His Anguish seems inexpressible: his Sweats stream down from Agony: his Breast swells out as if distended by Fullness, and he dies miserably.
After the Operation of the Vomit, if the Fever still continue, if the Stools are remarkably foetid, and if the Belly is tense and distended as it were, and the Quantity of Urine is small, a Spoonful of the Potion No.
The Dysentery sometimes commences with an inflammatory Fever; a feverish, hard, full Pulse, with a violent Pain in the Head and Loins, and a stiff distended Belly.
Already one of them was turned low, and the saloonkeeper, with distended cheeks, was in the act of putting an end to its flickering life when Bill flung open the door.
With an adept twist of the tongue his chew of tobacco ceased to bulge one cheek, and promptlydistended the other.
The latter took hold of the child by its long hair and firmly bending its neck back against his own knee left the child's throat well distended and exposed to the knife.
My fancy made a picture of them distended with three weeks' absorption of mineral springs.
A little later, if we study the structure as a whole, we find it a small, distended sac, from the inner surface of which hangs a tiny clump of tissue.
Since the womb enlarges and tilts forward at a more acute angle than formerly, it presses against the bladder, giving the same sensation as when the bladder is distended with urine.
When nursing is discontinued the breasts are apt to become distended and uncomfortable.
The cells on the ventral side are so much larger because distended with yolk.
In early spring the females are greatlydistended with ova, and the greater portion of the ovary may, with advantage, be removed.
The distal end of the oviduct of the female is in the breeding season (early March) enormously distended with ova, and the ovaries become then the mere vestiges of their former selves.
The thorax wall is muscular and bony, and resists the atmospheric pressure on its outer side, so that the lungs before this is cut through are kept distended to the size of the thoracic cavity by the pressure of the air within them.
The great veins of the abdomen are also filled with blood, and if the coma has been prolonged, the bladder will be distended with urine.
The large intestines were distended in some parts, contracted in others, and there was ulceration of the rectum.
The liver and kidneys were deeply congested, the lungs also congested; the right ventricle of the heart was distended with blood; in the pericardium there was a quantity of bloody serum.
The consequence of this is a more or less general backward engorgement, the right side of the heart becomes distended with blood, and the ultimate cause of death is partly mechanical.
The work being now about 10 feet in height, admitted of a Rope-ladder being distended between the Beacon and the Building, as represented in Plate IX.
From the elevated position of the building, the mortar-gallery on the Beacon was now much lower, and the lime buckets were made to traverse upon a rope distended between it and the building, as will be seen from Plate IX.
Usually the temporal vein, less frequently one of the veins in the front of the forearm, is opened, having been first distended with blood by tying a ligature around the upper arm.
Both heads were probably held within widely distended animal jaws, as a part of the lower jaw is seen below the chin in the male head, where also the large circular red ear plug still remains on the right side.
Oonah, with suppressed voices and distended mouth and eyes.
A head rises; a great grim black head, with distended eyeballs rolling in the moonlight.
Their breath came in quick, short gasps, and every muscle was distended and rigid.
The carpels or nuts resemble those of the rose, but they have no hairy covering, and indeed look hard and shining on the surface of the distended receptacle, or polyphore as it is called in its metamorphosed state.
Rose had half risen in bed, her arms thrown out, her mouth distended as she gasped "Mamma!
Little Blanche sat at Zulma's side listening to the discourse with wide distended eyes, and that expression of vacancy which was so frequent with this strange child.
All except the goat were dressed for visiting, with long chains of beads, bracelets and anklets, and heavy ornaments in the distended ear lobes.
They hung all sorts of things in the distended lobes of their ears.
My distended eyes shine from the midst of their orbits which are hollow; my bones protrude from under the yellow skin; my mouth is pale, trembling, hanging like the mouths of lascivious old men.
At nightfall I jumped out of my window, fled to the warm stable, and there strove hard to draw milk from Lolotte's distended udders.
The apparatus consisted simply of a bag of India-rubber kept distended by an interior framework, while it was exhausted by a Sprengel pump.
In like manner a moist bladder, half filled with air and tied, if suspended in an atmosphere of the same material, becomes in time greatly distended by the insinuation of this gas through its substance.
Occasionally the tunic of peritoneum surrounding the ovary becomes distended with serous fluid.
Haematosalpinx is a term applied to the non-gravid tube distended with blood; later the tubes may become sclerosed.
When in consequence of the sealing of the ostium the tube becomes distended with serous fluid it is termed hydrosalpinx.
When neither of these occurrences has taken place the ovum continues to grow inside the tube, the rupture of the distended tube usually taking place between the sixth and the tenth week.
To the skillful eyes of these children of the desert he was almost invaluable; every step betrayed his metal, while the clean limb, nervous action, and distended nostrils told of the fleetness that was in him!
From the left came a bay stallion, devouring the earth, legs and head one tawny line, distended nostril and red-lit eye.
Little Sorrel beneath him moved with a jerk of the head and a distended nostril.