He will absorb his usual requirement of spirit, keep the nerve up, and never despond of regaining her while his reward of three hundred dollars stands before a money-loving public.
Be of good cheer, my child; never despond while there is a hope left; bury the horrors of the past in the brighter prospect of the future.
The Duke does the best he can to retrieve his woods, but seems to despond more than a young man ought to do.
I wrestled myself so far out of the Slough of Despond as to take a good long walk, and my mind is restored to its elasticity.
Do not despond because it does; watch it, and guard it, lest it do; live in the contemplation of the Person and the fact that calls it forth, that it may not.
From all such thoughts there arises a piece of plain practical wisdom, which warns Christian men not to despond or despair if they do not find themselves living up to their ideal.
Is there a Slough ofDespond to be passed, and a hill Difficulty to be overcome?
Thou hast met with something, as I perceive already; for I see the dirt of the Slough of Despond is upon thee; but that slough is the beginning of the sorrows that do attend those that go on in that way.
He had, I think, a Slough of Despond in his mind; a slough that he carried everywhere with him, or else he could never have been as he was.
The Pilgrims then, especially Christian, began to despondin their minds, and looked this way and that, but no way could be found by them, by which they might escape the river.
Then they went on again; and said Mercy to Christiana, Had I as good ground to hope for a loving reception at the wicket-gate as you, I think no Slough of Despond would discourage me.
For that need not be, if they that are coming were not subject to fear and despond upon this account.
Then our bodies became attenuated by hunger, and we began to despond in mind, when once on a time at meal-time there arrived a weary Brahman guest.
We must therefore ever make resistance, and call on God for help, and despond of all human powers.
It is in order that no one might easily despondand give up his purpose.
It raised the country from a slough of despond to happiness, cheerfulness, confidence.
But he did so in such an awkward, halting way, that it seemed like anything but a character to excite sympathy; in fact, his fall into the Slough of Despond was so clumsy that he injured one of his knees.
You rolled over on the floor in the Slough of Despond like a hog wallowing; you throwed your burden in the Slough, then walked in the pond after it.
The pilgrims then, especially Christian, began to despond in their minds, and looked this way and that, but no way could be found by them by which they might escape the river.
But it is the Slough of Despond still; and still will be so, when they have done all they can.
Thou hast met with some danger already, for I see the mud of the Slough of Despond is upon thee.
Wherefore Christian was left to tumble in the Slough of Despond alone.
The Sun Maid laughed, as merrily as in the old days, and answered promptly: "I've never found any sloughs ofdespond and something is bound to happen.
We began to despond heavily; and Agnes, poor thing!
Tennyson ambles through it on a palfrey which has a tendency to flounder into every slough of despond it comes to.
Indeed, it may be surmised that some minds might sing upon the starry heights with Hegel and fathom the equivalence of being and non-being, and yet be led into a slough of despond by this same cantankerous George.
But a poetical slough of despond may be transfigured in the twinkling of an eye--after a proper amount of study and hard thinking--into an elevated plateau with prospects upon every side, grand or terrible or smiling.
The Pilgrims then (especially Christian) began to despondin their minds, and looked this way and that, but no way could be found by them by which they might escape the river.
He had, I think, a Slough of Despond in his mind, a slough that he carried everywhere with him, or else he could never have been as he was.
Then they went on again; and said Mercy to Christiana, 'Had I as good ground to hope for a loving reception at the wicket-gate as you, I think no Slough of Despond would discourage me.
Thou hast met with something, as I perceive, already; for I see the dirt of the Slough of Despond is upon thee; but that slough is the beginning of the sorrows that do attend those that go on in that way.
It is out of this slough of despond in medical education that we have climbed in the last thirty-five years.
Despond who will--I heard a Voice exclaim" 368 XXIII.
Indeed, it may be surmised that some minds might sing upon the starry heights with Hegel and fathom the doctrine of the equivalence of being and non-being and yet be led into a slough of despond by this same cantankerous George.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "despond" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.