If it is our duty to act as "cooperators with the Creator" to bring children into the world, it is difficult to say at what point our behavior is "unnatural.
They cannot help coming to regard each other to a great extent as mutual instruments of sensual gratification, rather than as cooperators with the Creating in bringing children into the world.
The cooperators were asked to establish small experimental forest plantings with the trees furnished them.
The one thing this class of cooperators is sure of when they begin is a number of consumers to make use of the service or products they purpose to supply; hence the name.
Positive cooperatorsin injury are bound to restitution when their act is the unjust and efficacious cause of the damage.
Negative cooperators are those who by their silence or inaction permit an injury to be done or to go unrepaired.
This order of priority in obligation is in force when many cooperators are bound in solidum and when they cooperated in different ways (e.
Abortion of a human fetus, when the effect is produced, brings irregularity on those who procure it and also on the cooperators (Canon 985, n.
The first kind seems justified, for it is directed against the same unjust employer, and the workers are cooperators to defend the rights of one group against him.
In other causes cooperators are considered as partial causes of the injury.
At the end of the third year of this enterprise, the American Workman published a sympathetic account of its progress unconsciously disclosing its fatal weakness, namely, the inevitable tendency of cooperators to adopt the capitalistic view.
The writer of this account quotes from these cooperators to show that "the fewer the stockholders in the company the greater its success.
Many of our cooperators report that late spring frosts frequently cause failure of chestnut crops.
Because the American chestnut often occurs on dry ridges and upper slopes, especially where soil is thin and rock outcrops are frequent, the cooperators proceeded to plant the Asiatic chestnuts on similar "tough" sites.
As a result of this unfortunate choice of site selection, together with the several severe drought periods recurring in the early thirties, the cooperators lost most of their trees during the first and second years after planting.
Unfortunately, several different species or strains have been included in the plantings of most cooperators with the U.
One of the leaders of the enterprise went to Europe in 1921 and convinced most of the leading cooperators of those countries that he was the greatest power in the cooperative movement in the United States.
In this case organized labor in the state was partly to blame for not heeding the warning of a few groups of cooperators who were aware of the nature of the concern early in its history.
The cooperative society failed and every cent of the four thousand dollars of the cooperators was lost.
Recently a group of business men, several of them builders, went through the buildings and many expressed the wish that they could get similar apartments for three times the money that these cooperators were paying.
Baits made of small pieces of perishable fat should be used almost to the exclusion of others by field men and cooperators of the bureau.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cooperators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.