This might tend to barbarize, demoralize, and exasperate the whole mass and produce most deplorable consequences.
The popularity of the work, still more than its principles, has contributed to exasperate the Assembly; and serious apprehensions are entertained for the fate of Delacroix, who is ordered for trial to the Revolutionary Tribunal.
This proclamation, so arrogant and insulting, served only to exasperatethe people.
The ruffians discovered their hiding-place, and, fearing to exasperate them by refusing to come out, one of the governor's daughters boldly opened the door.
The two main Jewish forces which exasperate and maintain the sense of friction between the Jews and their hosts are first of all the Jewish reliance upon secrecy, and, secondly, the Jewish expression of superiority.
Since my object is to reduce that enmity, which has already become dangerous, I should be insincere indeed if from mere purpose of enlivening this essay I had stooped to exasperate feeling.
The conduct of Clarence was calculated to exasperate this enmity, and to expose him to its attacks.
At home Charles had determined to rule without a Parliament, but this necessarily drove him upon all those means of raising an income which Parliament had protested against, and which must, therefore, continue to exasperate the people.
Instead of this, he took the surest means to exasperate his own people and his most powerful neighbour that his worst enemies could have suggested.
Napoleon had abused him to his face and behind his back, and was not above resorting to paltry subterfuges in order to defy and exasperate his "paltry gaoler.
In order to exasperate the presbyterians with further provocations, another act was passed for discontinuing the courts of judicature during the Christmas holidays, which had never been kept by persons of that persuasion.
Instead of soothing, by gentle measures and equal administration, the Scots, who had expressed such aversion to the union, they treated them in such a manner as served to exasperate the spirits of that people.
If you know I've a quick temper, why do you exasperate me?
But its chief result at the time was to alarm andexasperate owners of land, and to league them against the Radicals, who after a not very brilliant experience of office without power fell in 1879.
But at the same time his treaty and his proclamation were bound to paralyse settlement, to exasperate the entire white population, and to plunge the infant colony into a sea of troubles.
There would be no dishonour in that, for, as I had no relief coming, the only sequel of my staying with them would be to be a prisoner with them, and in fact my presence would only exasperate the Arabs instead of being of any good.
By not doing so we do not lose the sympathies of the regulars, whereas if we do so we exasperate and render desperate those regulars.
My lord, let me entreat you to take the pains To exasperate and hasten his revenge With your complaints unto my lord the king: This their dissension breeds a greater doubt.
From Hill it was learned that the plans of the conspirators were first to excite and exasperate the popular feeling against Mr. Lincoln to the utmost, and thus far this had been successfully accompanied.
I fancy our sisters enter into an argument with more simple good faith and eagerness than we are wont to indulge in; so that it is probably easier to tease and exasperate them, which is amusing enough while it lasts.
A sneer at its capabilities or a doubt as to its prospects wouldexasperate him at any time far more than a direct insult to himself (to be sure there was little self-respect left to be offended).
The question seemed to exasperate his father who at last cried out: of what value may be thy Hebrew studies and a knowledge of the language, if the law be not studied with Azariah?
My wintry smile at that resemblance seemed toexasperate him.
I can see that it even begins to exasperate Duncan a little, to be shut out behind those incontestable walls of reserve.
But the range of my rhetoric enabled me at last to exasperate Parload, and his mere repudiation of my conclusions sufficed to exasperate me, and we ended in the key of a positive quarrel.
But I must warn the novice against that most insidious form of padding which is responsible for so many long and dreary sentences, cluttered with repetitious words and phrases which retard the narrative and exasperate the reader.
But she mayexasperate me, and then it will matter.
But do sit down, I beg you, oh, how youexasperate me!
He is baffled, deceived, and still more deeply involved; but injury and disappointment exasperate rather than instruct him.
The employments of literature sharpen this natural tendency; the vexations that accompany them frequently exasperate it into morbid soreness.
The prospect of the speedy and unshunable death now before him, seemed to exasperate his misanthropic soul into madness; and as if he had indeed sold it to Satan, he seemed determined to die with a curse between his teeth.
For no doubt he thought that such rigorous discipline as that might exasperate five hundred emigrants into an insurrection.
Resolute to avoid a long tete-a-tete, which was sure to exasperate her temper, Nancy kept Mary in the room, and listened to no hint from Jessica that they should retire for the accustomed privacy.
It is a notable instance of evolutionary process that the female mind, in wrath, flies to just those logical ineptitudes which most surelyexasperate the male intelligence.
By the advice of M'Corkindale, I abstained from any further efforts, which might possibly have tended to exasperate the electors, and left Kittleweem to itself, in the hope that it would maintain an armed neutrality.
Take home your unrequited love into your bosom--nourish it there--but do not exasperate it by a bootless and incessant struggle against fate.
Unlike his fellow-exiles, he did not allow his depressing circumstances to numb his faculties, exasperate his temper, or deaden his curiosity.