Surely so useful, so disinterestedly faithful an animal, should not be so barbarously treated as I have often seen them, particularly in London.
Neither can it be fairly claimed that hitherto the United States has not dealt disinterestedly and in good faith with the people of these islands.
He must become interested exclusively in the excellence of his work; and he can never become disinterestedly interested in his work as long as heavy responsibilities and high achievements are supposed to be rewarded by increased pay.
The least that our Savior can in that passage be understood to demand is, that we disinterestedly and heartily devote ourselves to the welfare of mankind, "the poor" especially.
Disinterestedly observed, for one thing, we get something in these celebrities besides patriotism and mother-love and chastity and heroism.
There is the instructive contrast between the "censored celebrity" and the uncensored celebrity disinterestedly observed.
As the two sweating drivers were helped along by the boys, many looked on disinterestedly and more than a few openly laughed and mocked at the slowness of their progress.
Habrunt's dull eyes grew slowly wide as he took her in disinterestedly at first, and suddenly stared at her in dumbstruck disbelief.
As we have no mean relish for theatrical entertainments ourself, we are disinterestedly anxious that this should be perfectly understood.
He desires no advantage to himself from following it, either in this or another world; he wishes, rather, disinterestedly to establish the good to which that holy law directs all his powers.
The Beautiful prepares us to love disinterestedly something, even nature itself; the Sublime prepares us to esteem something highly even in opposition to our own (sensible) interest.
To seek out the best through the whole Union, we must resort to other information, which from the best of men, acting disinterestedly and with the purest motives, is sometimes incorrect.
The same dangers not existing in the other assembly, which had only to judge calmly and disinterestedly of the law, its election was direct, and its authority transient.
How difficult it is to think out such a problem disinterestedly, and yet how necessary to the justice of our conclusions that we should think disinterestedly if we pretend to think at all!