Such particular cases illustrate a principle controlling the interaction of matter and energy which seems universal in application save when evaded, as we shall see, by the ingenuity of life.
Our speculation is that we, as spectators of evolution, are witnessing the interaction of forces which have not always been acting.
Ours was the type of interaction which was fleetingly romantic, yet bereft of expectations; each of us knew the conversation would last no more than several hours and end with a smile and a reluctant farewell.
It became evident that this home was his home and, with an ample dose of personal interaction and companionship, the emotional wounds had begun to heal.
This part of the job, combined with cleaning and general upkeep, became my favorite as I needed not worry about customer interaction or managerial displeasure.
That which I saw was real; it was not an impressionistic ideal of life, for personalinteraction could bring dejection as well as elation.
Moreover, while publicinteraction would often degrade my self-image, thought would instill confidence in my unseen strengths.
Aside from my neighborhood friends, I seldom soughtinteraction with others of my age; spending much of my time with adults or alone.
Aspects which aided socialinteraction were my attitude and a light-hearted countenance.
With no prompting from my parents, I looked upon her new lifestyle and final interaction with the family and Norm as disagreeable and despaired that the circumstances would not have been different.
Aloneness did not parallel loneliness; many times I was very happy that my health allowed me to avoid social involvements, despite the fact that, after too much solitude, interaction with others became increasingly difficult.
Therefore, Norm paid for a house and refurbished its interior; he performed all domestic functions while working a 40 hour week; he found mental stimulation through books and occasional personal interaction with friends.
Some needed only a correspondent and others, a confidant; the duration of mutual interaction via post depended on the compatibility of these aspects.
The interaction at the dance demonstrated that I had not been completely forgotten in my absence, although it also served to amplify the unusual nature of my current way of life in my own eyes.
With the wave-lengths once at our disposal, we follow the ether into the most complicated cases ofinteraction between it and ordinary matter, 'the theory is equal to them all.
A few more words are necessary to complete our knowledge of the wonderful interaction between ponderable molecules and the ether interfused among them.
We have now demonstrated that crime has its natural source in the combined interaction of three classes of causes, the anthropological (organic and psychological) factor, the telluric factor, and the social factor.
This misunderstanding was explained at the congress of Geneva by the statement that the interaction of the social and telluric environment is required also in the case of the born criminal.
To sum up, crime is a social phenomenon, due to the interaction of anthropological, telluric, and social factors.
The whole subject of psycho-physical interaction and activity requires attention in due time and place; but the ground is now more treacherous, the pitfalls more numerous, and the territory to many minds comparatively unattractive.
It may be that by the interaction of two things better and newer results can always be obtained than was possible for one alone.
Ether and Ether may interact, just as matter and matter interact; but interaction between Ether and matter is peculiarly elusive.
Yet the means whereby it accomplishes the feat are essentially unknown, and the fact that such interaction is possible would be strange and surprising if we were not too much accustomed to it.
An important nucleus-synthetic reaction is the saponification of nitriles, which may be obtained by the interaction of potassium cyanide with a halogen substitution derivative or a sulphonic acid.
It has recently been ascertained that the coloration of certain sponges is due to the interaction of an oxydizing ferment, tyrosinase, upon certain colourless chromogenic substances.
As the operations on these three fields had little interaction on one another, it will be more convenient to take them separately than to follow the confusing chronological order.
Aluminium iodide, AlI3, results from the interaction of iodine and aluminium.
Crystals of anatase have been artificially prepared by several methods; for instance, by the interaction of steam and titanium chloride or fluoride.
The moment when thisinteraction might have seemed on the point of reaching a complete and harmonious result was the glorious thirteenth century, the culminating moment of the Holy Roman Empire.
An impression, which without them might have forthwith ended in reflex action, is delayed, and with this duration come all those important effects arising through the interaction of many impressions, old and new, upon each other.
The interaction of these raises insects above mere mechanical automata, in which the reaction instantly follows the impression.
