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Example sentences for "decorticated"

Lexicographically close words:
decoratively; decorator; decorators; decorous; decorously; decorum; decorums; decouverte; decoy; decoyed
  1. The decorticated is preferred to the undecorticated variety, as the latter is said to occasionally set up dangerous internal irritation amongst the animals partaking of it.

  2. The decorticated fruit or pulp of the Citrellus Colocynthis (Schrad.

  3. Roasted and decorticated cocoa seeds (reduced to a subtile mass in a warm iron mortar) and powdered white sugar, of each 2 lbs.

  4. Grits or Groats are the decorticated grain of the oat, which when bruised or crushed constitute Embden groats.

  5. It reaches this country in a decorticated condition.

  6. These writers found a true Wallerian polyneuritis in only two pigs, one of which had been fed on wheat bread made with yeast, and the other on decorticated barley.

  7. As has been stated elsewhere, a diet of decorticated grain will lead to scurvy in the guinea-pig, to polyneuritis in the pigeon, and to a combination of these diseases in the hog!

  8. These remarks apply only to the shelled, or decorticated seed-cake, for the article prepared from the whole seed is of very inferior composition, and should never be employed.

  9. It is prepared instantly by pouring boiling water upon it, thus forming a light beverage with all the strength and flesh-forming constituents of the decorticated bean.

  10. Leaf-bases hexagonal, or in young branches elliptical, in vertical rows, but without distinct ribs, except in old or decorticated stems.

  11. These are rare, and liable to be confounded with decorticated examples of other groups; but I have some specimens which unquestionably represent the external surface.

  12. Of all vegetable substances used for food, it will be seen that decorticated cotton-seed cake is the richest in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, and consequently makes the richest and most valuable manure.

  13. According to Mr. Lawes’ estimate, the manure from a ton of decorticated cotton-seed cake is worth $27.

  14. The decorticated nuts were wiped dry and rubbed to a smooth paste in a marble mortar.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decorticated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.