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Example sentences for "bronzing"

Lexicographically close words:
bronks; bronze; bronzed; bronzen; bronzes; bronzy; broo; brooch; brooches; brood
  1. If the solution be too strong, the bronzing comes off with friction, or the copper gets covered with a white powder, which becomes green by exposure to air, and the labour is consequently lost.

  2. The iron-coloured bronzing is given by black lead or plumbago, finely pulverized and washed.

  3. But the most common material used for browning, is the butter or chloride of antimony, which, on account of its being subservient to this purpose, has been called bronzing salt.

  4. The same nerve-lesion may give rise to bronzing of the skin, and two cases are recorded in which disease of the pancreas (cheesy infiltration, cancer) was attended by this symptom.

  5. Print to bronzing under a strong negative; fix in hypo, toning first if desired.

  6. The wings are made of copper or brass and finished in repoussé, or can be tarnished and the high places burnished with 000 sandpaper or steel wool, then lacquered with white shellac or banana bronzing liquid.

  7. See in bronzing sunshine Twenty-two good fellows, Such as help the world along, Such as Cricket mellows!

  8. See in bronzing sunshine Thousands of good fellows, Such as roll the world along, Such as Cricket mellows!

  9. To do our best in spite of luck, To stop or gallop for the drive, To seek our fun in bronzing sun, Shall cause both head and heart to thrive.

  10. This was no doubt due to the bronzing liquid rather than to the aluminum.

  11. At the present time manufacturers are being corresponded with looking to the development of a bronzing liquid that shall be non-toxic to buds.

  12. It is done by sprinkling or rubbing bronzing powder on the work before the last coat of varnish is dry.

  13. Bronzing is pretty for some kinds of work.

  14. Green, fire, and copper bronzing should have a light background; silver and gold bronzing should have a dark background.

  15. Bronzing is the latest improvement in wax work, and if properly made cannot be detected from the most expensive, artistic bronze.

  16. Bronzing is the latest improvement in waxwork, and if properly made cannot be detected from the most expensive artistic bronze.

  17. To the partial decoloration of the skin in Tokelau ringworm and to the bronzing of the skin in Addison's disease, these remarks equally apply.

  18. She looked at her hands; as she dipped them in the brook nearly all the bronzing of Morgiana had washed away.

  19. A solution in hydrochloric acid constitutes the commercial “butter of antimony” used for giving a dark bronzing to brass.

  20. The oak wilt disease is caused by the fungus Chalara quercina Henry and is characterized by a very noticeable bronzing and wilting of leaves that drop prematurely.

  21. Apply the spray before many leaves show the typical bronzing or leaf scorching.

  22. Another says that bronzing, even when the bronzing machine is used and the precautions specified by the Factory Act are taken, is unhealthy.

  23. Then again, a folder, despised herself by those above her, is reported to "look down upon the litho and bronzing girls.

  24. When bronzing the workers appeared to get 1s.

  25. When bronzing by hand is wanted these girls are set to it (13 were doing it last week).

  26. I was told that it was quite a mistake to think bronzing unhealthy.

  27. Manufacturers of inkstands in Connecticut write: "We employ from twelve to fifteen American women in painting, varnishing, and bronzing inkstands, and pay from fifty to sixty cents per day of ten hours.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bronzing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.