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Example sentences for "precaution"

Lexicographically close words:
prebendary; prebends; precarious; precariously; precariousness; precautionary; precautions; prece; precede; preceded
  1. Having mastered the above exercises, the reader may take the following with two beats in the bar--taking the precaution to set them at a slow time on the metronome, say 76, not singing them quickly until he is thoroughly acquainted with them.

  2. And yet I did none of these obvious things, and I think John Thaneford was shrewd enough to know that my tongue would be held out of very shame; otherwise, he would have taken the precaution to slip a gag into my mouth.

  3. She must have realized that the precaution was unnecessary, but it was all part of the preconceived plan, and she could not have borne to have stood idly by.

  4. They were both serving under assumed names, and were obliged to take no little precaution to keep their identity concealed, for they were "wanted" for serious crimes in more than one port.

  5. Knowing the captain was on the Coral, and knowing how important it was that he should not be allowed to run away and leave them there, they would neglect no precaution to prevent his going off.

  6. The same precaution is used when any one passes out of the city.

  7. To this I consented, though I had first taken the precaution to procure some rifle balls of them.

  8. It soon became necessary for the latter to abandon the capital of Philadelphia; but he had taken the precaution to remove the whole of his effects beyond the reach of the royal forces, including the papers of his friend also.

  9. A slight gesture with his spear indicated the way in which Leather-Stocking wished to go, and a profound silence was preserved by the whole party, as the precaution necessary to the success of their fishery.

  10. No one ventures forth such weather unless compelled to do so, and then, of course, every precaution is taken to guard against freezing.

  11. Even with this precaution it was impossible for a man to remain out longer than ten minutes, because of the terribly cold wind that at times was almost impossible to stand up against.

  12. The graver precaution of more advanced years was entirely out of the question.

  13. No men in the world have so much discretion and delicate precaution in what concerns the affections, as the English.

  14. It is reasonable to suppose, from observing the extreme precaution of the ancients to guard against heat, that the climate was then more burning than it is in our days.

  15. Or it might be pretended that Pietro had invariably written to her in a feigned handwriting signing himself, perhaps, with a single initial, as a precaution in case his letters should fall into the wrong hands.

  16. The billows did not recede before Xerxes, but Xerxes retreated before the billows; and without this humiliating but wise precaution he would certainly have been drowned.

  17. His acquaintances were not the sort of people likely to happen casually into a restaurant of that kind and moreover he took the precaution to seat himself at a small table so as to face the wall.

  18. This sensible precaution proved that she was no ordinary woman.

  19. Gently and with infinite precaution she throws oil on the fire.

  20. Crouch had taken every precaution that was possible; practically without exception the lifebuoys and cork lifebelts had been lashed underneath the raft, the better to serve their purpose.

  21. But the wind, which beat into the passage through the open window, rendered the precaution too perilous.

  22. It seemed contrary to every precaution necessary to shake off pursuit.

  23. While daylight lasted the three chums rested, after taking the precaution of gathering a supply of coco-nuts and roots.

  24. The door was of steel, and was fitted with a "jalousie" or latticed shutter; but their captors had taken the precaution of bolting a solid metal plate over the opening.

  25. On the contrary, a necessary precaution on our part," corrected the skipper of the Crustacean.

  26. As a matter of precaution he cast off the lashings of the lamp, placing it on a seat just inside the cabin.

  27. This was done as a precaution to save the skulls from falling into the hands of enemies, who were eager to bear them off as trophies.

  28. They did not however neglect the precaution of sending a guard during the night to the bridge over the Tigris, which no enemy came to assail.

  29. To the deception and harshness of the Spartan admiral, there was thus added a want of precaution in the manner of execution, which threatened to prove the utter ruin of Byzantium.

  30. With infinite precaution he fumbled for the chains; they were dangling loose.

  31. We exchanged only the words I have written you; she passed her way leaning on Miss Lester's arm; I went for a mud bath as a precaution to our inherited enemy.

  32. The precaution I speak of, is: to let no one come into the stable or yard with you, for it would be dangerous.

  33. This last precaution was useless, as he followed me into the house, and ate corn out of my hand.

  34. It would be sufficient, he reflected, to take the precaution of securing the key of the door which opened on the outside steps leading down to the garden.

  35. At each door which they passed on their way the officer took the precaution of stationing two armed men.

  36. He sought her in London and found her; and having taken the precaution to rechristen her he lived happily with her ever after.

  37. This is countenanced by the precaution said to have been observed in Nithsdale when a pretty child was born to consecrate it to God, and sue for its protection by "taking the Beuk" and other acts of prayer and devotion.

  38. This was a common custom of the natives; but the king, who was a bold, reckless man, had neglected to take the very necessary precaution of selecting a strong tree.

  39. This precaution we took in order to scare away the wild animals whose cries we heard occasionally during the night.

  40. If the sirocco blows, it is mild and very relaxing; but the winters are more apt to be subject to the severe cold of the tramontana, which requires even greater precaution and care than that of an English winter.

  41. It is not the most probable of dangers, but the most formidable, that must be selected as measuring the degree of military precaution to be embodied in the military preparations thenceforth to be maintained.

  42. Against bombardment the necessary precaution is gun-fire, of such power and range that a fleet cannot lie within bombarding distance.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "precaution" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    caution; discretion; forebode; foresight; forethought; forewarn; insurance; measure; portend; precaution; protection; provision; prudence; safeguard; steps