Perlitic structure, common among glassy lavas, consists of microscopic curving and interlacing cracks, due to contraction.
In humid climates these conditions are only rarely and locally met; for the most part a thick growth of vegetation protects the moist soil from the wind with a cover of leaves and stems and a mattress of interlacing roots.
A Crown Knot+ is formed by interlacingthe strands in a similar manner to a wall knot, but the strands are successively led over each other instead of under.
The narrow outer border, formed by an interlacingribbon outlined in gold cord, has an inner row of seed pearls along its entire length; and many of the spaces all over the side of the book have small single seed pearls in them.
The side space on each of these edges is filled up with a delicate arrangement of interlacing strap-work in black, and further ornamented with fine gold scrolls and the initials "E.
The broad, irregular, oval border itself has a design of interlacing fillets and floral emblems of considerable beauty, winged horses and Cupids, all picked out in colours.
Grisaille assumes in France the character of interlacing strapwork all in white.
True, interlacing was only possible where, as in some earlier work, the bands were continued on all four sides of the quarry, so that the lead fell into its place as interspace between two interlacing bands.
It was better when there was no pretence of interlacing (below).
Often a futile attempt was made (page 286) to give the appearance of interlacing to these bands, but that was nullified by the stronger lead lines.
That this did not deter them, that they made a shift with interlacing which does not truly interlace, marks a falling off in what may be called the conscientiousness of the Gothic designers.
In a remarkable window in the choir of Chartres Cathedral (page 150) the design includes interlacing bands both of white and colour, the coloured ones flanked with strips of white; but the white bands are not glazed separately.
Not my will but thine be done," he murmured aloud, raising his eyes to the stars which glittered keenly through the interlacing branches overhead.
The two walked silently for a time, pausing at length at the edge of a low-growing coppice, through the interlacing branches of which could be seen the fitful flash of a dying fire.
They exhibit a network of interlacing stems in imitation of the freedom of the briar-rose, and show the advanced skill of the workmen upon the plate-tracery they formerly put up as a masterpiece in the close vicinity of the rose windows.
This interlacing is supposed by many authorities to have been the origin of the "pointed lancet arch.
The interlacing of arcades was frequently used by them.
How blue are their clear veins interlacing beneath a crystalline skin!
While at the same time, by the interlacing of its countless details, it cements the laborers, the respective communities, the entire nation into a noble brotherhood of useful workers.
The interlacing railways lifted bright signal-boxes over their intersections, and signal stars of red and green in rectangular constellations.
If the interlacing margins of certain things are lovely, as colours which blend together are more harmonious than those which are crudely distinct, it is not so with the interlacing margin of sex.
But the principal ornamentation of the rich border is the interlacing arabesques of three different colours, which are decorated with a slender wreath of leaf and flower.
In the main stripe of the border are generally represented interlacing arabesques adorned with flowering vines or arabesques and a sub-pattern of vines.
They also appear in the border arranged with perfect precision within the folds of symmetrical cloud-bands and interlacing arabesques.
On it was represented a beautiful pleasure ground with brooks and interlacing paths, with trees and flowers of springtime.
It is a kind of aryballus, and is gracefully ornamented with interlacing circles.
The ceilings were covered with what we call arabesques and interlacing ornaments of all kinds, while the floors were strewn with mats woven of many-coloured reeds.
The interior of it, however, is even more elaborate, being full of little covered passages interlacing with each other in a most intricate manner, but all leading to the internal galleries.
That interlacing is the main point on which the psalmist wishes to lay stress, and therefore he begins with the most striking example of it.
The hunted fugitive feels that every step of his weary interlacing tracks, as he stole from point to point as danger dictated, was known to God.
But the conjecture may be hazarded that its reason lies in the better illustration of continual interlacing of mercy and unthankfulness afforded by the events in the wilderness, than by the plagues of Egypt.
Besides these purely Christian symbols, the ground work is covered with foliage, circles interlacing each other, figures of animals of different kinds, and men struggling with wild beasts.
This beautiful box is carved throughout, except the bottom of it, with interlacing narrow bands forming quatrefoils, in which on the cover are four eagles.
Mr. Maskell describes as "richly carved in deep relief with foliage and animals in scrolls interlacing one another, and forming larger and smaller circles.
The design of the fourth bay is a system of interlacing bands, forming alternately large and small octagons, between which are squares and oblongs.
The arcading of the aisles curiously changes towards the west in both aisles, but not at corresponding points; the change consists in the reversing the interlacing of the arches.
The interlacing work, and other carvings, are deeply cut and in excellent preservation.
There was something like a purr in his breath as he stood interlacing his tapering fingers.
If you like the fun, you may get a score of them to dive together and scramble for coppers in the deeper places, their lithe bodies gleaming wan beneath the water in a maze of interlacing arms and legs.
It would be too painful, were not the harmony of art so rare, the interlacing of those many figures in a simple round so exquisite.
The main road net of the island runs through Leyte Valley, a great number of streamsinterlacing it.
The well-camouflaged enemy defenses consisted of numerous foxholes and ten-foot-deep spider holes, many of which were connected byinterlacing communication trenches.
Through the mist of interlacing thoughts suggested by the word Peace!
For an hour they went on at a steady trot, over and under fallen logs, splashing through water holes, crashing over dead brushwood, and tearing through the interlacingboughs of the thick underbrush of spruce and balsam.
This is not very easy in the close interlacing of the stalks of a mass of fungi in consequence of their delicacy and fragility.
The whole of the Gothic decorations, which are a gradual growth in one direction, arose from the study of interlacing boughs and stems, employed as the enrichment of the newly-grown forms of the vaulted roofs.
To follow the interlacing line of an ornament, gives the mind the pleasure of untying the Gordian knot, without cutting it.