Disinterment is the only solution of the question.
Removal or disinterment of a dead body without authority of law or consent of relatives, for the purpose of selling such body or for dissection or for mere wantonness, is— (a) A felony.
Removal, mutilation, or disinterment of dead body without authority of law is a felony (Pen.
In March, 1829, Mr. Warburton obtained leave to introduce into the House of Commons "A Bill for preventing the unlawful disinterment of human bodies, and for regulating Schools of Anatomy.
And the next day the following: "Our vigilant coroner has made inquiry into the death and burial of Rita Morgan, and feels that the circumstances demand a disinterment and examination of the body.
We are assured that the surgeon who attended at the second disinterment of the corpse only remarked, ‘that the little forehead there was, was prominent.
In the course of that week I was informed that some gentlemen had, on Tuesday, the 17th, prevailed on the churchwardens to suffer a second disinterment of the coffin, which had taken place on that day.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disinterment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.