevent a recurrence of unemployment on the one hand, and illness on the other.
During President Wilson's second term, neither the President's extended absence in Europe, nor his serious illness at home, operated to increase the influence of the Vice President.
When, because of illness or accident, individuals were temporarily unable to support themselves, informal aid was extended them by neighbors and friends.
This cost would be considerable, because illness may be feigned, and hence there would have to be more careful supervision than in the case of accident insurance.
Your note telling me of your illness was a great shock, and your mother's uncompromising attitude this morning has added to my dejection.
But perhaps she would recover, in which case she should spend her convalescence at Ambles with Harold; for if when in good health she was strict, after a severe illness she might be ferocious.
My dear Miss Hamilton, [he wrote,] I cannot say how distressed I was to hear the news of your illness and still more to learn from your mother that you were seriously thinking of resigning your post.
Still, a stitch in time saves nine, and her illness must serve as an excuse for what with a curiously youthful self-importance she calls 'leaving you in the lurch.
Procuring a situation with a ship-builder, he was about to embark for India in trade, when an illness at the moment he was to embark prevented him.
On his arrival the prince de Kaunitz hastily informed him of the sudden illness of the emperor.