Jacques Carter, of St. Malo, in France, is the acknowledged discoverer of Canada.
He after all stands preeminent among men, as the discoverer of the new world.
And he is the Greatest Discoverer of This or Any Age--the Greatest Discoverer of This or Any Age!
And somehow they must have had a moment of sufficient isolation, and the great Discoverer a moment of sufficient courage for something just a little personal to be mumbled or blurted.
It must have dawned upon him quite early in the period of being the Greatest Discoverer of This or Any Age, the vision of doing this and that with an extensive void below.
Nero banish'd Philosophers from Rome, and the first Discoverer of the Antipodes was condemn'd for a Heretic.
He taxes the discovererof the clue with it and the latter commits suicide.
Strange to say, the inventor or discovererwas a young Jewish woman not yet thirty years of age.
Footnote 121: The great missionary explorer, discoverer of the Zambesi, the upper course of the Congo, Lake Nyassa and other Central African lakes; also founder of Nyassaland.
Jacques Cartier, the discoverer of the St. Lawrence, was a Breton.
The truth is that it would be as easy to name the discovererof gunpowder or steam-power as to find the first circumnavigator of the African continent.
Colonel Root is also the discoverer of a cipher which shows that Julius Caesar's dying words were: "Et tu Brute.
But it is so, only as discoverer of nature's laws, not as creator of them.
Job was the discoverer of infinity, and the first to see the bearing of infinity on righteousness.
The discovererfinds nothing so tall or grand as himself, nothing so valuable to him.
It is now generally admitted that Reichenbach was the real discoverer of paraffin.
The subject must indeed have been a painful one; to have to assert his own right to be the discoverer of certain chemical results which were being credited to Davy.
But now," continued thediscoverer of a new law of physics, "mark what happens when I fill the glass to the brim.
Faraday's life as a scientific experimentalist and discoverer is divided into two periods by an interval of four years, during which he did but little, or, compared with his previous performances but little, work.
For otherwise, as observed, thediscoverer of the mouth of Frazer's River would clash with the discoverer of the mouth of the Columbia River, as Frazer's River extends from 54 deg.
The principles involved in this position seem to be, that the discovererof the mouth of a river is entitled to the exclusive use of the river; and the exclusive use of the river entitles him to the property of its banks.
Iguana-tooth) proposed by Mantell, the discoverer of this reptile, in 1825.
Upon his return to Europe he was hailed as the second Columbus; as the scientific discoverer of America; as the revealer of a new world; as the great demonstrator of the sublime truth, that the universe is governed by law.
The discovery of the Hindu had been lost in the midnight of Europe--in the age of faith, and Copernicus was as much a discoverer as though Aryabhatta had never lived.
Balboa resolved to make a name for himself and to be the discoverer of the other sea.
It is not strange that Americus rather than Columbus was long regarded as the true discoverer of America.
Waldseemüller thought Americus had been the real discoverer of this continent.
Owen O Conally (though meer Irish, was notwithstanding a Protestant) was the first discoverer of this general Insurrection giving in the Names of some of the chief Conspirators.
In this connection I may without impropriety mention one Englishwoman, for she is already celebrated, the wife of Sir Samuel Baker, the discoverer of the Albert Nyanza.
No contemporary Leonardo could be at the same time a leader in fine art, a great military and civil engineer, and a discoverer in theoretical science; the specialists have gone too far for him.
And perhaps there may be some reason given for this; for as the ass is worshipped by them as the first discoverer of fountains, so perhaps the hog may be had in like veneration, which first taught them to sow and plough.
Later, with Dick Gird and Al Schieffelin, the original discoverer located the lower group of mines in the camp of Tombstone, then established.
The first resident was David Gowan, discoverer of the Natural Bridge, he and two others taking advantage of the presence of a beaver-built log dam, from which an irrigating canal was started.
Leonard Aretine, however, has been generally considered as the discoverer of that dialogue, as also of the treatise De Natura Deorum(662).
Wallace, Darwin's fellow-discoverer of the doctrine, also learned it from Malthus.
The discoverer remarks: "The teeth are perfectly fresh; and from the appearance of the jaws the skeleton must be that of a full-grown person, though of small stature.
It was of gold, and met with the usual fate of relics of the precious metals, having been sold by the discoverer to a jeweller in Edinburgh for the sum of twenty-eight guineas, as a Roman girdle of brass.
A relic found towards the close of last century on the farm of Balmae, Kirkcudbrightshire, and sold by the discoverer for about £20, may also be classed among the lost examples of Scottish gold torcs.