Washington was still to endure greater hardships and mortifications--to have his patriotism and disinterestedness more severely tried than ever during the coming campaigns.
The chivalrous sincerity and disinterestedness of Hamilton pervaded the assembly with all the power of his fascinating manners.
Before following him into new scenes of self-sacrifice and disinterestedness in the service of his country, we pause to notice a pleasing act of private friendship, which, with his usual delicacy, he calls an act of simple justice.
This expression, Coleridge remarked to me, was a fine illustration of that theory of disinterestedness which I (in common with Butler) had adopted.
I do not hesitate to say that you have not served America with more fidelity or greater zeal or more disinterestedness than myself, and perhaps not with better effect.
Some start with the idea that Paul's adversaries at Corinth were persons who took no support from the Church, and boasted of their disinterestedness in this respect.
They felt the advantage which Paul's disinterestedness gave him with the Corinthians; they had not themselves the generosity needed to imitate it; it was not enough to assail it with covert slanders (chap.
At the appointed hour, with as much disinterestedness as an actor who answers to his cue, in obedience to the divine stage-manager, they enter the tomb.
This young man's disinterestedness appeared so very ludicrous in the eyes of Miss Rugg, that she was obliged to effect a precipitate retirement from the company, and to sit upon the stairs until she had had her laugh out.
He assured John Chivery when he had returned his handkerchief to his pocket, that he did all honour to his disinterestedness and to the fidelity of his remembrance of Miss Dorrit.
In conclusion, fellow citizens, allow me to invoke in behalf of your deliberations that spirit of conciliation and disinterestedness which is the gift of patriotism.
Our efforts to effect this good work will be persevered in while they are deemed useful to the parties and our entire disinterestednesscontinues to be felt and understood.
Vanity, abnegation, pride, and disinterestedness are united together, and man in his entirety appears in the papa.
But this disinterestedness was, in truth, moral usury; he counted on a reward far greater to him than all the gold in the world.
His disinterestedness was lauded, and he took his clients' fees without comment.
Yet experience shows it to be too hard of attainment for those who tamper with disinterestedness of conviction, for the sake of luxuriating in the softness of spiritual transport without interruption from a syllogism.
Such disinterestedness on my part is a very simple thing, monsieur.
Is it strange that, under circumstances like these, I should appreciate disinterestedness and unselfishness?
What greater proof of disinterestedness could you or any one give?
And where could I ever find greater disinterestedness than that of which M.
If you were not so proud, I should tell you that your disinterestedness is all the more noble from the fact that your situation is so precarious; and, by the way, let me say right here that, though M.
Such disinterestedness is positively inconceivable," said the Duchesse de Senneterre to her daughter, sotto voce.
Is the disinterestedness which you yourself were obliged to admire nothing?
I scarcely know why, but I prophesy good from this visit, and I certainly prove my disinterestedness by doing so, for devoted friendship is naturally jealous.
And you must permit me to say, monsieur," added Madame de Senneterre, "that the disinterestedness you showed in refusing M.
The motives which may lead a politician to change his connections or his general line of conduct are often obscure; but disinterestedness in pecuniary matters everybody can understand.
Disinterestedness of this kind was, in his days, very rare.
The cheerful fidelity with which they adhered to him through many years of almost hopeless opposition was less admirable than the disinterestedness and delicacy which they showed when he rose to power.
The supposed disinterestedness of our love of beauty passes into another characteristic of it often regarded as essential, -- its universality.
In the second place, the supposed disinterestednessof aesthetic delights is not truly fundamental.
Disinterestedness not the differentia of aesthetic pleasure, 37 et seq.
Wholly unsuspicious by nature, it never occurred to him that an enemy was busily at work, undermining his character and poisoning the minds of his compatriots in regard to the disinterestedness of the motives which actuated him.
All these stories of disinterestedness seem to be contradicted in the correspondence of Harrison and Van Buren.
He then went and brought his lecture, and read the passage, which told of a curate's taking him to visit a poor family in London, where he witnessed a scene of distress and of disinterestedness very striking and beautiful to see.
The disinterestedness was no less prodigious than the devotion.
Certainly no public man in England has given clearer evidence of his sincerity and disinterestedness in any cause that he advocates than Labouchere has done again and again.
I replied with perfect disinterestedness that, with the exception of the saddle, which was a costly one, I did not attach the slightest value to the sorry hack of which he had deprived me.
If disinterestedness and probity, joined to ardent patriotism, were sufficient to govern a great state, Bustamente was the man for Mexico.