Continuous processes, in which the heat necessary to bring about the interaction of the carbon and steam is obtained by performing the operation in retorts externally heated in a furnace; and 2.
In theinteraction between the old and new the latter then become the apperceiving forces.
Thus predicates and then subjects for many subsidiary judgments in the comprehensive judgment-process emerge together in action and interaction upon each other.
The truth is that there is constant interplay and interactionbetween the various phases of the inclusive judgment-process, or rather, more than this, that there is a complete and thoroughgoing mutual implication.
The interaction of bald fact and hypothetical idea into the outcome of a single world of scientific apprehension and comprehension is but the successful achieving of the aim on account of which the distinctions in question were instituted.
I have in preparation a study of the problem of physical interaction in Pre-Socratic philosophy which deals with this question in all its phases.
For he conceived that allinteraction took place by means of them.
Aristotle and Theophrastus paraphrase and sum up the passage above quoted by saying[105] that interaction is impossible except on the assumption that all the world is one and the same.
It is something which thought creates in order that a life of socialinteraction and reciprocity may go on.
The theory is that the interaction of the desert and ocean winds will always keep it as it is, whatever man may do.
Here is where the value of our belief in the interaction of the higher and the lower self comes in.
The gravitational interaction would be the result of exchange particles called “gravitons”.
The working out of the details of the strong nuclear interaction explains further the vast energies to be found resulting from nuclear reactions.
It could not be accelerated directly by any device since that always depended on electromagnetic interaction to which the neutron was impervious.
Ordinary chemical reactions, with the electron shifts that accompany them, involve the electromagnetic interaction only.
Both the photon and the graviton have zero mass and there is a connection between that and the fact that electromagnetic interaction and gravitational interaction decline only slowly with distance.
The intensity of each interaction declines with distance but only as the square of the distance.
By the time you have gigantic masses such as the earth or the sun, the gravitational interaction between them and other bodies is also gigantic.
The Nuclear Interaction In one place, and only one, did the proton-neutron theory seem a little weaker than the proton-electron theory.
Furthermore, the nuclear interaction had to decline very rapidly with distance much more rapidly than the electromagneticinteraction did.
If the distance between earth and sun were doubled, the gravitational interaction would still be one-fourth what it is now.
In many respects, The Promise of World Peace may be said to have set the agenda for Bahá’í interaction with the United Nations and its attendant organizations in the years since 1985.
A significant aspect of this work entailed interaction with local and provincial officials who sought His advice on the problems confronting them.
Society is constituted by the mental interaction of individuals and exists wherever two or three individuals have reciprocal conscious relations to each other.
Plants as individuals are the province of the botanist, but those plant groups which are the expression of the interaction of climatic factors, soil, and surface relief, are the concern of the geographer.
Very subtile and beautiful is the manner in which Björnson indicates the interaction of psychical and physical conditions.
It was his purpose henceforth to consecrate his powers to the study of the deeper soul-life of his own age and the exposition of the forces which in their interdependence and interaction make modern society.
The interaction that takes place between antituberculin and tuberculin results in formation of ferments which digest albumin, resulting in the softening of tissue.
What play and action or interaction and reaction of purely chemical and mechanical forces can throw any light on the course evolution has taken in the animal life of the globe--why the camel is the camel, and the horse the horse?
Our reason, our knowledge of the method of Nature, declare for evolution; because here we are, here is this amazing world of life about us, and here it goes on through the action and interaction of purely physical and chemical forces.
This interaction goes on throughout life; cause and effect interchange or play into each other's hands.
The fundamental mystery lies in the existence of those entities, or things, which we call matter and energy," out of the play and interaction of which all life phenomena have arisen.
As the thyroid secretion causes an increase in the facility with which nervous energy is discharged, a pathologic reciprocal interaction is established between the brain and the thyroid.
He wrote theories on the interaction of supply, demand, interest rates, rents, coinage, and foreign exchange rates.