He was not a great tactician or strategist but, because of the little things he did, men loved him and would ride to hell for him, and their collective moral strength became the bastion of his professional success.
At Belmont, his first small action, he showed nothing to indicate that he was competent as a tactician and strategist.
He was a good tactician and a very proud and dignified officer.
He admitted that such a bold movement could be successfully executed only with reliable troops like the regulars, if led by an officer who was a tactician able to conceive such a daring attack.
Murat's character as a tactician was far inferior to that which he deservedly bore as a soldier in the field of battle, and he was still a worse politician than a general.
Great tactician as he was, Napoleon did not play well at that military game, and it was with difficulty that his antagonist, Montholon, could avoid the solecism of beating the Emperor.
Napoleon was not less original as a tactician than as a strategist.
A tactician once asked the question--What is the difference between an army and a mob?
Years ago, when some tactician ventured to say that the war of the future embraced only the question of long-range rifles and wire-entangled trenches, we were inclined to pooh-pooh!
He was a tactician of the old school, imbued with the idea that every march should be made in perfect order.
Then, stretching out his arms to embrace him, he cried out, "My dear Marshal, you are the finest tactician in Europe.
A leader of men rather than a tactician or strategist, he played on the enthusiasm of his soldiers by example rather than precept.
No one who reads them can doubt that St. Cyr was a great strategist, while his powers as a tactician are proved by his never-failing success on the field of battle.
As a tactician his glory is that he endeavoured to use the old tactics with intelligence.
Grasse was, no doubt, a less wary and skilful tacticianthan Guichen.
He had acquired a reputation as a tactician and fighter on other fields.
He was an adroit parliamentary tactician who held his followers together through a difficult time.
An adroit tacticianand incisive speaker was of priceless value to them.
Furthermore, an indiscriminate attack tends to close the ranks in a solid phalanx, and it should be the aim of a tactician first to seek to loosen those ranks.
In this respect Gladstone proved himself an abler tactician than Pitt.
Had the Khalifa been astute or a tactician he would have attacked our camp at Sururab that night or early next morning.
He achieved the victory entirely off his own bat, so to speak, proving himself a tactician and a soldier as well as what he has long been known to be, the bravest of the brave.
In this, the foremost of the learned professions, his genius as a tactician was early displayed.
I agree that a great tacticianmay not per se be a great man, but I do say that one who possesses this element, usually embodies those other elements which are accepted ordinarily as the true ingredients of greatness.
The skillful tactician is master of every situation and is the victor in every important contest.
Thomas Jefferson was a great man, a great diplomatist, a great tactician and an illustrious citizen and patriot.
In the manner in which he controlled politics during his two terms as President, which resulted almost in the total absorption or annihilation of the Federalist party, he exhibited the qualities of a tactician rarely, if ever, equaled.
As the precentor in a choir leads the masses with his baton, and under correct leadership they rarely miss a note, so does the great tactician issue his commands, and his wishes are supreme.
He was a splendidtactician as well as skilful engineer, and gallant withal.
Porter was the most skilful tactician and strongest fighter in the Federal army, thoroughly trained in his profession from boyhood, and of some experience in field work.
The younger, keener tactician did not seem to demand an answer to her supposition.
Buell was a thoroughly educated soldier, as a strategist and tactician the equal of Grant; but he was too much of an organizer, and this, with a volunteer army to command, really detracted from his merit.
As an organizer of armies for the field, and as a tactician in battle, he was an utter failure.
General Rousseau, of whom it is proposed to speak in this chapter, is not a strategist nor a tactician according to the rules of West Point, in whose sciences he is uneducated save by the practical experience of the past four years of war.
Thomas as first among the tacticians; but Grant, combining the qualities of both tactician and strategist, must always be ranked as greatly the superior of both Thomas and Sherman.
An able tactician and strategist of inexhaustible resources, he had distinguished himself in the Polish war and later held many important commands.
As a warrior he was great, yet more of a tactician than a strategist.
Among the ton she passes by the name of Vestina the Titan, from her being such a finished tactician in the campaigns of Venus;.
But the clear-sighted and cool-headed tactician at the head of the bulwark of Virginia saw far beyond the blundering war-chess of his antagonist.
This warning the clear-headed and subtle tactician took in such part, that he at once prepared to dispatch his whole force to Manassas to join Beauregard.
His guilty love-making was an occasional embarrassment to him, and though he was the greatest naval tactician of his time, his domestic methods were hopelessly clumsy and transparent.
Both as a strategist and as a tactician Torrington was immeasurably ahead of his contemporaries.
It is to be scored to his credit as a tacticianthat he let this single enemy go, rather than scatter his fleet and lose ground in trying to take her.
Mrs. Crawford could see that Mr. Glaston was annoyed at the presence of Harwood by the side of the girl, and she smiled, for she was too old a tactician not to be well aware of the value of a skeleton enemy.
As Mrs. Crawford now gave a casual glance round the descending party, she felt that her skill as a tactician was not on the wane.
Now, to what able parliamentary tactician must we ascribe the honor of this invention?
Yes, but take care you don't make an enemy of Vinet, who will think you very impertinent to have an idea which ought, naturally, to have come into the head of so great a parliamentary tactician as himself.