See also Boloki Bangalas of Angola, electivechieftainship among the, ii.
Hereditary and elective monarchy, combination of the two, ii.
Elective and hereditary monarchy, combination of the two, ii.
Charles O'Conor opposed the elective system, the union of the two courts, and the abolition of the county court.
Now, in place of the ancient appointive system, the people demanded an elective judiciary which should be responsible to them and bring the courts to them.
He was understood to favour an elective judiciary and moderation in all doubtful reforms.
His advocacy of an elective judiciary, the union of law and equity, and the simplification of pleadings and practice in the courts, showed that there were few stronger or clearer intellects in the constitutional convention.
This is what explains their insistence upon separate electorates wherever the elective principle comes into play in the composition of representative bodies.
Suppose your reliance had been altogether on this broken staff, and not on theelective principle?
But while the elective principle remains free, no great danger of lasting oppression can be really apprehended; as long as this continues, the people will know who to trust.
Among these five Synods, the principle called elective affinity has been strikingly exemplified; while what the Scripture denominates schism, has been as visibly rampant as perhaps at any period under the Christian dispensation.
I was as free from political bias as it was possible for a man to be who felt it to be a part of the duty he owed to society to exercise the elective franchise.
The office of this functionary is not an elective one.
It is pleaded that the Constitution provides for its own amendment; and we ought to use the elective franchise to effect this object.
What did the crucified Nazarene do without the elective franchise?
They made a preparatory demand of the elective Legislative Council, without which nothing would be accepted as satisfactory.
They also urged, with the same vehemence as in the sister colony, the demand for an elective legislative council.
The elective Legislative Council, however, and the entire management of the public lands could not be conceded.
The elective Legislative Council, and the direct responsibility of the executive one to the Assembly, were both declared inexpedient; though it was stated as desirable, that considerable improvements should be made in the composition of both.
In the college of arts and sciences the elective system, with certain restrictions, obtains.
These delegates or sages came in their hereditary or elective character, as the case might be, or as the customs and laws of the tribe in its popular character had decided.
He has sided with the Parliament in England, and is engaged on a scheme to persuade Cromwell to recall the King, and seat him on the throne as an elective monarch.
The Queen does not wish to break with him altogether, both because he has great influence with some powerful Catholics, and because, if nothing better can be done, she would perforce accept the elective monarchy for her son.
Yes, sir, to put an end to elective and representative government!
Did Michigan do right in thus fixing the elective franchise?
They are with us the best and safest depositories of the political elective power.
They are the peculiar and favorite institution of aristocratic republics, and elective monarchies.
Darwin is here speaking ofelective affinity in its fully developed form, as absolute cross-sterility between fully differentiated species.
This elective capacity is all the more wonderful, as it must have been acquired since the many species of this great group of plants branched off from a common progenitor.
Another objection ag^{st} a single Magistrate is that he will be an elective King, and will feel the spirit of one.
Elective Governments also necessarily become aristocratic, because the rulers being few can & will draw emoluments for themselves from the many.
In the latter, altho' the elective Magistrate has very little real power, his election has at all times produced the most eager interference of foreign princes, and has in fact at length slid entirely into foreign hands.
M^r Butler thought the mode not free from objections, but much more so than an election by the Legislature, where as in elective monarchies, cabal faction & violence would be sure to prevail.
Their grand jurors, were elective by the people, their petit jurors were returned merely by lot.
The council was elective annually by the house, liable to the negative of the chair, and the chair restrained from acting, even in the executive department, without the concurrence of the board.
I asked in amazement, heightened by the disrespectful way in which Minnie had dealt with elective affinities.
In London the only example where the elective principle is employed in the choice of a parish priest is presented by Clerkenwell.
The views taken by the Commission in respect of an elective Second Chamber and municipalities have found expression elsewhere.
It is at the present time the upper house of the Philippine Legislature, the Philippine Assembly, composed of eighty-one elective members, constituting the lower house.
Still later, provision was made for the gradual establishment of an elective legislative council, so long and earnestly demanded by the old legislature of Lower Canada.
Accordingly, soon after its admission, the province obtained a constitution similar to that of other provinces: a lieutenant-governor, a responsible executive council and an elective assembly.
The key-note of the whole document is an elective legislative council, which would inevitably increase the power of the French Canadians and place the British in a hopeless minority.
We cannot reason in geogeny, as we would of a common chemical precipitation, where we precipitate earths that have been dissolved by elective affinities.
It is easy to say that the earths had been dissolved in the water, and were then precipitated by elective affinities.
The elective affinities are based upon the polarizibility or transmutability of the Fluid and the Solid into the primary bodies.
But an elective officer must be given "an opportunity to be heard in his own defense.
To save the expense of a special election, vacancies in elective offices are filled by temporary appointment, except in the case of members of the legislature and members of the United States house of representatives.
An elective monarchy is one in which the succession is by election; the term for life; example, the old German empire, in which the emperor was chosen by certain princes called "electors.
In case of a vacancy in any of the other elective offices, the most usual plan is for the governor to make a temporary appointment until a new election can be held.