The Doukhobors from Russia now settled in the far West of Canada, have saved themselves by their communism under persecution.
So far as communismof capital is concerned, did not Cleveland's graphic statement adumbrate the conditions as they exist today?
Universal communism was established in 3412, none being permitted to own, or even to claim, the exclusive use of any portion of the planet's surface, or of any other property except the share of food and clothing allotted to him.
The first and most visible effect of Communism was the utter disappearance of all perishable luxuries, of all food, clothing, furniture, better than that enjoyed by the poorest.
Our lesson in Communism has rendered all agitation on such matters, all tendency to democratic institutions, all appeals to popular passions, utterly odious and alarming to us.
Machinery did for the new State, into which the seceding societies were consolidated by the necessity of self-defence, much more than it had done before Communism declared war on it.
Although socialism and communism had been known in China long ago, this line of development of Western philosophy had interested Chinese intellectuals much less than liberalistic, democratic Western ideas.
Another school, however, believes that communism precedes "Sinism," and that the regime will slowly eliminate traits which once were typical of China and replace them with institutions developed out of Marxist thinking.
Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, second ed.
This changed with the success of communismin Russia and with the theoretical writings of Lenin.
And they predict that this trend will continue, resulting in a form of socialism or communismdistinctly different from that found in any other country.
Mao developed his ideas in written form in 1927; he showed that communism in China could be successful only if it was based upon farmers.
On the other hand, a student group in Paris had also learned about communism and had organized; the leaders of this group were Chou En-lai and Li Li-san.
It was widely believed that communism had no real prospects for China, as a dictatorship of the proletariat seemed to be relevant only in a highly industrialized and not in an agrarian society.
One may justifiably ask whether the change in human personality which Chinese communism has attempted to achieve is possible, let alone desirable.
One school of analysts believes that the friction between Soviet Russia and Communist China indicates that China's communism has become Chinese.
To remedy the evils which it alleges to exist, Communism proposes associations working upon a common capital, and dividing the produce of all the labour of the community.
Let us take one example of the mode in which Communism proposes to discharge its functions.
They have no desire to attempt the introduction of a fallacious equality, such as communism proposes; but they ask to have the legal power of combining men in common labours, according to their respective degrees and qualifications.
Ann Lee attacked church and state in the name of woman; she preached communism and separation of the sexes in the name of Christ; she taught the abolition of marriage.
Communism at Oneida was professedly built upon the doctrine of human perfection in Christian love.
It is doubly interesting as containing the germs of communism and anti-slavery that blended themselves in the beginnings of a movement for suffrage which was directly inspired by Frances Wright.
Frances Wright preached communism and sex license in the name of irreligion.
It argues that communism is the natural ally of Suffrage, and that, as homes did not spring out of the ground, they will not remain where men and women alter the mutual relations out of which the institution of home has slowly grown.
You know that collectivism adopts the formula--to each according to his labor, while communism adopts this other--to each according to his needs.
The formula of communism may then be a more remote ideal, when collectivism shall have been completely realized by the historical processes which I will consider further on.
Still less is there any evidence that Christ advocated Communism to the world in general.
It was perhaps an appreciation of this truth that impelled the practical exponents of Rousseau's doctrines, the Terrorists of 1793, to embark on their "plan of depopulation" by way of establishing Communism on a peaceful basis.
Up to this moment Communism was the happy disposition under which the human race existed and which vanished with the introduction of civilization.
The fact is that all Socialism leads toCommunism in the long run[735] and therefore to disaster.
But the Platonic Communismwas one where equality and humanity were left out.
It seems probable that the so-called communism was really an oligarchy of the favored, and that the masses lived in subjection, cut off from all but a meager share in the public property.
A few years ago it was generally believed that the organization of the old German tribes was politically an almost perfect democracy, and economically a communism wherein all had equal claims on the land.
From these theories sociological writers put forth the conclusion that the primitive state was one of promiscuity, or, as Sir John Lubbock called it in his Origin of Civilization, one of "communism in women.
