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Example sentences for "hooting"

Lexicographically close words:
hoost; hoot; hootch; hooted; hooter; hootings; hoots; hooves; hop; hope
  1. The night was very still, and save for an occasional rustle of the wind in the distant tree-tops, the hooting of an owl, the melancholy cry of a peewit and the hoarse barking of a dog, the silence was undisturbed.

  2. Soon Fred heard the hooting of an owl, and he perceived how at this cry one of the Indian girls, of the age of Agnes, detached herself from the crowd.

  3. Soon the boys heard the hooting of an owl, and they whipped their horses into a trot.

  4. Whether they guessed this or not, Ange was received by his school fellows with that sweet spirit of brotherhood born among children and perpetuated among "the grown ups," in other words with hooting and teasing.

  5. Hooting from both sides of the wall killed his doleful entreaties.

  6. A tall column of flame and smoke was mounting to the sky; the trees were tinged with a crimson light, and the crackling of the fire could be distinctly heard above the hooting and yelling of the infuriated crowd.

  7. The prisoners were obliged to pass through this hooting and yelling crowd, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that the soldiers protected them from its violence.

  8. None of these unfortunates paid the slightest attention either to the hooting mob or the dreadful doom from which but a few instants separated them.

  9. Being only a boy, my heart would leap at every crackling of a dry twig or distant hooting of an owl, until, at last, I reached our teepee.

  10. Here the partridge drummed his loudest, while the whippoorwill sang with spirit, and the hooting owl reigned in the night.

  11. The hooting owl especially is a dangerous bird to attack under these circumstances.

  12. Just then Hinhankaga, the hooting owl, gave his doleful night call.

  13. The stars mocked him and he seemed to hear hooting laughter from somewhere far away.

  14. Nothing but the taunting reaches of space, the mocking pinpoints of the stars, the hooting laughter of the engines.

  15. At first I paid little attention to the hooting, but as the hours began to grow longer and the clouds thickened, the hooting became more interesting.

  16. The oxen were lying down, broken clouds hung over head, and all was quiet except the hooting of owls in the hills across the river and who seemed to be keeping company with their neighbors located some distance away.

  17. Hooting again, when they file out of the chamber.

  18. The prompt attendance of the members at the hour of meeting, in spite of the hooting and murmurings of the crowd, seemed to convince the people that this was yet another conspiracy against liberty.

  19. The reading of this memorandum is often interrupted by hooting from the galleries, in spite of the president's orders.

  20. We also killed a large hooting owl resembling that of the United States, except that it was more booted and clad with feathers.

  21. The pilot-boat glided slowly out of the fog, keeping to the middle of the fairway, and moving slowly inward hooting incessantly.

  22. On the best supposition the ship had gone inshore too far north or south, and now lay somewhere out at sea hooting and heaving the lead, without daring to move.

  23. Night had fallen upon a wild Florida forest, and all was still save for the hooting of a distant owl and the occasional plaintive call of a whip-poor-will.

  24. With the coming of darkness the air was filled with the noises of the swamp; the croaking of multitudes of frogs, the hooting of owls, and the hoarse bellowing of many alligators.

  25. She had slept for two or three hours--a miserable sleep of exhaustion; but when she was awakened by the hooting of an owl outside the window, she lit her lamp and made no further attempt at repose.

  26. When Gabrielle made her appearance the next night an ear-splitting noise of hooting and catcalls rose from the officers' seats.

  27. The officers and the actress both remained so obstinate that it came to the former hooting until the curtain had to be dropped and the latter left the stage.

  28. Around it wheeled a large white owl, distinguishable by its ghostly plumage through the gloom, like a sea-bird in a storm, and hooting bodingly as it winged its mystic flight.

  29. Suddenly the demon hunter waved a pike with which he was armed, and uttered a peculiar cry, resembling the hooting of an owl.

  30. Before him he beheld Herne clambering the bank, accompanied by his two favourite hounds, while a large white owl wheeled round his head, hooting loudly.

  31. The clanking of the chain was heard, succeeded by the hooting of the owl; then came a horrible burst of laughter, then a fearful wail, and all was silent.

  32. The night was bitterly cold, and by little moans and sighs coming from the direction of the Hooting Carn Joan could tell the wind was about to rise, and would perhaps end in a great storm.

  33. To go to bed every night with the sound of hooting in my ears!

  34. A faint, confused murmur, as of distant hooting is heard.

  35. The sound of an owl's hooting is floating in, and of voices from the green outside the inn.

  36. There is the sound of a vehicle starting, and the continual hooting of its horn as it makes its way among the crowd.

  37. A burst of hooting is led by a soldier in khaki on the outskirt.

  38. The birds, to whom the secret of the hooting cuckoo is unknown, must have set down to instinct this premonitory bustle.

  39. A troop of strange children ran at his heels, hooting after him, and pointing at his gray beard.

  40. A breathless stillness pervaded the air, and no sound for a great length of time could be heard but the hooting of owls on the opposite side of the river, and the howling of wolves in the flats about a mile above.

  41. With shouting and hooting we pierce through the sky, And Echo turns hunter, and doubles the cry.

  42. For two hours before the lecture a crowd assembled in front of Mr Elmy's gate, hooting impartially every one seen entering or leaving the house.

  43. Then, after a time, a voice below, to the left of the cave, ascended with a hooting and mournful effect from the depths.

  44. I walked between my captors across the street amongst hooting knots of people, and up the steps of the portico, as if in a frightful dream.

  45. He had read all his life of Owls, and even had seen them alive in cages, but this was the first time he had ever heard the famous hooting of the real live wild Owl, and it was a delicious experience.

  46. A Horned Owl had been hooting not far away.

  47. They stayed like this for some time, the fire burning before them, the moon flooding the forest, the owl hooting from his hole in some decaying tree.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hooting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.