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Example sentences for "inheritor"

Lexicographically close words:
inheritances; inheritaunce; inherite; inherited; inheriting; inheritors; inherits; inhibit; inhibited; inhibiting
  1. Upon William, always a favourite among the commonalty, and the inheritor of a name ennobled not only by civil wisdom but by military exploits, all eyes were turned.

  2. To the party of the municipal oligarchy he presented himself as the probable inheritor rather of the ambitions of his father and his father's uncle, than of the virtues of his great-grandfather.

  3. The inheritor of lightly won riches enters the race for success in life with a handicap weighty as the breech of a disabled columbiad.

  4. Our race is inheritor of the best blood, the best energies, the best principles, the best talent, that have illumined and vivified the human family through all its glorious past.

  5. The man or woman who is not ready to confess, who is not ready to pour out a heartful of regrets--can such a one be an inheritor of the light?

  6. His death was an awful blow to Liszt, for he used to say, "He will be the inheritor of my playing.

  7. The Sultan now became the commander of the faithful, the inheritor of the prophetic as well as military leadership.

  8. Ovando was at length recalled, and was succeeded in the government of Hispaniola by Don Diego Columbus, the eldest son and inheritor of the rights and titles of the Admiral Christopher.

  9. It is said that every Buccaneer had his chosen and declared comrade, between whom property was in common, and if one died, the survivor was inheritor of the whole.

  10. What language can more plainly or unequivocally prove that baptism is regeneration; and that the child who is thus regenerated by baptism is made a partaker of the death of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven?

  11. If regeneration takes place when the ceremony of baptism is performed, he was then made a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven.

  12. My godfathers and godmothers in my baptism, wherein I was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven?

  13. Meantime, but think how I may do thee good And be inheritor of thy desire.

  14. The very conveyances of his lands will scarcely lie in this box; and must th' inheritor himself have no more, ha?

  15. Inheritor of glory, Conceived in darkness, born in blood, and nourished 850 With tears and toil, thou seest the mortal throes Of that whose birth was but the same.

  16. Inheritor of more than earth can give, 45 Passionless calm and silence unreproved, Whether the dead find, oh, not sleep!

  17. No man, sure, could see for the first time, without emotion, the youthful inheritor of so much fame and misfortune.

  18. This an inheritor of the courage of the Georges!

  19. There, silently confronting him in the mixed light of the yellow candle flame and the faint gray dawn, stood the castaway of the village inn--the inheritor of the fatal Armadale name.

  20. Their son, Euphorion, the inheritor of all their gifts, we hail in Poliziano.

  21. They regarded it as their own, as their glory in the past, as their pride in the future, if only the inheritor of the Caesars would do his duty and rule the world from Rome with equal justice.

  22. A strange result of wealth, to advance the inheritor one more step in the knowledge of possible misery!

  23. On the day after the revelation, a thought came into the mind of the inheritor of the rubies.

  24. The Earls of Hereford had taken a prominent part in the past history of England, and this last inheritor of their name, if not of their title, was not to be unknown in the public life of his country.

  25. Grosse is probably right in his {628} assumption that the father became a patriarch, in the true sense of the word, only as the inheritor of the authority which formerly belonged to the clan.

  26. The devil, chief master of such practices, put in the venomous brain of this disloyal and traitorous priest to devise how he might make his scholar the aforesaid Lambert to be reputed as right inheritor to the crown of this realm.

  27. Bacon was not the originator but the inheritor of the ideas on which both these societies were founded.

  28. Painter and sculptor, architect and poet, Orcagna is at once the inheritor of Niccolo and Giovanni Pisano, and of Giotto.

  29. He may be regarded as the last direct inheritor of the traditions of Masaccio.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inheritor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.