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Example sentences for "decorums"

Lexicographically close words:
decorators; decorous; decorously; decorticated; decorum; decouverte; decoy; decoyed; decoying; decoys
  1. Like his more famous brother, he had an artist's eye for the becoming in costume, and a keen sense for all the proprieties and decorums both of public and private life.

  2. Buckingham habitually violated the traditional and established decorums of the press; he was familiar, chatty, saucy, anecdotical, and sadly wanting in respect for the respectabilities of the most respectable town in the universe.

  3. All those ideas of form and decency, all the artificial decorums of society that I once cherished, are dissolved before the darker reflections, the apprehensive anxieties that your present situation has awakened.

  4. Alas, I am sufficiently unfortunate, that the arbitrary decorums of society have banished me from your presence.

  5. But I did not imagine that you would have been so overwhelmed with the event, as to have forgotten the decorums of your station, and to have derogated from the dignity of your character.

  6. He had obtained a power over some women, even in the highest circles in England, which had led them to forego the usual decorums of their sex, and had given rise to great scandals.

  7. We Americans understand little of the advantages of rank; but we did understand that it secured certain decorums to people, both while living and when in their graves.

  8. When accused of going to war, contrary to the decorums of her sex, and of assuming government and command over men, she scrupled not to reply, that her sole purpose was to defeat the English, and to expel them the kingdom.

  9. She knew that, in the decorums of life in which she herself was founded as on a rock, her husband scarcely knew the draping of virtue's garment.

  10. How far this entertainment, which was more consistent with the latitude of his Paris recollections, was reconcilable with the decorums of Scotland, we cannot say.

  11. The whole matter would be too repulsive for the decorums of biography, if it were not among the evidences of that utter corruption of morals, and callousness of feeling, which were finally avenged in the havoc of the Revolution.

  12. But no decorums could restrain the impatience of his blushing mistress to be forgiven.

  13. It will be proper to keep up the decorums of resentment a little, if it be only to impress her with an idea of my authority.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decorums" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.