Business initiative, the function of the entrepreneur (business man) is comprehended under this principle taken in its most general sense.
For no entrepreneur will long continue in business if he be not able to sell his product at a profit, and his going out of business will decrease the supply and so raise the price by the well-known law of supply and demand.
But even though the price asked were sufficient to pay the employees just wages and the entrepreneur simply refused to do it, would the Consuming Class be justified in buying the article?
Indeed, the entrepreneur sometimes finds it to his advantage to give his employees even more than strict justice would demand.
He compares the leasing of a piece of land with the loan of capital to an entrepreneur but finds, as is so often the case, that the comparison will not hold.
It means we should support everyone who's willing to work and every risk taker and entrepreneur who aspires to become the next Steve Jobs.
An entrepreneur flipped on the lights in her tech startup and did her part to add to the more than 8 million new jobs our businesses have created over the past 4 years.
America is every immigrant and entrepreneur from Boston to Austin to Silicon Valley, racing to shape a better future.
We've launched next-generation manufacturing hubs and online tools that give an entrepreneur everything he or she needs to start a business in a single day.
We should start where most new jobs do, in small businesses, companies that begin when an entrepreneur takes a chance on a dream or a worker decides it's time she became her own boss.
The individual entrepreneur does not know how much others are producing, and so it may easily happen that he over-estimates the demand for a certain commodity with which he will then overstock the market.
Sismondi's maxims he declares subversive to capitalist society: 'Why does he call for an inquiry into the laws which might oblige the entrepreneur to guarantee a living for the worker he employs?
Society despoils the working man because it ensures to every kind of entrepreneur free disposition over his capital, that is to say his property!
The Entrepreneur a Passive Functionary under Static Conditions.
The Functions of Capitalist, Laborer, and Entrepreneuroften performed by One Person.
How the Entrepreneur contributes to Production under Dynamic Conditions.
What more could anentrepreneur ask of a prospective employee?
Now if you'll follow me"--the entrepreneur opened the cabin door letting in a blast of heat and a flood of yellow sunlight.
He looked around for Alexander, but the entrepreneur was the center of a three-cornered argument, hemmed in by Douglas, Henry, and Anne.
The entrepreneur should have been covering his tracks, not threatening jail and disaccreditation.
As the enterprise grows, two processes combine to denude the entrepreneur of some of his initial functions.
In economics we always distinguish between the capitalist and the entrepreneuraspect in a single person, and thus we reconstruct the fundamental situation which was the point of departure for our comparison.
Now the capitalist may himself have the idea and the particularized knowledge, or the entrepreneur may have the capital.
The entrepreneur can afford to pay interest for the use of this money, since with the aid of the goods and services which it will buy, he can produce more shoes than would otherwise be possible.
The distribution among the workmen of a large share of the profits accruing at the end of the first year might so deplete the financial reserves of the entrepreneur that he would be unable to meet the losses of the second year.
Thus one way of increasing the demand for labor is to increase the supply of land, capital, and entrepreneur ability.
What effect has the development of entrepreneur ability had upon the condition of the laboring classes?
Coöperation in production, though it fails to reach its chief objective, has the virtue of demonstrating to groups of workmen that the entrepreneur is of far more value in our industrial life than they might otherwise have realized.
Select for study a successful entrepreneur in your community.
The share going to the entrepreneur is determined less exactly than is the share of the land-owner, the capitalist, and the laborers.
The amount of rent paid for a piece of land depends partly upon how much the entrepreneur wants the land, and partly upon the available supply of land of the type wanted.
A land-owner could not be expected to, and will not, allow the entrepreneur free use of this land.
Let us assume that the entrepreneurborrows of a capitalist the money required to procure these necessities.
The amounts received by the individuals coöperating with the entrepreneur are not, however, arbitrarily determined.
Explain the significance of the entrepreneur in distribution.
With John Stuart Mill, in general, we have anentrepreneur view-point.
The point involved is sufficiently illustrated by the case where a man who is not a banker lends his money to an entrepreneur of a new undertaking.
Costs consists of entrepreneurmoney outlay of various kinds, chiefly wages, interest, and rent.
Money-expenses of production, entrepreneur outlay, plus wages of management, or including wages of management, are the factors with which Mill reckons.
Similarly, Kapital is conceived of as an agent, a dynamic force, distinguished from accumulations of concrete productive instruments, by means of which the entrepreneur gets control of land, labor and instrumental goods.
But it is virtually only as a pecuniary doctrine, costs from theentrepreneur view-point, that the cost doctrine is met in modern theory.
The entrepreneur with a big idea cannot actualize that big idea unless he can bring it into conjunction with land, labor, capital, and a market for the products.
Rent is, for the Austrians, as much a cost as any other item of entrepreneur outlay.
Cost for the entrepreneur is simply a money matter.
The problem of production and of marginalship is, accordingly, an entrepreneur problem.
The managing entrepreneur knows better, when he deals with union rules and walking delegates.
The furious entrepreneur was swinging the weapon into firing position to kill the fallen man when Hanlon leaped forward and grasped his arm, holding him back.
Later in the day, when it was time for the entrepreneur to go to his downtown office, he put into effect another suggestion Hanlon had made.
The entrepreneur came, boiling over with anger, to Hanlon's rooms.