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Example sentences for "discoverable"

Lexicographically close words:
discoursing; discourteous; discourteously; discourtesy; discover; discoverd; discovered; discoverer; discoverers; discoverest
  1. Forgive me for owning it plainly," said Lady Loring--"I think you and your mother are a little too ready to suspect Father Benwell without any discoverable cause.

  2. Any discoverable reason for the improvement?

  3. There was no discoverable motive, mind, for suspecting him of imposing on us.

  4. These effects readily are discoverable in the larghetto of the Potocka concerto.

  5. Upon account of its not being discoverable by reason or experience.

  6. On the ground that it is not discoverable by reason or experience.

  7. To her motherly apprehension there was no result in this whirl of gayety, no serious intention discoverable in any of the train that followed Carmen.

  8. The tokens of an extreme antiquity are discoverable in almost every single feature of the Indian Village Communities.

  9. The Powers themselves are discernible in comparatively few monuments of ancient law, but Agnatic Relationship, which implies their former existence, is discoverable almost everywhere.

  10. If intellect has in such cases been exercised on jurisprudence, it has uniformly prided itself on the subtle perversity of the conclusions it could build on ancient texts, without discoverable departure from their literal tenour.

  11. There are no rules--no discoverable rules.

  12. French soldiers were discoverable all about; French groups were chatting and drinking coffee and other beverages at open-air cafes; fine French equipages rolled by with ladies and gentlemen in fashionable French dress.

  13. What exertion and determination of purpose, is discoverable in the persecutors of Jesus.

  14. Yet no trait of false Judaism is discoverable in the character of Christ.

  15. This change came on long before the close of the century, though not so decidedly but that some traces of the former manner are discoverable in the majority of popular writers.

  16. It is discoverable by reason; its obligation is from God.

  17. Traces of the same method are discoverable in the old Gallican Lectionary.

  18. What wonder that the same phenomenon should not be discoverable in other parts of the Gospel where the Evangelist is not observed to be doing the same thing?

  19. Mark’s Gospel were anciently defective from the 8th verse onwards some vestige may be discoverable of the forgotten truth.

  20. Then would it be a gratuitous task to set about convincing them that no inconsistency, no inaccuracy is discoverable within the compass of these Twelve concluding Verses.

  21. The single discoverable unity in Ibsen is his faculty of distortion.

  22. If, on the contrary, they are a generic continuous state, without determined cause and discoverable aim, the music presenting them to the senses will be as blurred and as nebulously fluctuating in form as themselves.

  23. Again, it was discoverable that the Lord Polperro of to-day succeeded to the barony in the very year of Mrs. Clover's husband's second disappearance.

  24. The spores could not be made to give rise to such germs by cultivation; nor were such germs discoverable in the air, or in the food of the fly.

  25. Lower down, the remains of species of Corydalis and Saussurea were discoverable in crevices of the rocks, the only remains of the alpine vegetation.

  26. This elevation includes the disclosure of truths not discoverable otherwise, as well as the faculty of apprehending them in such a vivid manner that they can have an efficacious action on the will, and give it a supernatural direction.

  27. Does the general voice of ages affirm any principle, or is no community of sentiment discoverable in distant times and places?

  28. If the relations involved in the fact of cognition are only those discoverable by observation of any particular portion of known experience, then such relations are quite external and contingent.

  29. But no connexions among distinct existences are ever discoverable by human understanding.

  30. This important organ had hitherto been found only in the Vertebrates, not a single trace of it being discoverable in the Invertebrates.

  31. There is no membrane discoverable in the simplest Chroococcacea, but we find one in other members of the same family; in Aphanocapsa (Figure 2.

  32. The road here is only discoverable by its barren track, along the cultivated meadows.

  33. His tail may be broad, or long, or a mere button, discoverable only by the touch.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discoverable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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