It had nothing to do with the social theories of Communism (q.
The communism of the early Christians, for instance, was rather a voluntary sharing of private property than any abnegation of property as such.
It is a race as to whether this peninsula will be captured by communism or capitalism.
This does not mean that they are opposed to communism or cling as violently as most of the European peasantry to the habit of private property.
Already competitive forces are dissolving communism in land, and many of the old beauties of Russia are disappearing.
In time it is hoped a reaction may set in and that with the decline of communism new ambitions may replace the old, but then will come the problem of the rich and the poor--a thing unknown in Fijian life to-day.
After the War the working masses in Europe had the greatest illusions about Russian communism and the Bolshevik organization.
Well, the communist organization was sufficient, the bureaucratic centralization, which communism must necessarily carry with it, to arrest every form of production.
Whatever is contrary to human nature is not lasting, and communism can only accumulate misery, and on its ruins will arise new forms of life which we cannot yet define.
For my own part, not believing in universal selfishness, I have no difficulty in admitting that Communism would even now be practicable among the élite of mankind, and may become so among the rest.
It savoured to him both of communismand priestcraft.
There are hundreds of men going 'round who believe in communism but who don't want it to be known now.
We are headed for communism and we are going to get in a bloody war.
In that case Anarchy would be a fraud; but if I am allowed to do as I like, distribution is impossible and Communism a fraud.
In the second place, because tribal communism is by no means such a primitive condition as the Socialists, from Rousseau's time downwards, seem to believe, and wish to make others believe.
There is one other sect met with during the Hussite wars in Bohemia, which bears some similarity to the Anarchical Communism of the present day, that of the Chelcicians.
Kropotkin has finally broken with the Communism of Proudhon, and placed Anarchist Communismin its stead.
For this would be to fall into Communism with Plato, Rousseau, Louis Blanc, and other opponents of property, against whom I protest with all my strength.
But Communism seems an easy expedient for the average man; it can always reckon upon a public; certainly one is always to be found.
The two catchwords of the Anarchism of action, Communism and Anarchy, did not fail to have their usual effect upon the most radical and confused elements of discontent.
Throughout the rest of the catalogue, secret societies and communismare condemned; erroneous views, as regards church and state, natural and Christian ethics, and Christian marriage are expressed and denounced.
But his party in turn developed into that of the Bohemian Brethren, an intensely Puritan sect, opposed to learning, and ashamed of the memory of the communism in which their order began.
See the very intelligent survey of the situation in Kautsky's Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation, Eng.
Kautsky, Communismin Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation, Eng.
Polyandry in the joint family group was not due to a licentious view of marriage; far otherwise, it was an expression of the communism which is characteristic of this organisation.
And it is certain that there is no evidence at all of communism in wives.
It is possible, however, to see how this communism in living may have arisen and developed out of the conditions we have studied in the far distant patriarchal groups.
In Wales and in Ireland, in particular, communism was strongly established.
Each household practised communism in living, and made a common stock of the provisions acquired by fishing and hunting, and by the cultivation of maize and plants.
The basis of his view is a belief in an ancientcommunism in women.
Such sexually jealous conduct on the part of savage man was likely to be true; it was much easier to accept this than the state of promiscuous intercourse, with its friendly communism in women, in which I had hitherto believed.
It was under these conditions of family communism that the rights of the husband and father were restricted on every side.
Her Midshipman locked away his pet marmalade-pot (for there are limits even to the communism of a gunroom) and reached for his cap and dirk.
Long ages of this mode of life may well put upon a people the stamp of sociability and communism and kill out individualism and individual initiative!
So today, amid the buried hopes and buried projects of the past, the doctrine of communism still lives in the minds of men.
And yet, granting that communism were practicable, granting that Owen's hopes had some prospect of fulfillment, the doctrine still embodies evils that must make it forever inexpedient.
Men trained under the old system, with its eager rivalry, its selfish interests, could not quite yet enter into the spirit of self-renunciation that communism demands.
That cry for communism is no new one in the history of mankind.