The loss of my dear sister," said Mrs. Stevens, "is the mostafflictive trial I have ever been called to endure.
The afflictive dispensation which deprived me of all my property, and left me dependent on my children, though severe, has proved the most beneficial occurrence of my history.
Under the most trying circumstances and afflictive dispensations a calm holy resignation to the will of God added a brighter lustre to his exalted qualities.
With the calm and dignified fortitude of a Christian, philosopher and hero--he met the shafts of afflictive fate.
No community, no individual, neither in the East nor in the West, however afflictive the circumstances that now prevail, can afford to hesitate or falter.
Afflictive occurrences, such as famines, pestilences, earthquakes, are signs of some hostile supernatural power, defense against which requires the avoidance of ordinary pursuits.
However afflictive your sufferings may be, stay ye undisturbed, and with perfect confidence in the abounding grace of God, brave ye the tempest of tribulations and fiery ordeals.
The Abhá Beauty endured the most afflictive of calamities.
Thou didst write of afflictive tests that have assailed thee.
Her susceptible mind and tender frame, overcome by the severity of the scenes she had gone through, and oppressed by consciousness of having deviated from her duty, sunk under her afflictive situation.
His sufferings have now reached their culmination in this afflictive Prison, into which His oppressors have so unjustly thrown Him.
I have heard many such things: Afflictive comforters are ye all.
They are a light unto those who believe in them and a fire of afflictive torment for those who turn away and reject them.
Let no Corinthian pillars prop the dome, A vain expense, on charitable deeds Better disposed, to clothe the tattered wretch, Who shrinks beneath the blast, to feed the poor Pinched with afflictive want.
At 24 there was a favorable sitiwation of events, if there was not somebody or somethin' afflictive on the contrary, the which I am disposed to think might be possible.
Deep as is the gloom that already encircles the world, the afflictive ordeals which that world is to suffer are still in preparation, nor can their blackness be as yet imagined.
A divorced husband may remarry his divorced wife, but if he does so, he cannot be again divorced, except on the ground of a sentence to a peine afflictive et infamante passed on one of them since their remarriage.
And instantly the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was cured of her afflictive disease.