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Example sentences for "yielded"

Lexicographically close words:
yez; yfaith; yglesia; yield; yieldeth; yielding; yields; yiftes; yill
  1. The door yielded to the pressure, and they passed in together.

  2. The mare, her frolic over, had yielded with superb grace, almost as if with a bow, and the pony was rubbing its nose against her steaming side.

  3. Though Donald generally disliked practical joking, he yielded this time.

  4. His ample chest was covered with a corselet of light scale-armour, which yielded to every motion of his frame, and was partially concealed by a broad sash, and a capacious velvet mantle.

  5. In a word, the cohort of beggary yielded utter subserviency to this remarkable leader.

  6. From the window I could see the villagers rapidly assembling, and not knowing how far advanced the flames might be I yielded to the advice of my friend, and swinging myself from the window dropped to the ground.

  7. In truth he had yielded most reluctantly to my plan, influenced almost wholly by the failing health of my mother, to whom the work of a farm household had become an intolerable burden.

  8. My pioneering spirit, subdued by years of penury and rough usage, yielded more and more to the honor and the intellectual companionship which the East offered.

  9. One by one as the years passed he yielded esthetic positions which at first he most stoutly held.

  10. Against his judgment Henry had yielded to the entreaties of the Privy Council.

  11. Unwilling to marry at all, he had yielded only to the pressure of a general desire.

  12. His research yielded amply for his needs.

  13. But spring came as is its wont; the great snowdrifts yielded to the demands of the sun and southern winds and the returning flights of birds heralded the change of seasons.

  14. Even in unfavorable years, the ranch yielded more than a hundred and fifty tons of hay.

  15. Crops grew, orchards bloomed, vines bore a full vintage, and bushes yielded because he made them do so.

  16. A good thousand pounds a year the land yielded him.

  17. Then Saint Thomas hung his head, and yielded him in the dispute; and thereafter he went to Saint Paul and told him of his discomfiture.

  18. Little wealth of land he had; at the most it yielded him no more than two hundred pounds a year; but ever he rode far and wide in search of honour.

  19. At Pisa they had a single combat, where he that yielded or was overcome was killed upon the place.

  20. The young men yielded presently to him, as being a man of various reading and very learned.

  21. A little after, he says, Pausanias and the Spartans yielded them the first place, desiring them to fight in the right wing against the Persians and give them the left, who excused themselves as not skilled in fighting against the barbarians.

  22. Placed originally under one authority, they became flourishing; but it seems that in after-times, their confederation being broken up and each city separated, they yielded to the violence of the neighbouring tribes.

  23. The Campanians, being otherwise accustomed to a despotic government, yielded ready obedience to their commands.

  24. She yielded at last, and received a little bankbook in return for her money.

  25. Mrs. Markham yielded to the friendly voice, and t~ gether the two women reached the gate just as two men hurriedly turned the other corner.

  26. Thaine had been with Jo from the moment of his coming and Leigh was glad that she had not yielded to his request of the afternoon before.

  27. It yielded slowly to its possessors only after they had paid out time and energy and hope and undying faith in its possibilities.

  28. These were gladly yielded to because it was all for man.

  29. The Spirit yielded Himself to the control of the glorified Son of God.

  30. But Mr. Lloyd George stuck to his sectarian guns, and was so insistent, especially in respect of Presbyterians, that at last the Secretary of State for War yielded in this one case.

  31. They even founded there one of the principal seats of their sovereignty, and Baghdad yielded not greatly in magnificence and power to Babylon of old.

  32. It was found that the clay gained much in consistency when mixed with finely chopped straw--another article of which the country, abounding in wheat and other grains, yielded unlimited quantities.

  33. Perhaps these present agreeable Occupants of Downing Street, such as the parliamentary mill has yielded them, are the best the miserable soil had grown?

  34. But according to every hypothesis as to the law, and the temptations and pressures towards vice, here are the individuals who, of all the society, have yielded to said pressure.

  35. The box stacking experiment, although it yielded complete success only as a result of suggestion on my part, proved far more interesting during its progress than any other portion of my work.

  36. In case the group of open doors lay to the right of the middle of the apparatus, this method naturally yielded success; whereas if the group included doors to the left of the middle, it resulted in failure.

  37. Thus the idea of turning completely about, which had it continued its association with the idea of facing the first box at the right, would have yielded success, instead became useless because of its dissociation.

  38. It appeared from these data that a relatively small number of choices, say not more than ten a day, the rewards in connection with which supplied the only food received by the animal, yielded most favorable results.

  39. Moreover, my multiple-choice method has the merit of having yielded the first curve of learning for an anthropoid ape.

  40. I am confident that these curves of learning will prove far more valuable than such data as are yielded by the puzzle-box method.

  41. This method, if persisted in, would obviously have yielded solution of the problem.

  42. Finally, the young man yielded and put some of the memories of his boyhood in Putnam County, Georgia, into the mouth of a negro named Uncle Remus.

  43. He knew that he was moving forward handsomely, and that if he yielded to the excitement of the situation for a moment he might fall back.

  44. I was young, pretty, an innocent, ignorant, foolish child, and I yielded to the fascination he exerted.

  45. Take my darling; and remember that she is the most precious gift a miserable mother ever yielded up.

  46. For the moment she yielded to her irritation and allowed herself the questionable relief of venting it on others.

  47. He was not in the habit of so much condescension, but for once dignity had yielded to curiosity.

  48. Pen and I, begun by me, and yielded to by him, I being in the right in finding fault with him for his neglect of duty.

  49. Why do our prizes come to nothing, that yielded so much heretofore?

  50. And after she had brought up the two sons that God gave to them, (17) she yielded with gladness her soul to Him in whom she had at all times put her perfect trust.

  51. But you must not give the name of virtuous woman to her who, in her struggle against an involuntary passion, has yielded nothing to her lover whom she idolizes.

  52. His humorous mood yielded at last to the claims of serious investigation.

  53. The air had warmed rapidly under the sun; the light breeze had the touch of a northern spring, and I yielded to the seductive suggestion and strapped my heavy woolen coat to the saddle.

  54. Aunt Maria, somewhat mollified, yielded a dignified consent, and an incident which had had its painful moment was closed.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yielded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; forfeit; forgone; forsworn; released; relinquished; renounced; sacrificial; waived