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Example sentences for "scarcely less"

  • The maternal instinct is scarcely less fundamental; it is certainly no whit less essential for the species.

  • The girl should certainly be content to play a game for the joy of it, and be scarcely less happy to lose than to win if her side has played the game and made a good fight of it.

  • Scarcely less remarkable, and certainly not less useful, than the Traveller's Tree of Madagascar is the Massaranduba, or Cow Tree, of these grand Brazilian wildernesses.

  • It is from this tree we obtain the valuable product of gutta-percha, which has received such various and ingenious applications, and is scarcely less useful in the arts than in the sciences.

  • The Sapucaya (Lecythis ollaria) is scarcely less abundant, and of immense height.

  • Scarcely less familiar is the more elaborate but still impressive passage from Sybil, in which Lord Beaconsfield described the same event.

  • Another objection, scarcely less formidable, to the commencement of a new debt is its inevitable tendency to increase in magnitude and to foster national extravagance.

  • Scarcely less important in Japanese eyes than the chiselling of the decorative design itself is the preparation of the field to which it is applied.

  • Scarcely less important to Japan than the cereals she raises are her silk and tea, both of which find markets abroad.

  • In spring, when decked with its abundant, showy white blossoms, it is the fairest of the minor trees of the forest; in autumn, scarcely less beautiful in the rich reds of its foliage and fruit.

  • The reduction of range of action is scarcely less important.

  • Beside this fundamental principle we must place another that is scarcely less important.

  • The second distinguishing characteristic of naval warfare which relates to the communication idea is not so well marked, but it is scarcely less important.

  • At the opposite side of the Grande Place is what is now known as the Maison du Roi, formerly known as the Broodhuis or House of Bread, which is scarcely less interesting, though very much restored, than the Hotel de Ville.

  • Scarcely less beautiful is San Micheli's masterpiece, the Palace of the Grimani, which is now the post-office.

  • As might well be expected, the movement for feminine education which was felt so strongly in Italy affected France to a scarcely less degree.

  • Scarcely less important to the Protestants of southern France was the refuge they found in Montauban.

  • Scarcely less unhappy, however, than her step-mother, Louise was to behold both her father and her husband perish in a single hour by the same dreadful catastrophe.

  • The peculiar objects called celts, and the weapons and domestic utensils of this or an earlier period, are a subject of scarcely less interest.

  • The published declaration of Lord Gosford and of thirty magistrates, who attempted to obtain some justice for the unfortunate subjects of these wrongs, is scarcely less emphatic.

  • But there is another relic of St. Patrick and his times of scarcely less interest.

  • And it is a second lesson, scarcely less evident, that with God, intention of good, though it palliate, cannot excuse disobedience where He has once made known His will.

  • Scarcely less familiar is the communication of the parasitic trichinae, which often infest the flesh of swine, to those who eat such meat.

  • Scarcely less interesting is the question as to the moisture in the atmosphere.

  • Scarcely less remarkable is the coincidence of the four rivers that surround the abode of shades in the under world (Phaedo, p.

  • Scarcely less strained, though from the nature of the subject the extravagance is less repellent, is a passage in the Troades.

  • And in the passage in the First Epistle to the Corinthians which, like the one before us, contrasts the appalling wickedness of unbelievers with the spiritual condition of Christians, the reference to baptism is scarcely less clear.

  • What it has done is scarcely less manifest, and is certainly much more generally recognized.

  • It would be scarcely less reasonable to dispute 2 Corinthians.

  • The Great Sea Serpent is, indeed, as much a myth as the Kraken of Pontoppidan, but other monsters, scarcely less marvellous, are actual realities.

  • In the sky was an enormous aigrette of diamond fire, in the water a second aigrette, scarcely less splendid, with its brilliant point directed upwards, and its broad, shadowy extremity ending indefinitely in the deep.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scarcely less" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    called him; conceal from; fourth pound; good word; house belonging; imaginative literature; know things; labial palpi; leaving them; little anxiety; malleable iron; possible from; room door; scarcely able; scarcely conscious; scarcely daring; scarcely ever; scarcely knew; scarcely know; scarcely knowing; scarcely less; scarcely necessary; scarcely perceptible; scarcely think; takes occasion; under favour