All distempers are sowed in lent; 'tis the true seminary and native bed of all diseases; nor does it only weaken and putrefy bodies, but it also makes souls mad and uneasy.
They are troubled with all manner of distempers; and, indeed, all distempers are engendered and proceed from ventosities, as Hippocrates demonstrates, lib.
And as in the first Class of those attacked with the Plague, so likewise in these two Distempers we often find the Patient to dye by the violence of the Fever, before any Eruption of the Pustules can be made.
Thus it will be seen that the two distempers widely differ in their symptoms.
We must, moreover, observe that the typhus is of all known distempers the most difficult to treat.
However, to conform ourselves to received custom, I will say some words about the principal symptoms of some distempers affecting the ox, between which and typhus unprofessional persons might be embarrassed, and hesitate to distinguish them.
Hence, says he, proceed all these feverish distempers among you, your hot and passionate words, your evil speakings and reproachings, your contentions and wars about matters either civil or religious.
Some have had sore distempers of conscience, and puddling exercises of terror.
And let this consideration make you cast away all your confidence in yourselves, and carry you forth to a Redeemer who hath found a ransom—who hath found out an excellent invention to cure all our distempers and desperate diseases.
Well, a Christian is one called home from vain impertinent diversions, one that is occupied most about his soul and spirit, how to have all the disorders he finds in himself ordered, all those distempers cured, all those defilements washed.
It quite distempers his taste, and makes that only savoury which is like itself, and all other things bitter.
And this, indeed, involves us all, For dire distempers in the tropics breed: Hence it were best to kindly caution woo.
The people did not only expect to be cured of such distempers as were in their nature incurable, but even to recover their lost eyes, and their mutilated limbs.
It is, therefore, not without reason that I intend in this chapter to set down the several distempers to which the womb is obnoxious, with proper and safe remedies against them.
But when they are married and their veneral desires satisfied by the enjoyment of their husbands, these distempers vanish, and they become more gay and lively than before.
Here are the implements; here are the little doctors which cure the distempers of the purse.
Now there is no one circumstance in which the distempers of the mind bear a more exact analogy to those which are called bodily, than that aptness which both have to a relapse.
But it is with jealousy as with the gout: when such distempers are in the blood, there is never any security against their breaking out; and that often on the slightest occasions, and when least suspected.
The new commander found his master's forces reduced to a deplorable condition, by the accidents of war, and distempers arising from hard duty, severe weather, and the want of necessaries.
After the re-embarkation of the troops, the distempers peculiar to the climate and season began to rage with redoubled fury; and great numbers of those who escaped the vengeance of the enemy perished by a more painful and inglorious fate.
Thus having fairly reckoned up the principal inconveniences of the climate, and the distempers incident to the country, I shall add a chapter of the recreations and amusements used there, and proceed to the natural benefits they enjoy.
His opinion was that the devil, in witchcraft, did work upon the bodies of men and women, and afflict them with such distempers as their bodies were most subject to.
Magical shafts, which went through the air unseen, were thrown at enemies, anddistempers were caused by charms.
We daily see crueldistempers among the common people, occasioned by such causes, which are not sufficiently attended to.
Every body knows the great use of Oil of sweet Almonds, in inflammatory distempers of the breast and intestines.
I have found there is nothing like the earth to draw the various social distempers out of one.
To cure these distempers is difficult, if not impossible; the only thing, therefore, left to save the commonwealth is, to prevent their return too frequently.
Whatever, for the same reason, was found of efficacy to avert or curedistempers was considered as partaking somewhat of the Divinity.
Thus, most chronical distempers have intervals that afford us more satisfaction and ease than the distempers we labor under cause pain.
The new year 1616 was ushered in with distempersthat proved fatal to many of the sailors.
On getting near the Açores, they found no more fish, and had to use those they had dried and salted; and by this food many distempers were produced among them, particularly the scurvy.
He'l be your Doctor to cure your palefac'dness, your pains in the reins of your back, and at your heart, and all other distempers whatsoever.
The poor, he says, were now better lodged, and some of the most dangerous malignant distempers were less violent and less mortal.
An Account of the Nature, Causes, Symptoms and Cure of the Distempersthat are incident to Seafaring People.
Headnote: Distempers and Limewashes] Cold Water Paint that will stand the Weather.
And that there is but a certain limit of time appointed unto thee, which if thou shalt not make use of, to calm and allay the many distempers of thy soul, it will pass away, and thou with it, and never after return.
Whilst the distempers of a relaxed fibre prognosticate and prepare all the morbid force of convulsion in the body of the state, the steadiness of the physician is overpowered by the very aspect of the disease.
I tell you, you have obtained a Celestial Medicine, to cure all the Diseases and Distempers of Mans Body; its use is, as followeth; In the Gout.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distempers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.