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Example sentences for "take advantage"

  • It 's devilish cruel to take advantage of my poverty!

  • I 'm sure I want to take advantage, too--I take it whenever I can.

  • You see I take advantage of your being here--I 've got so many things to say.

  • Well, because you always seem to me to want to take advantage.

  • He gave me another 'chance,' as you elegantly express it, and I declined to take advantage of it.

  • I should certainly advise nobody to take advantage of his youth.

  • Turenne, on hearing the news, at once prepared to take advantage of it, crossed the Rhine on a bridge of boats at Spires, and passed the Neckar, General Merci retiring before him.

  • By the time they find out what my intentions are, it will be too late for them to take advantage of my absence.

  • The world was not slow to take advantage of the fact, hence there are in the field numerous other concerns in the same business.

  • In the wake of every newly developed art of world-wide importance there is sure to follow a number of unscrupulous adventurers, who hasten to take advantage of general public ignorance of the true inwardness of affairs.

  • On the other hand, we should have liked to be able to take advantage of the prevailing winds, -- the westerlies.

  • The fog came and went, and we had to take advantage of the clear intervals to get our bearings.

  • I told him of the exemption granted by the Secretary of War to the professors and students of the university, but he expressed no desire to take advantage of it.

  • I will, however, bear your suggestion in mind, and should a favourable opportunity offer I shall be glad to take advantage of it.

  • I had no doubt that, finding in the present case a more favorable opportunity, they would be very careful to take advantage of it.

  • This he was delighted to discover; but how was he to take advantage of it without exposing himself?

  • During the last illness of our friend Mussard, Leneips proposed to me to take advantage of the grateful sense he expressed for our cares, to insinuate to him dispositions in our favor.

  • Malesherbes of which I was very sensible, although I did not think proper to take advantage of it.

  • In fact he was turning over scheme after scheme in his mind in order to hit on one that would enable him to take advantage of the preparations which had been made by his rival in the circus business.

  • Fortunately the enemy forgot to take advantage of the opening and pour in a flight of arrows or darts.

  • I shouldn't be a bit surprised but what he was already plotting and scheming to send an expedition on my trail, to take advantage of anything you may learn.

  • But, you won't take advantage of me, surely, Sir Arthur?

  • I scorn to take advantage of a hasty moment; but since last night you have had time to consider.

  • Archer knew too well how to govern fools, to attempt to reason with them; and, instead of laughing any longer at Fisher's ridiculous superstition, he was determined to take advantage of it.

  • If it were known, I could not retain my seat an hour; I can't take advantage of an accidental secrecy.

  • And it would be dastardly to take advantage of land just because it was the only sort of capital which could not fly the country in times of need.

  • He knew she was only too inclined to take advantage of his weakness.

  • I am truly sorry, being ready to retire, wishing to have an honorable testimony in recompense of my labors, that one is in such hurry to take advantage of my fall.

  • Perhaps it was hardly fair to take advantage of their misfortunes to inflict a discourse upon them, but they had brought it on themselves, and we each of us gave them a piece of our mind.

  • Then, if any further occasion offered itself, he would be ready to take advantage of it.

  • He was so universally amiable and complying that my evil spirit would sometimes instigate me to take advantage of his gentleness and forbearance, but nothing could disturb his equanimity.

  • I was determined to take advantage of his communicative humour, and obtain, if possible, more light upon his purpose.

  • He has a princely will as becomes his princely birth, and we, gentlemen, who are royalists, should be the last to take advantage of circumstances to limit its exercise.

  • As it is Black cannot enter on h3 with his Queen without exchanging Rooks and so he is unable to take advantage of the weakness on f3.

  • Supposing White wants to try the immediate exchange on f6, hoping that somehow or other he will be able to take advantage of the weakness resulting on f6 and h6.

  • With whatever feeling, or for whatever reason the appointment may have been accepted, it is certain that all are equally anxious to take advantage of their furlough when the time comes.

  • I considered the permission granted, and hastily withdrew to take advantage of it.

  • The judge was prepared to take advantage of the tide, whatever its cause.

  • An intuition impelled Cynthia to take advantage of that opportunity.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "take advantage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    custard sauce; found afterwards; golden brown; ordinary circumstances; take any; take arms; take breath; take charge; take cold; take each; take fire; take good; take hede; take home; take place; take precedence; take warning; taken advantage; taken away from them; taken care; taken from the fire; taken into; taken place; taken possession; taken prisoner; takes the