Nothing could have been more unearthly than the picture presented in that little, wood-circled arena, of velvet- like grass and rural beauty.
We will now go to that little bit of wood, when you shall all see what it contains.
In much less time than it has taken to record the fact, that little piece of bottom-land was crowded with wolves, deer, and men.
How all of this would have been changed had she known of that little bill!
Indeed that name destroyed all the life there was in that little flirtation.
And the sunlight played through the leaves on that little party of the three generations grouped tranquilly under the pear-tree, which had long borne no fruit.
I don't know what she sees in that little flibbertigibbet," he burst out, but noticing that they were no longer alone, he turned and again began examining the lustre.
It was very little that he found to say, nor did he find her responsive to that little.
Old Jolyon had taken his cigar from under his white moustaches, stained by coffee at the edge, and looked at her, that little slip of a thing who had got such a grip of his heart.
The cap was no longer visible; that little spot of colour had vanished in the stream of the noon promenaders.
I can understand how you have frightened that little donkey, Clarence, the most estimable of moon-calves (I really love him) nearly out of his wits.
You see that young lady who was here just now--that little, quiet, fragile figure passing along there, Tatty?
Pancks, 'you were to live to know what was behind us on that little hand of yours.
I haven't told you so much of your fortune yet, Miss Dorrit, as to tell you what's behind me on that little hand.
I had been very happy there, I had a great attachment for the Doctor, and I was eminent and distinguished in that little world.
That little, neat, tidy square, with its bright houses, seemed to her a Garden of Eden.
The drawing-room, that littleband of Conservatives belonging to all parties, and daily increasing in numbers, soon wielded powerful influence.
I bet you're giving all your savings to that little hypocrite, Silvere.
But some laid the blame on the influence of that little bigot of a Talbrun, who had secretly blown up the fire of religious enthusiasm in Jacqueline, when Madame d'Avrigny's energetic "Hush!
I pays a penny to that little gell to bring me a dozen pair an' fetch 'em back.
But up to the present moment nothing had touchedthat little heart, and the reply had been the same to all "No!
I have not clearly read, 'Oh, how glad I should be to marry the millions of that little person!
I'll be as snug in that little cruiser as a bug under a chip--and we'll tow the lifeboats.
I also beg to tender you my assurance that if I have seemed in the past to cherish an unchristian resentment of that little deal in grape stakes, the memory of the outrage no longer rankles in my bosom.
That little profit of one per cent saves your bacon, boy.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that little" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.