Great, aye, exceedingly great is the might, craftiness and diligence of Prince Belial and of the countless hosts he hath in the lower region.
And were it not for the craftiness of Hypocrisy how could anyone of us do business in any part of the world?
The Angel tells him of the might and craftiness of Belial and the alluring witchery of his daughters, and also of another city on higher ground--the City of Emmanuel--whereto all may fly from Destruction.
Thus was he enabled to enjoy the fruits of his thievery, and by the invention of landmarks he changed the former simplicity of men's lives, of their weights and measures, into craftiness or cunning, and he introduced corruption.
Had she not so far discovered a certain craftiness in the character of the Two Diamond stray-man that would indicate subtlety of thought?
That henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive.
But we renounce the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking incraftiness nor adulterating the word of God: but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience, in the sight of God.
He leaned on this point and returned to it, as if it might have a possible bearing on the matter actually in hand, and with a certain disagreeable effect of craftiness and intention.
There, as they fixed him, his little eyes took on their craftiness again and his mouth a smile, a smile of sensual tolerance and understanding, as between one man of the world and another.
A craftiness crept into Red Ratcliffe's face--a craftinessthat showed him an apt pupil of the Lean Man's.
He went home indignant, choking with rage, with confusion, the more cast down since with his Norman craftiness he was, perhaps, capable of having done what they accused him of and even of boasting of it as a good trick.
He was dimly conscious that it was impossible to prove his innocence, his craftiness being so well known.
Already with the utmost craftiness has she concealed five distinct yawns, and begins to think with lingering fondness of eider-down and bedroom fires.
So a kinsman should bear him, No web of treachery weave for another, Nor by cunning craftiness cause the destruction {Higelac loves his nephew Beowulf.
He knew that the pioneers classed all Indians with the cat tribe in regard to craftiness and cruelty.
A name used as the personification of craftiness and sharpness, applied to man in Serbian folk-tale "Lying for a Wager," 283 Beata Maria.
Beardless is used as the personification of craftinessand sharpness.
By and by, however, they will unfold more clearly whatever craftiness there may be in this latter.
With all the cunning and craftiness of a general he laid his plans for the attack.
The invaders had planned with a craftiness and patience that deserved success.
Take heed that your words be purged from idle fancies and worldly desires and your deeds be cleansed from craftiness and suspicion.
When will this world-afflicting craftiness be transformed into sincerity?
They postulate a craftiness of ingenuity on the part of the writers of the incriminated books, and an ignorance in those who first received them, alike inconceivable.
From the semblance of distress which it had worn when Tarzan first saw it, it had changed to one of craftiness as he had wheeled to meet the attack from behind; but the change Tarzan had not seen.
But the brain, and the agility, and the muscles that had coped with the mighty strength and cruel craftiness of Terkoz and Numa in the fastness of their savage jungle were not to be so easily subdued as these apaches of Paris had believed.
When the deceit and craftiness of these spirits are clearly seen they appear as vipers.
But from her I got many a trait that fitted me badly, because craftiness and stubbornness and a weakness for sentiment and the like of that, had best be in a body small enough to tame them.
The policeman, Peyrade, imitated his craftiness in manner and disguise twenty years later, while acting as an English nabob keeping Suzanne Gaillard.
Louis Philippe, servants of the Marneffes and of Mademoiselle Fischer, to whom, through craftiness or gratitude, they devoted themselves exclusively.
The craftiness of this animal reminded Marie of Corentin.
Not only had Captain Broom the craftiness and cruelty of the Indian, but the cool, hard judgment of the New England Yankee, coupled with a knowledge of their possessions, supposedly limited to themselves alone.
That part of his scheme had been blocked by the craftiness of Juarez, but the Captain might make good where his spy had failed.